Employer Mobility Plan

Verified 20 March 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

The companies of 50 or more employees on the same site located in a agglomeration of more than 100 000 inhabitants must develop a employer mobility plan. Its objective is tooptimize andincrease travel efficiency linked to the activity of the company, in particular those of its staff, in order to reduce the pollution generated by transport and to reduce congestion in infrastructure (traffic jams). It must be sent to the built-up area.

In all agglomerations more than 100,000 inhabitants, there is a mobility plan. The mobility plan shall lay down the principles governing the organization of the mobility of persons and goods, traffic and parking in the built-up area.

The list of agglomerations concerned and the municipalities they include is available in a order available on Légifrance.

In all the municipalities situated in these agglomerations, employers of 50 or more employees on the same site must develop a employer mobility plan.


Employers with at least 50 employees on the same site must draw up an employer mobility plan that integrates all sites in their company, including those with less than 50 employees.

The objectives of the employer mobility plan areoptimize andincrease the efficiency of company-driven travel, in particular its staff, with a view to decrease :

  • Of greenhouse gas emissions
  • Of emissions of air pollutants
  • From the congestion infrastructure and means of transport (traffic jams, etc.)

It shall encourage and facilitate the use of:

  • Of public transport
  • From carpooling
  • Of active mobilities (walking, cycling, etc.)

It also aims to sensitize staff with the challenges of improving air quality.

The employer mobility plan must be given priority drawn up during the annual negotiations on occupational equality between women and men and on quality of life and working conditions.

On the insidelack of agreement, it is prepared by the employer. It may include, in particular, the payment of employees' personal transport costs, making them benefit from the sustainable mobility package.

Please note

The companies located on a same site may establish a joint employer-to-business mobility plan, which has the same objectives.

The employer mobility plan shall:

  • Evaluate the transport offer existing and planned
  • Analyze Displacements between home and work and business travel
  • Understand a adapted programme of actions the situation of the establishment, a financing plan and a timetable for implementation of the measures
  • Specify how your tracking and its updates will be insured

The programme of actions may in particular comprise measures concerning :

  • L'work organization, on teleworking and the flexibility of timetables
  • The logistics and supplies of goods
  • The promotion the means and uses of alternative transport to private cars :
    • Public transport
    • Carpooling
    • Car Sharing
    • Bicycle
    • Walking

The Agency for the Ecological Transition (ADEME) published a guide on the company mobility plan in February 2018. Caution : the threshold of 100 employees indicated in the guide has been lowered to 50 employees, and several other elements mentioned in the guide have evolved since its publication.

This guide remains useful as a inspiration when drafting the employer mobility plan:

Please note

The agglomerations must inform the companies of their territory of the content of their mobility plan (that of the agglomeration).

The employer mobility plan must be forwarded to the Mobility Organizing Authority (MA)territorially competent (the built up area in which the company is located). One list of AOMs is available.

Example :

Puilboreau, in Charente-Maritime (17), is located in the agglomeration of La Rochelle.

A company located in Puilboreau with an employer mobility plan must send it to the town hall of La Rochelle.

The list of agglomerations and municipalities they include is available on Legifrance:

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