Notification forms to inform inspection of classified installations of an accident or incident (Model Document)
The operator of a PCI shall report to inspection of classified installations accidents or incidents which have occurred as a result of the operation of a classified installation for environmental protection (ICPE). This is compulsory for events likely to undermine risk prevention, in particular for the environment, health and public safety.
The website ARIA of the Ministry responsible for the environment shall make available templates for accident or incident notification forms. They must be forwarded as soon as possible to the inspection of classified installations following any incident or accident occurring in a PCI.
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Metropolitan France (including Corsica)
Agricultural or agri-food sector PCI
The service to be contacted is the Departmental Directorate for Employment, Labor, Solidarity and Protection of the Population (DDETSPP)
There is a specific document template for accidents involving pressure vessels, an incident-specific involving flying fauna and wind turbines, and one general form for other accidents or incidents.
Please note
The use of these documents is recommended but not mandatory.