What is the Single Occupational Risk Assessment Document (DUERP)?
Verified 07 August 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
The single occupational risk assessment document (DUERP) is obligatory in all companies as soon as the 1er salaried worker. To carry out the DUERP, the employer identify and evaluate first, lRisks present in the company. It then records in the DUERP the outcome of the assessment of the health and safety risks to which employees may be exposed. We're doing an update on the regulations.
Occupational risk assessment is the responsibility of the employer. It is part of its general obligation toensuring safety and protecting health employees.
This assessment shall respect the general principles of prevention.
General principles of prevention
The 9 general principles which govern the organization of prevention are as follows:
- Avoid the risks, i.e. removing the hazard or exposure to the hazard
- Evaluate the risks, i.e. assessing the exposure to the danger and the importance of the risk in prioritizing the preventive actions to be carried out
- Tackling risks at their source, i.e. incorporating prevention as early as possible, in particular when designing workplaces, equipment or operating procedures
- Adapting work to man, taking into account individual differences, with the aim of reducing the health effects of work
- Taking account of technical developments, i.e. adapting prevention to technical and organizational developments
- Replacing a hazardous product or process by what is less dangerous, when the same result can be obtained with a solution presenting less danger
- Plan prevention by integrating technology, organization and working conditions, social relations and the environment
- Prioritize collective protection measures and use personal protective equipment to complement collective protections if they are insufficient
- Giving appropriate instructions to employees, that is to say, to train and inform them so that they are aware of the risks and the preventive measures.
Approach to Occupational Risk Assessment
The evaluation approach is structured and includes steps following:
- Preparing for the risk assessment
- Identifying risks
- Risk ranking
- Proposal for preventive actions.
Risk assessment is defined as the identification of hazards and risks to the health and safety of workers, in all aspects related to work.
It shall include an inventory of the hazards and an analysis of the risks identified in each work unit of the company or establishment, including those relating to thermal environments.
Example :
The staircase and theelectricity represent a danger in the company.
L'electrocution by changing a bulb or the fall in a staircase are risks.
This approach has specific features depending on the number of employees in the company (less than 50 employees or 50 employees and more).
Less than 50 employees
The employer first identifies the risks and then classifies them according to company-specific criteria (e.g. frequency of exposure and severity).
The following stakeholders also contribute to this risk assessment:
- Employee involved in the protection and prevention of occupational risks in the company, when appointed by the employer
- Preventive and occupational health services to which the employer subscribes
- ESC: titleContent, if it exists.
The identification, analysis and classification of risks make it possible to define and prioritize preventive actions covering the technical, human and organizational dimensions.
The employer shall assess the risks of his activity in particular in the following areas:
- Choice of manufacturing processes
- Choice of work equipment
- Choice of chemical substances or preparations
- Development or reorganization of workplaces or facilities
- Organization of work
- Definition of workstations.
This assessment shall take into account the gender-differentiated impact of risk exposure.
The results of this evaluation are reflected in the definition of risk prevention and protection actions employees.
This list shall be included in the DUERP: titleContent and its updates.
The DUERP: titleContent shall contain the following elements:
- Hazard Inventory and outcome of the risk assessment identified in the company
- List of prevention actions risks and protection of employees.
The results of the risk assessment shall be recorded in the DUERP: titleContent to respond to 3 requirements :
- Consistency : by consolidating data from the analysis of the risks to which workers are exposed in a single medium
- Convenience : to bring together on a single document the results of the various risk analyzes carried out, thus facilitating the follow-up of the risk prevention approach in company
- Traceability : A systematic postponement of the results of the risk assessment must be carried out in order to ensure that all the elements analyzed are on paper or computer media.
There is no model imposed by the labor code. However, some professional branches (e.g. cleanliness and building) offer tools to assist in the preparation of the document.
The employer has the choice of the medium that seems best suited to his needs (paper or digital document).
The employer must append to the DUERP the collective data useful for the traceability of employees' exposures to occupational risk factors.
This exposure may be related to a high physical stress, an aggressive physical environment or a particular work rate.
The employer must also indicate the proportion of employees exposed to these factors beyond the thresholds defined by the Labor Code. For example, an employee exposed to mechanical vibration, extreme temperature, or repetitive motion activity.
This information allows the employer to report the employee's exposures to his prevention business account (C2P).
The DUERP: titleContent shall be made available to the following:
- Worker, former worker and any person or body which can demonstrate an interest in having access to it
- Members of the staff delegation of ESC: titleContent
- Occupational health and prevention service
- Labor Inspection System Officers
- Prevention Services Officers Carsat: titleContent
- Agents of professional health, safety and working conditions bodies
- Radiation protection inspectors for workers exposed to ionizing radiation, for the installations and activities for which they are respectively responsible.
The employer must display the rules for consulting this document in a suitable and easily accessible place in the workplace.
In company rules and regulations rules and regulations or establishments with a
Updating the DUERP: titleContent has features depending on the size of the company:
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
Company of less than 11 employees
The DUERP shall be updated in the following situations:
- At any time adjustment decision amending working conditions or affecting the health or safety of employees (e.g. use of a new hazardous chemical)
- When a additional information of interest in the assessment of a risk in a work unit is collected (e.g. occurrence of occupational diseases).
Company of 11 or more employees
The DUERP: titleContent is updated in the following situations:
- At any time adjustment decision amending working conditions or affecting the health or safety of employees (e.g. use of a new hazardous chemical)
- When a additional information relevant to the assessment of a risk in a work unit is collected (e.g. occurrence of occupational diseases)
- At least once a year.
