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European Union
Launch of the European Social Fund +
Publié le 19 décembre 2022 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
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As part of its new programming for 2021-2027 approved by the European Commission on 27 October 2022, the European Social Fund has become the European Social Fund +. This fund is the main instrument for promoting employment and social inclusion in the countries of the European Union.
What is the role of the European Social Fund+?
The European Social Fund + is a structural fund of the European Union whose main aim is to improve the professional prospects of all European citizens, in particular those in a situation of precariousness or exclusion.
In France, this fund provides funding for projects at national or local level to help people with social or occupational integration difficulties. These projects can be carried out by consular chambers, companies or local authorities, for example.
What are the objectives of the European Social Fund+?
This fund has several objectives at European level:
- integrating young and older people at risk of unemployment or away from the labor market;
- achieve high levels of employment in each Member State;
- promoting access to employment for young graduates and the least qualified jobseekers;
- combating social exclusion;
- enhancing the adaptability of companies.
Priorities of the national program
With a budget of €4 billion, the ESF+ national program called "Employment, Inclusion, Youth and Skills" will be set up by the Ministry of Labor, Full Employment and Inclusion.
The program is structured around three main priorities:
- vocational integration and social inclusion (financing of measures to accompany people towards employment and combat poverty and exclusion);
- integration of young people into the labor market and support for educational success (financing of measures to accompany young people to employment, support apprenticeships and combat early school leaving);
- skills development, economic change and information systems (financing of actions to develop the skills of employees in companies facing the digital and green transitions).