Legal notice

Verified 23 July 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

The mandatory legal notices concerning are indicated on this page in accordance with the law for trust in the digital economy (LCEN) of June 2004.

Publisher identification

Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information 26, rue Desaix 75727 Paris Cedex 15

Standard: 01 40 58 75 00

SIREN NO: 130-009-186

SIRET NO: 130-009-186 00011

EPA Code: 5813Z / Journal Edition

Publishing Director

"Within the meaning of Article 93-2 of Law No. 82-652 of 29 July 1982."

Anne Duclos-Grisier, Director of the DILA.

Accommodation provider


Worldline France

1, Place des Degrés

92800 Puteaux

Processing of personal data is a trademark of which has been declared to the Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL) under the number 712957.

The database distributed in the Directory of Administration section has been the subject of a specific declaration under the number 1546654.

The administrative directory was authorized by the decree of 6 November 2000 on the creation of a website entitled (amended by the decree of 10 August 2001).

In accordance with the provisions of the law n° 78-17 of 6 January 1978 relating to data processing, files and freedoms, you have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete data concerning you. To request a modification, rectification or deletion of the data concerning you, you simply send an email or post to the DILA with proof of your identity.

Statistical Manager

The statistical tool is hosted in France by the business Eulerian Technologies.


Eulerian Technologies

52 bis rue Ramponneau

75020 Paris

Search Engine

The search engine uses Elastic Search technology


The management of the messaging is carried out under the Akio 5.0 software of the Akio-software business . provides many links to other sites, mainly official sites (government, institutions, public bodies, etc.). We systematically indicate to which site we propose to go. However, these web pages whose addresses are regularly checked are not part of the portal: they do not engage the responsibility of DILA

Make a link

Any public or private website is authorized to establish, without prior authorization, a link to the information disseminated on However, portal pages should not be nested inside pages in another site. For more details on how to link: see Availability of data

Trademark law

The logo of is a semi-figurative mark (combination of a logo and a name), it was the subject of a declaration at the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) which was published in 2011 in the Official Bulletin of Industrial Property (BOPI)