Does the employee receive the precarious allowance at the end of an employment contract?

Verified 21 September 2023 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

At the end of his CSD: titleContent, the employee shall in some cases a so-called premium precarious premium.

This premium shall be equal to at least 10% the total gross remuneration paid during the contract of employment.

The premium shall be paid in accordance with type of fixed-term contracts carried out.

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The Precarious Employment Premium is paid to the employee at the end of the CDD.

She is not paid in case of:

  • Serious misconduct of the employee
  • Early termination of the employment contract at the employee's initiative
  • Employee's refusal to enter into a DTA: titleContent proposed by the employer.

A simulator for calculating the precariousness premium is available:

Calculating an employee's precarious allowance

Temporary employment contract (temporary)

The precarious allowance is paid to the employee at the end of the temporary employment contract.

She is not paid in case of gross negligence of the employee.

A simulator for calculating the precariousness premium is available:

Calculating an employee's precarious allowance

Professionalization contract

The Precarious Employment Premium shall not be paid at the end of the professionalisation contract.

The premium may, however, be paid if collective agreement indicates so.

Single Insertion Contract (SIC) - Skills Employment Path (JEP)

The Precarious Employment Premium is not paid at the end of a single insertion contract.

The premium may, however, be paid if collective agreement indicates so.

Contract of employment support (CAE)

The Precarious Employment Premium is not paid at the end of a employment support contract.

The premium may, however, be paid if collective agreement indicates so.

Apprenticeship contract

The Precarious Employment Premium is not paid at the end of a apprenticeship contract.

The premium may, however, be paid if collective agreement indicates so.

User Agreement

The Precarious Employment Premium is not paid at the end of a contract of use.

The premium may, however, be paid if collective agreement indicates so.

Student contract (during school holidays)

The precarious allowance is not paid at the end of a student contract.

However, the premium may be paid according to practice company.

Seasonal contract

Sectors of activity using seasonal employment are mainly agriculture (e.g. harvest contract), the agro-food industry or holiday tourism (e.g. ski instructors).

The precarious allowance is not paid in principle at the end of a seasonal contract.

The premium may, however, be paid if collective agreement indicates so.

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