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Discover the Current Minute of the month of January

Publié le 29 janvier 2025 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

While the 2025 budget has not yet been passed, many changes have already taken place for companies since the beginning of the year. Here's the Current Minute of January.

Vidéo - Current Minute January

VAT-based exemption: what developments?

New turnover thresholds have been set for companies wishing to benefit from the VAT exemption scheme. They can now also benefit from this scheme for their intra-Community transactions. Well, since the 1er January, if the higher threshold is exceeded, VAT will be charged as from the date of the overrun.

Economic activity courts: what competences?

The 1er in january, 12 commercial courts became tribunals for economic activities. These courts have extensive jurisdiction over collective and amicable proceedings. See the full list of these courts and their competencies on our dedicated page.

Social contributions: what rates at 1er january?

Many employer contribution rates have evolved while others have remained unchanged pending the enactment of a Social Security Financing Law for 2025. These rates are available on our website.

For this first Current Minute of the year, informs you of the 3 main news of the month:

  • What are the developments VAT exemption?
  • What are the skills of the Economic Activities Tribunals established at 1er january?
  • Social contributions: what rate to 1er january?

The Current Minute is available on LinkedIn and YouTube.


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