The DUERP: titleContent shall be forwarded by the employer at each update to the occupational health and prevention service to which he is a member.
The DUERP: titleContent, in its successive versions, shall be retained by the employer for a period of 40 years from the time it is drawn up.
The employer, if he does not enter the occupational risks of the company in the DUERP: titleContent or its updating, is liable to the fine provided for contraventions of 5e class:
- For a natural person, until €1,500 (up to €3,000 in case of recurrence)
- For a legal person, until €7,500 (up to €15,000 in case of recurrence).
The employer who does not make the ERPD available to the ESC: titleContent commits a obstruction offense. The penalty may be up to 1 year imprisonment and €3,750 of fine.
50 or more employees
The employer first identifies the risks and then classifies them according to company-specific criteria (e.g. frequency of exposure and severity).
Stakeholders also contribute to this risk assessment depending on the size of the company:
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
Company of less than 300 employees
The following stakeholders are involved in the risk assessment:
- ESC: titleContent
- Employee involved in the protection and prevention of occupational risks in the company, when appointed by the employer
- Occupational health and prevention service to which the employer subscribes.
Company of 300 or more employees
The following stakeholders are involved in the risk assessment:
- ESC: titleContent
- Committee on Health, Safety and Working Conditions
- Employee involved in the protection and prevention of occupational risks in the company, when appointed by the employer
- Occupational health and prevention service to which the employer subscribes.
The identification, analysis and classification of risks make it possible to define and prioritize preventive actions covering the technical, human and organizational dimensions.
The employer shall assess the risks of his activity in particular in the following areas:
- Choice of manufacturing processes
- Choice of work equipment
- Choice of chemical substances or preparations
- Development or reorganization of workplaces or facilities
- Organization of work
- Definition of workstations.
This assessment shall take into account the gender-differentiated impact of risk exposure.
The results of this evaluation are reflected in the development of the annual programme for the prevention of occupational risks and the improvement of working conditions.
This program contains the following information:
- Detailed list of preventive measures taken with result indicators and estimated costs
- Identify company assets that can be mobilized
- Timetable for the implementation of the measures.
The DUERP: titleContent must include thehazard inventory and the risk analysis result identified in the company.
The ESC: titleContent is consulted on the content of the DUERP.
The results of the risk assessment shall be recorded in the DUERP: titleContent to respond to 3 requirements :
- Consistency : by consolidating data from the analysis of the risks to which workers are exposed in a single medium
- Convenience : to bring together on a single document the results of the various risk analyzes carried out, thus facilitating the follow-up of the risk prevention approach in company
- Traceability : A systematic postponement of the results of the risk assessment must be carried out in order to ensure that all the elements analyzed are on paper or computer media.
There is no model imposed by the labor code. However, some professional branches (e.g. cleanliness and building) offer tools to assist in the preparation of the document.
The employer has the choice of the medium that seems best suited to his needs (paper or digital document).
The employer must append to the DUERP the collective data useful for the traceability of employees' exposures to occupational risk factors.
This exposure may be related to a high physical stress, an aggressive physical environment or a particular work rate.
The employer must also indicate the proportion of employees exposed to these factors beyond the thresholds defined by the Labor Code. For example, an employee exposed to mechanical vibration, extreme temperature, or repetitive motion activity.
This information allows the employer to report the employee's exposures to his prevention business account (C2P).
The DUERP: titleContent shall be made available to the following:
- Worker, former worker and any person or body which can demonstrate an interest in having access to it
- Members of the staff delegation of ESC: titleContent
- Occupational health and prevention service
- Labor Inspection System Officers
- Prevention Services Officers Carsat: titleContent
- Agents of professional health, safety and working conditions bodies
- Radiation protection inspectors for workers exposed to ionizing radiation, for the installations and activities for which they are respectively responsible.
The employer must display the rules for consulting this document in a suitable and easily accessible place in the workplace.
In company rules and regulations rules and regulations or establishments with a
The DUERP: titleContent is updated in the following situations:
- At any time adjustment decision amending working conditions or affecting the health or safety of employees (e.g. use of a new hazardous chemical)
- When a additional information relevant to the assessment of a risk in a work unit is collected (e.g. occurrence of occupational diseases)
- At least once a year.
The ESC: titleContent shall be consulted on the occasion of updates to the DUERP: titleContent.
The DUERP is transmitted by the employer at each update to the prevention and occupational health service to which he subscribes.
The DUERP: titleContent, in its successive versions, shall be retained by the employer for a period of 40 years from the time it is drawn up.
The employer, if he does not enter the occupational risks of the company in the DUERP: titleContent or its updating, is liable to the fine provided for contraventions of 5e class:
- For a natural person, until €1,500 (up to €3,000 in case of recurrence)
- For a legal person, until €7,500 (up to €15,000 in case of recurrence).
The employer who does not make the ERPD available to the ESC: titleContent commits a obstruction offense. The penalty may be up to 1 year imprisonment and €3,750 of fine.
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For information about preventing occupational risks
Pension Insurance and Occupational Health Fund (Carsat)For information on the prevention of accidents at work and occupational diseases
National Research and Security Institute (INRS)
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Functions of the Social and Economic Committee in companies with at least eleven employees and less than fifty employees
Annual consultation on company social policy, working conditions and employment
General principles of prevention
Occupational risk factors
Single risk assessment document
Breaches of health and safety rules
National Research and Security Institute (INRS)