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Application for Export Permits and Re-Export Certificates (CITES) (Online Service)

Directorate General of Customs and Indirect Taxes

This service allows, after registration, to obtain online the permit or certificate mandatory for all export (exported outside the EU) or re-export (imported into the EU and subsequently exported outside the EU) of a species of fauna and the flora wild endangered, covered by the CITES Convention.

To request a CITES document, you must first register in thei-CITES application to get a identifier and one personal password which will then allow applications to be submitted online.

In addition, the i-CITES application can be used to populate your import notifications and print, before presenting them to the customs office of introduction in the EU for validation and endorsement.

It is also a search tool (without registration required for this function). It provides access to a database that gathers all the regulations, with a search by species name (taxonomy) or by country.

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    Verified 30 October 2023 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)