
Declaration of premises for commercial or professional use (Form No. 6660-REV) (Form 14248*05)

Ministry of Finance - Cerfa n° 14248*05
Autre numéro : 6660-REV

Allows any owner of a business premises to declare within 90 days one of the following situations:

  • New construction
  • Change in the consistency of the premises (examples: expansion, division or meeting of pre-existing premises)
  • Change of location (e.g. conversion of dwelling to business premises)
  • Change of use of the premises, i.e. alterations which have the effect of adapting the premises to a new activity (e.g. workshop converted into a shop).

If you are the owner of a mixed-use premises comprising a residential and a professional part (for example, in the case of the liberal professions working at home), only the professional part assigned to the exercise of the activity must be described.

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    Émetteur du formulaire administratif : Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information

    Verified 24 May 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)