Obligation to produce renewable energy or to replant roofs
Verified 01 January 2025 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
During their construction, extensions or major renovations, certain buildings, in particular for tertiary useshall be subject to obligations. They must integrate on at least 30% of the roof of the building or on the umbriers overhanging its parking areas, a method of renewable energy production or a revegetation system. This percentage will be increased to 40% in 2026, and 50% in 2027.
Another obligation also applies to parking areas associated with these buildings. It requires them to settle shading and stormwater management. These two obligations should not be confused.
Building construction
Some buildings or parts of buildings must include either a renewable energy production process, or a revegetation system.
This applies to constructions of buildings or parts of buildings for use:
- Commercial, industrial, artisanal or administrative
- From offices
- Warehouse
- Hangars not open to the public which are commercially operated
- Sports, recreation and leisure
- School and university students.
The obligation also applies to covered car parks accessible to the public that create more than 500 m² d'ground right-of-way.
Other obligations apply to parking areas. One sheet dedicated to the obligations of installation of stormwater management and shading devices of parking areas details the regulations.
Extensions and associated renovations
These obligations also apply to extensions and heavy renovations of buildings or parts of buildings where such extensions or renovations have a ground right-of-way of more than 500 m². The buildings concerned are for use:
- Commercial, industrial, artisanal or administrative
- From offices
- Warehouse
- Hangars not open to the public which are commercially operated
- Sports, recreation and leisure
- School and university students.
The buildings or parts of buildings affected by the obligation must include on their roofs or on shadows overlooking the parking areas associated with them:
- Let's say one renewable energy production process (e.g. PV panels)
- Let's say one revegetation system based on a cultural method using drinking water only as a supplement to the reclaimed water, guaranteeing a high degree of thermal efficiency and insulation and promoting the preservation and restoration of biodiversity
- Or any other device leading to the same result.
Shadows overlooking the parking areas associated with buildings must incorporate a renewable energy production process over their entire surface area (e.g. photovoltaic panels). These arrangements shall be taken into account in the assessment of compliance with the obligations set out in this fiche.
Renewable energy production processes and vegetation systems must be carried out on the roof of the building or on shadows overlooking the parking areas associated with the buildings.
The the minimum area covered by these systems shall be at least 30% the proportion of the roof built or renovated and any shadows built on the parking areas.
This percentage shall be at least:
- 40% as of 1er July 2026
- 50% as of 1er July 2027
Where parking areas include shade, these must incorporate a process for the production of renewable energy over their entire surface.
Example :
The total area of the roof of a building is 2,000 m². Heavy renovations are carried out on 800 m² of roof, in parallel with the construction of 200 m² of shadows overlooking the parking area associated with the building.
The owner must settle renewable energy production processes and/or revegetation systems on at least 300 m² (either 30% of the surface of the renovated roof and of the shadows created: 800 + 200 = 1 000). To meet its obligations, the owner may decide to settle:
- 100 m² of vegetated systems on the part of the roof that has been renovated
- And 200 m² of photovoltaic panels on the umbriers
General framework for exceptions
Heavy constructions, extensions and renovations may benefit from an exception to all or part of the obligation:
- Or if installation of mandatory processes and devices is not possible. This applies in particular if the installation is likely to aggravate a risk or presents an insurmountable technical difficulty. This can happen:
- Due to heritage constraints
- For existence of a technical and/or architectural constraint
- For a security constraint
- Or if the work to fulfill this obligation cannot be carried out in economically acceptable conditions :
- For disproportionate installation costs
- For excessive renewable energy production costs
1. Exception due to property constraints
An exemption from renewable energy production or revegetation obligations may apply to certain buildings or parts of buildings. These are:
- Classified buildings, registered or protected under historic monuments
- Other buildings located:
- To historic landmarks
- In the perimeter of a remarkable heritage site
- In a registered or classified site
- Inside the heart of a national park
These buildings or parts of buildings are subject to the obligation for the production of renewable energies or the revegetation of their roofs only if the competent administrative authority (the mayor or prefect) agree or authorizes the work necessary to meet those obligations.
