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Minimum Wage
The minimum wage is increased by 1.13% as of January 1, 2024
Publié le 21 décembre 2023 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
At 1er January 2024, the Smic will amount to €1,766.92 gross per month, or €1,398.69 net for 35 hours per week. This is an increase of 1.13%, as stated in the decree published in Official Journal December 21, 2023. informs you about these changes.

Each year, the minimum wage for growth between occupations (SMIC) is increased annually by decree on 1er January, which takes into account inflation developments for the lowest 20 percent of households. Furthermore, each increase of at least 2% in the consumer price index is automatically followed by a corresponding increase in the minimum wage.
In January 2024, it is automatically upgraded by 1.13% to €1,398.69 net. The gross amount rises to €1,766.92. This is specified in a decree of December 20, 2023, raising the minimum growth wage, published in the Official Journal December 21, 2023.
At 1er May 2023, the Smic increased by 2.22% as a result of the annual legal increase. Since then, it has amounted to €1,747.20 gross monthly, or €1,383.09 net (gross hourly amount €11.52).
The new amounts as of January 2024:
- Net Smic at 1er January 2024: €1,398.69
- Gross Smic at 1er January 2024: €1,766.92
- Net hourly minimum on 1er January 2024: €9.22
- Gross hourly minimum on 1er January 2024: €11.65
the amount of the Smic is automatically increased to 1er January of each year according to inflation and purchasing power indicators.
The amount of the net minimum wage received by the employee depends on the company concerned and on certain contributions linked to the sector of activity.
Please note
in Mayotte, the gross hourly minimum wage is increased from €8.70 to €8.80, i.e. a gross monthly amount of €1,334.67 based on the legal working time of 35 hours per week.
The guaranteed minimum is €4.15 per 1er January 2024 (€4.10 at 1)er May 2023).