Digital literacy

TomorrowCyber Specialist: Introducing young people to cybersecurity professions

Publié le 02 février 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

Launched in November 2023, the TomorrowCyberSpecialist is a collaboration between the Ministry of National Education, the National Agency for Information Systems Security (ANSSI) and the Cyber Campus.

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Image 1Crédits: Gorodenkoff -

TomorrowCyberSpecialist is a nationwide campaign launched in late 2023 for middle and high school students. Games and educational tools are available on the dedicated site to students, parents and teachers.

Its objective: to enable young people to discover cybersecurity and its professions.

Website, posters, fact sheets: tools to help people learn about cybersecurity

On TomorrowCyberSpecialistHowever, young people can discover the stories of cybersecurity experts on video. We see, for example, the portrait of Juliette, Security Coordinator or that ofEdouard, Head of Information Systems Security (ISSR).

For the school, the site supports teachers in initiating cybersecurity through educational cards and fact sheets. Teachers can find resources, such as a “turnkey” presentation or the tools needed to organize a hackathon (a collaborative digital creative event). A poster campaign has been set up in schools. All of the tools are freely accessible.

Autonomously, young people can test their knowledge on PIX, solve puzzles, and learn from OSINT challenges.


theOSINT (Open Source Intelligence) is a technique of gathering data from an open source (accessible to all) and producing actionable intelligence from it.

Becoming the Cyber Specialist of Tomorrow

The result of a collaboration between the Ministry of National Education and the National Agency for Information Systems Security (ANSSI), TomorrowCyberSpecialist aims to “generate interest in the cybersecurity sector among younger people”.

It is a rapidly growing environment that recruits people from diverse backgrounds and backgrounds.

The campaign also aims to educate girls about digital skills. In 2021, women accounted for only 11% of cybersecurity professionals, according to an ANSSI investigation.

Please note

by 2025, 37,000 cybersecurity jobs could be created, according to the Alliance for Digital Trust (ACN).