
Labeling opening for Industry Week 2023!

Publié le 04 octobre 2023 - Legal and Administrative Information Directorate (Prime Minister)

As part of Industry Week, which runs from November 27 to December 3, 2023, companies are invited to register their events now, until November 20, 2023.

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Image 1Crédits: standret - stock.adobe.com

With more than 1.6 million participants in attendance last year, Industry Week 2023 is getting ready.

This helps to promote the industry sector and the opportunities it offers around various events organized by companies, industry federations and educational and training establishments.

These events can take the form of:

  • job dating;
  • escape games;
  • visits to companies and training establishments;
  • webinars...

As an indication, more than 4,737 events were labeled during the 2022 edition.

What are the conditions to label your event?

To be labeled, the event must meet 4 cumulative conditions:

  • be free;
  • take place between 13 November and 17 December 2023;
  • be open to the general public: jobseekers, young people...;
  • to inform and communicate on the subject of industry.

How to label your event?

An event is labeled using a form available on the dedicated site weekindustry.gouv.fr.

This label is subject to validation by the Validation Committee which has 4 working days to label or not to label the event.

Please note

The organizer of the event receives a communication kit once his project has been labeled.

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