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A simulator to calculate severance pay
Publié le 06 décembre 2023 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
Do you want to know how much severance pay you are entitled to? You can use the simulator set up on the Digital Labor Code website. explains its instructions for use.

The Redundancy Compensation Simulator allows employees and companies to calculate redundancy payments due or payable.
The tool developed by the Directorate-General for Labor is available on Digital Labor Code since february 2023.
It now uses 47 collective agreements. It calculates bothstatutory indemnity dismissal (corresponding to the Labor Code) andcontractual indemnity (corresponding to the collective agreement on which your company depends). The calculation takes into account two important elements: seniority and reference salary.
The final amount proposed is that which corresponds to the most favorable compensation for the employee.
Steps of the process
You will be guided step by step through the process and can go back if necessary.
Go to the simulator and prepare the following information:
- your company entry and exit dates;
- the date of notification of the dismissal;
- the amount of your salaries for the last 12 months.
The process consists of 5 steps during which you must answer a series of questions that will help clarify your situation:
- employment contract : type of contract, reason for dismissal, situation at the time of dismissal;
- collective agreement : you can enter the name of your collective agreement if you know it; if you do not know it, you can search for it at this stage by entering the name of your company or its Siret number, the tool will tell you if the agreement on which you depend is integrated into the tool;
- seniority : contract start and end dates, date of notification of dismissal, long absences during the contract;
- wages : full-time or part-time during the contract, amount of gross salary during the last 12 months;
- allowance : the simulator gives you the result of the compensation calculated on the basis of all the information provided previously.
Please note
it is recommended that the collective agreement be completed as it may result in a more favorable outcome than that defined by the Labor Code. You can find the name of your collective agreement on your pay slip or on your employment contract.
If your collective agreement cannot be filled in, the simulation can still take place and will provide a result based on the Labor Code.
How is the compensation calculated?
Once the compensation amount is calculated, you have the option of viewing the calculation detail and printing it.
The report summarizes:
- all the data you provided to establish the simulation;
- the formula used for the calculation;
- the result: the amount provided for in the Labor Code and the amount provided for in the collective agreement if it has been completed;
- the legal sources used in the calculation.
Please note
at the end of the simulation, if you have not specified which collective agreement you depend on, it is recalled that a more favorable amount than that calculated by the simulator can be used: in the case of a collective agreement, company agreement, specific employment contract or usage.
more information is available on the website Digital Labor Code :
- a toolbox of alternative simulators (notice period, net/gross salary calculation, calculation of the precarious allowance, etc.);
- a directory of collective agreements by industry and the corresponding FAQ;
- templates of documents and letters to carry out your labor law procedures;
- practice sheets on various work-related topics.
Additional topics
Ministry of Labor