Electricity shock absorber and tariff shield: a postponement until 30 June 2023 to transmit the eligibility certificate
Publié le 25 avril 2023 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
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Companies wishing to benefit from the electricity shock absorber scheme or the tariff shield now have until 30 June 2023 to submit their eligibility certificate. It must be sent to the energy supplier. Both schemes will end on 31 December 2023.
In order to benefit from the electricity shock absorber and tariff shield devices, the eligible company must transmit to its energy supplier a attestation of honor of eligibility.
This can now be sent to June 30, 2023 for electricity supply contracts signed before 31 May 2023.
For contracts signed after May 31, 2023, the certificate must be returned within one month of the effective date of the supply contract.
The tariff shield addresses to VSEs (companies of less than 10 employees with a annual turnover less than € 2 million) having an electric meter of one power less than 36 kVA. It limits the increase in electricity prices to an average of 15%.
The electric shock absorber is intended SMEs and VSEs with an electricity meter with a power output exceeding 36 kVA. This scheme aims to reduce electricity bills for energy-intensive companies affected by the sharp rise in energy prices.