Olympic and Paralympic Games

OJ 2024: Do you need the required QR code to travel in certain areas of Paris?

Publié le 15 mai 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

A digital pass will be required to travel to certain areas of Paris, secured for the Olympic opening ceremony. As of May 13, 2024, a platform allows you to obtain the required QR code from July 18 to 26. The rules are not the same if you are a pedestrian, a cyclist or a driver of a motor vehicle. In the near future, it will also be possible to apply for passes during the Olympic and Paralympic Games.

Two security perimeters the following shall be put in place as part of the preparation and conduct of the Olympic opening ceremony:

  • one gray perimeter, located along the Seine in the immediate vicinity of the river (including the Tuileries Gardens and Ile de la Cité);
  • one red perimeter, located around the gray perimeter and intended in particular to guarantee the safety of pedestrian and cyclist flows (with a terrorist risk taken into account).

Within the gray perimeter:

  • if you are in a motor vehicle (two-wheeler, personal car, taxi, VTC, commercial vehicle, heavy goods vehicle...), access is prohibited between 18 and 26 July inclusive, except for rare derogations and on condition that a digital pass is presented;
  • if you are on foot, by bike, by cargo bike, by scooter (including electric), to access it between 18 and 26 July inclusive you must have obtained a digital pass (also called QR code). On 26 July, the day of the ceremony, starting at 1 p.m., only spectators with a ticket or access ticket for the festivities, as well as residents or professionals (pedestrians or cyclists) with a digital pass, will be allowed.

Within the red perimeter:

  • if you are on foot, by bicycle, by cargo bike, by scooter (including electric), you can move freely;
  • if you are in a motor vehicle, access is prohibited between 18 and 26 july inclusive, except for rare derogations and provided they show proof at checkpoints manned by the security forces. There is no digital pass to present in this situation. From 1 p.m. on July 26, only security forces and emergency personnel will be able to access the perimeter with a motor vehicle.

You can verify that an address is in the gray or red perimeter with the interactive map available on the government website anticipate games.


The digital pass applies to all persons over the age of 13 (including when on board a vehicle as passengers). It is:

  • free;
  • individual;
  • nominative.

You cannot give another person a digital pass that you have obtained for your own use.

Please note

You don't need the digital pass to take public transport across the gray perimeter. However, it should be noted that from 18 July, the metro stations located within it will be closed to the public and the bus lines crossing this space will be diverted. As the Austerlitz train station is located on a red perimeter, pedestrian access will be maintained.

If you wish to pass between the left and right bank between 18 and 26 July, you can use the bridges upstream of the Austerlitz bridge and downstream of the Jena bridge.

How do I get your digital pass?

To obtain your digital pass, you must apply on the pass-games platform.

During your request, you will be asked in particular:

  • a copy of a proof of identity;
  • photo identification;
  • the copy of the registration certificate and the registration number, if the application relates to the operation of a motor vehicle;
  • depending on your situation, proof of residence, temporary accommodation, work or visit in the area (museum, restaurant, show booking...).

The QR code will not be issued to you immediately. For security reasons, an administrative investigation is carried out to validate your request. Then the pass is sent to you by email. When inspected by the authorities, you can:

  • display your pass on your phone;
  • present it in paper format after printing.

On the day of the opening ceremony, if you have a ticket for the festivities or a Paris 2024 accreditation, you do not need to apply for a pass. You only need to show identification.

After the opening ceremony, the security perimeters will now be restricted to the areas surrounding the Olympic Games (27 July-11 August) and Paralympic Games (sports competitions from 29 August to 8 September). The immediate vicinity of these sites will only be accessible to those holding a spectator ticket or Paris 2024 accreditation. The “pass-games” platform will soon allow an application for a pass to access the security perimeter set up around the event sites.


Several municipalities have a support system in place to help you apply for a digital pass, so you can contact your municipal services to find out if you can be helped. If you are a resident of Paris, you can go to your city hall to apply for a digital pass.

Please note

If you are applying for a pass to work, you can provide:

  • an employment contract;
  • a letter of assignment;
  • an employer certificate with the name of the employer and the address of the activity within the security perimeter (a model is available on the "pass-games" website);
  • a business card.

An employer may apply for its employees. The number of employees per application is limited to 15 (if you register more than 15 people, it is possible to make several applications).