2. Exception for technical and/or architectural constraints
1. The existence of a technical and architectural constraint shall be established when the necessary adaptations to the installation of a renewable energy production system or a revegetation system are made:
- Either call into question the durability of the initial structures (for example because they make a fragile roof heavier)
- Either are not technically feasible (for example because there is no system adapted to the dimensions and architecture of the building)
2. The existence of a only technical constraint shall be established when:
- Where the building or part of the building has a ventilated roof consisting of an overlaid horizontal wall acting as a sun visor, which does not allow the installation of a renewable energy production system or a vegetating system on the minimum mandatory surface
- The presence of technical roofing installations does not make it possible to cover the proportion of the roof that must be covered with regard to the obligation to produce renewable energy or to plant. As a reminder, the proportion of the roof area that must be covered to meet the requirement must be at least 30%. It will be 40% as of 1er July 2026, then 50% as of 1er July 2027.
Please note
Exceptions for technical and architectural constraint or technical constraint only apply in the case of heavy renovation works.
3. The existence of a architectural constraint only opposing the installation of a revegetation system is established where the roof slope is greater than 20%.
3. Exception for existence of a security constraint
The existence of a safety constraint shall be established where there is no system of renewable energy production or revegetation suitable for the building. This applies if the installation or use of all legacy systems that can be settled violates any of the following:
- Design, construction, operation and changes in buildings
- General building safety
If there is a system in place that does not violate these security rules, the exception does not apply.
4. Exception for disproportionate installation costs
The existence of disproportionate installation costs shall be established where the duty-free cost of work required to install a renewable energy production system or of a revegetation system overshoot 15% of the total cost, excluding taxes, of the work construction, extension or renovation.
Please note
Where the cost of the works is borne by a third-party investor, the existence of disproportionate installation costs shall be established if the duty-free remainder exceeds 15% of the total cost, excluding taxes, of the work.
5. Exception for excessive renewable energy production costs
The existence of excessive renewable energy production costs is established when the discounted cost energy produced by the renewable energy production system:
- In the case of a photovoltaic installation, over a period of 20 years exceeds the value of the purchase or reference tariff used for the calculation of the revenue which may be obtained from the sale of the electricity produced by the installation, multiplied by a coefficient equal to 1,2.
- In the case of a renewable heat installation, is above a threshold of €200/MWh over the lifetime of the equipment. The service life of the equipment to be taken into account may not be less than 20 years.
The discounted energy cost is defined as the discounted sum of the investment costs and the operating and maintenance costs of the system divided by the discounted sum of the annual amounts of energy produced by the system. The calculation of the discounted cost of energy shall take into account a discount rate set at 3%.
L'updated energy cost assessment is the subject of a technical-economic study carried out by a specialist company. This company:
- Has a professional qualification or certification in accordance with the requirements of the support system to which the installation is subject
- has a quality label corresponding to the installation implemented on the roof and issued by an organization that has signed the ‘EGR Studies’ charter with ADEME
Justification for the exception
The city planning authorization authority (mayor or prefecture) may provide that some or all of the obligations do not apply to the construction, extension or renovation of buildings or parts of buildings where certificate from the developer, attached to the application for city planning authorization, justifies one of the exceptions. The certificate must be accompanied by the documents justifying the exception which the contracting authority considers may be granted.
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Disproportionate installation costs
In order to justify the exception for economically unacceptable conditions, the contracting authority must attach to the certificate a note detailing the comparative calculation the duty-free cost of the work required to install the system and the total duty-free cost of the work.
This note is accompanied by 2 quotes from companies specializing in the installation of renewable energy production systems or revegetation.
In the case of a renewable energy production system, the note shall also be accompanied by the technical and economic study of a specialist company, presenting:
- Projected electricity generation or energy savings
- Associated revenues
- Where relevant, the updated cost of the energy produced by the installation
The technical-economic study must be less than 6 months at the time of submission of the application for city planning authorization or, where the works do not require city planning authorization, at the date of acceptance of the estimates or of the award of the contracts for the renovation works.
Excessive renewable energy production costs
In order to justify the exception for excessive renewable energy production costs, the contracting authority must attach to the certificate a note.
