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Transition to Very High Speed: start of the technical closure phase of the copper network
Publié le 27 juin 2023 - Mise à jour le 27 janvier 2025 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
The copper network, which provides telephone, internet and television, will gradually disappear by 2030 in favor of fiber optics. The technical closure phase starts in January 2025. In order to support the companies, the website has been set up and a handbook has been published by the Directorate-General for companies. The transition to very high-speed companies involves challenges and deadlines introduces you.

Since 2023, Orange’s copper network, used for landline telephone, Internet (ADSL, SDSL, VDSL) and television, has been gradually disappearing.
This follows the government’s prioritization of fiber deployment, via the Plan France Very High Speed and accelerating fiber-optic adoption across the country.
Technical closure of Lot 1 and next steps
The copper network closure plan is unfolding by parcels of municipalities.
At January 31, 2025, the technical closure definitive copper network will apply to municipalities in the lot 1. The closure concerns more than 162 municipalities and 210 000 premises (housing and business premises).
In addition, since 27 january, the municipalities of lot 2 can no longer subscribe to new internet or telephone subscriptions based on the copper network (the technical closure will take place on 27 january 2026).
The commercial closure of all entrances is scheduled for late 2025. Their technical closure will take place in 2030.
How do I verify your fiber eligibility?
To verify your eligibility for fiber optics, you can enter your address on the dedicated page Arcep (Regulatory Authority for Electronic Communications, Posts and Press Distribution).
If you are eligible, you can find out about subscriptions and contact the operator of your choice.
If your current subscription is limited to the telephone only, you will be able to subscribe to the same type of offer once you have switched to fiber, this is a commitment of the operators.
Company-specific offers are not available for all locations. In addition, the dedicated Arcep page only takes into account the eligibility of addresses to mainstream offers.
If fiber is not yet available at your address, there are alternatives to meet your needs:
- fixed 4G/5G;
- Very High Broadband Radio;
- the satellite internet.
What types of offers are available for your company?
Several types of offers exist for companies wishing to benefit from fiber optics:
- the consumer offerings : for small companies, these offers FttH (Fiber to the Home) offers a theoretical download rate of up to 100Mbps;
- the company offers : intended for the greatest number of companies, these offers FttE (Fiber to the Company) offer guaranteed recovery times in the event of a problem on the line and high speeds for downloading and data transfer;
- the dedicated offerings : For companies with very large or more specific numerical needs, these offers FttO (Fiber to the Office) offer special services, i.e. very high security, guaranteed speeds, guaranteed recovery time and a direct line to the operator's collection network.
Only VSEs with less than 5 employees can have a withdrawal period of 14 days (as individuals). Therefore, it is important to pay attention to your terms of engagement.
What are the benefits of optical fiber?
Optical fiber allows companies to benefit from very high bandwidth and therefore a better connection.
Thus, it has many advantages for company communication and productivity:
- fluid communications at meetings (optimal image and sound quality);
- fast loading files, pages, or videos
- high weathering and water;
- using online solutions (cloud services or Saas solutions).
Why is it the end of the copper network?
The telephone and internet network has been based for 50 years on so-called “copper” technology that arrives in your business premises via a T-shaped socket. The copper network provides access to the DSL Internet (Digital Subscriber Line, digital access line), making telephone calls or connecting certain devices such as remote alarms or remote assistance.
Orange, the owner of the copper network, will gradually close it on the whole territory by 2030. Indeed, the copper network is aging and is experiencing quality of service problems in its last years.
The government’s aim is to modernize the fixed telephone and internet infrastructure. This gradual closure will involve the State services, all operators and local and regional authorities.
The optical fiber, which consumes four times less energy than copper, is progressively settled because it is more resilient and efficient.
Who is affected by the end of fixed telephony and DSL Internet services?
Even if Orange is not your supplier, all subscribers to an ADSL service (Assymetric Digital Subscriber Line, asymmetrical digital link) or telephone via the T socket is concerned.
- if you are using a fixed telephony and/or Internet ADSL service connected via a T-socket, you are concerned because this connection corresponds to an arrival of the copper network in your home;
- if you have a fiber subscription, that is, if your box is connected to a white box (without T socket) and your invoice mentions fiber optic, then you are not affected.
If your municipality is affected by the commercial and technical closure of the copper network, your operator will contact you before the closure date in order to offer you the most relevant replacement offer.
To keep your phone and internet access, you will need to switch to a fiber subscription, or any other technology, with the carrier of your choice. He is important to anticipate transition to avoid precipitation as the closure approaches: operators will be under heavy pressure and your connection will take longer given the large number of installations in company.
When your municipality is affected by the closure of the copper network, you will be notified by a mail from your operator.
How can I find out more about the closure of the copper network and the switch to very high speed?
In order to inform companies (and individuals) about the transition to Very High Speed, the has been set up. This includes an FAQ to guide companies in their transition to ultra-high-speed broadband.
The General Directorate of Companies, together with the telecommunications regulator, Arcep, and the Association Française des Users de Télécommunications (AFUTT), organized a educational webinar in which it recalls the importance of anticipating its migration and the opportunity that the closure of the copper network represents to rethink and develop its digital uses. This webinar offers a tutorial on how to migrate your company to fiber and expert advice on how to get a handle on the new ultra-high-speed broadband technologies.
Orange’s closure plan is overseen by the telecommunications regulator, Arcep. It offers a Frequently Asked Questions.
In order to assist companies in this transition and to answer their questions, the companies Branch has published a practical guide.
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Ministry of Economy