This note shall be accompanied by:
- 2 quotes from specialized companies in the installation of renewable energy systems
- The technical and economic study of a specialist company, showing the estimated electricity production or energy savings, the associated revenues and the discounted cost of the energy produced by the installation
The technical-economic study must be less than 6 months at the time the application for city planning authorization is filed. Where the work does not require city planning authorization, the study must be dated less than 6 months from the date of acceptance of quotes or contracting for the renovation work.
Technical and/or architectural constraints
To justify the constraint exception technical and architectural, the contracting authority shall attach to the certificate a argument of the prime contractor setting out the technical reasons why no existing system can be settled on the building or part of the building.
In the case of the constraint exception technical only, the contracting authority shall:
- Attach to the certificate a argumentative of the prime contractor. This argument must set out the technical reasons why the minimum area cannot be reached. The developer is then required to submit a plan for reaching as close as possible to this minimum area
- Or mention in the certificate the presence of the ventilated roof and the area covered by it
In the case of the constraint exception architectural only, the contracting authority shall indicate the slope of the roof in the certificate.
Security constraint
To justify the constraint exception of safety, the contracting authority shall attach to the certificate a written submission from the prime contractor demonstrating that no system can be settled without violating safety requirements.
The contracting authority shall attach to its business case an unfavorable opinion or an opinion containing requirements :
- Either the departmental advisory committee on safety and accessibility of the department
- Any authority competent in civil security matters where such authority is required
- An approved technical controller A1
When the developer considers that the project does not qualify for any exception, it must attach to the applicationcity planning authorization a certificate setting out the plan to install a system of:
- Renewable electricity generation
- Renewable heat production
- Vegetation
This certificate must demonstrate that the project is capable of meeting its obligations for the production of renewable energies or the revegetation of roofs.
Support for your city planning authorization request
Please note
The Ministry responsible for city planning offers assistance to assist project promoters in their application for city planning authorization:
Administrative checks and penalties
Of administrative checks may be carried out during the construction or renovation of buildings and up to 6 years after their completion. They may take place between 6 a.m. and 9 p.m. and, outside those hours, when the premises are open to the public.
When a failure to comply is established during a check, relationship is handed over to the competent administrative authority (e.g. prefecture or town hall). A copy of this report shall be given to the owner of the buildings, who may submit his observations to the administrative authority within a period which it shall determine and which shall be at least one month.
Owner can be formal notice regularize his situation within a specified period. If, on expiry of the time-limit, he has not rectified his situation, the competent administrative authority may adopt one or more of the administrative sanctions following:
- Require the person served with formal notice to record in the hands of a public accountant before a date determined by the administrative authority, a sum corresponding to the amount of work or operations to be carried out
- Proceed ex officio, instead of and at the expense of the person served with formal notice, the execution of the prescribed measures. The amounts recorded are then used to pay the expenses incurred
- Suspend Jobs of construction, renovation or demolition until the owner's situation has been rectified and take the necessary protective measures, at the expense of the person served notice
- Order payment of a administrative fine at most equal to €20,000 for a natural person and to €100,000 for a legal person
- Order payment of a penalty payment daily at most equal to €300 for a natural person and to €1,500 for a legal person, applicable from the date of notification of the decision fixing it and until satisfaction of the formal notice or of the measure ordered
Such measures shall be taken after informing the owner of the buildings of the grounds on which such measures may be based and of the opportunity to submit his observations within a specified period of at least one month.
Fines and periodic penalty payments shall be proportionate to the seriousness of the deficiencies identified. The fine may be imposed up to three years after the failure to fulfill obligations has been established.
The act laying down these sanctions can be published on the website of the prefecture, for a period of between 2 months and 5 years.
Criminal sanctions
the fact that, for land users, beneficiaries of works, architects, contractors or any other person responsible for carrying out works, not to comply with these obligations shall be punished by a fine of €45,000 (natural person) or €225,000 (legal person).
In case of recurrence, a sentence of 6 months imprisonment may also be pronounced.
Who can help me?
The public service accompanying companies
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Creation of obligation
Details, including exceptions
Setting of the proportion of the roof of the building covered by a system of revegetation or production of renewable energy, and details of the economically acceptable conditions linked to the installation of such systems
Ministry of the Environment
Ministry of the Environment
Ministry of Culture and Communication
National parks of France