Financial aid for the employment of a disabled worker
Verified 01 November 2024 - Legal and Administrative Information Directorate (Prime Minister), Ministry of Labor
Any employer may receive financial assistance in the event of the employment of a disabled employee. Aid is not automatic. The employer must apply to theAgefiph. The application file must prove the importance of the additional costs (recognition of the severity of the disability).
The purpose of this aid is to offset the significant additional costs of adapting a job for a disabled employee.
It can be perceived only after the optimal fitting out of the workstation.
Who can benefit?
This aid may be granted to any employer who hires a disabled employee and to any self-employed disabled worker.
How to benefit?
The employer must prove that the additional costs are significant. Expenditure must be linked to the adaptation of the workstation. The employer must detail the nature and amount of the expenses.
How do I apply?
You can apply online or send the folder by mail to theAgefiph: titleContent from your region.
Application for recognition of severe disability (RLH)
How much?
The amount is an annual lump sum that is one of the following amounts:
- either 6,534.00 (low range)
- either 13,008.60 (high fork).
The aid shall be paid quarterly. The employer must provide proof of the hours actually worked during the quarter.
It shall be granted for a period of three years, which shall be renewable.
The aid cannot be combined with other aid paid by the State to companies adapted (to the disability).
The Agefiph offers a RLH online guide which details all aspects of this assistance (recognition of the severity of the disability).
You can consult the detailed guide to all the Agefiph aids.
The purpose of the aid is to make it easier for a disabled worker to be hired or to progress in his career.
It shall finance part of the expenditure relating to:
- the reception and integration of the newly recruited disabled person, or
- or to the accompaniment on a new position. It is then a question of the evolution or occupational mobility of the disabled employee.
Example :
Expenditure may be linked to disability awareness training for company employees, or to the provision of personalized support for disabled workers.
Who can benefit?
Any employer of a person with a disability on a permanent contract or Minimum 6 months.
The aid is granted if the employer proves the expenditure linked to the measures actually implemented.
How much is it?
Its maximum amount is €3,150.
How to benefit?
The form must be sent to Agefiph: titleContentsigned and completed.
The request is made either to France Travail (formerly Pôle emploi), or to a Cap Emploi advisor to theAgefiph: titleContent.
The aid may be cumulated with other aid from theAgefiph: titleContent and with State or regional aid for employment and integration into the labor market.
It may be renewed for the same employee in the same company in the context of an evolution or occupational mobility.
You can consult the detailed guide to all the Agefiph aids.
This aid is granted to finance the technical, human or organizational resources needed to adapt a position to a disability.
Example :
Development, specific software, tutoring, interpreting or transcription in Braille
Who can benefit?
Any employer of an employee with a disability for whom occupational medicine certifies that the disability, its aggravation or a change in the working environment have effects on the ability to occupy the job or require specific preventive measures.
Example :
use of inclusive masks during the pandemic
How much is it?
The amount of aid is assessed on a case-by-case basis. It is used to compensate only for the handicap. Expenditure related to investments not related to disability compensation is excluded.
How to benefit?
The application file must contain the medical opinion acknowledging the aggravation of the disability.
The employer must complete a completed and signed form to be sent to the Agency.
Request for intervention by the Agency
The help is ad hoc. For it to be sustainable, the company must take steps to recognize the severity of the disability (HRL).
Application for recognition of severe disability (RLH)
The aid may be renewed in the following cases:
- Worsening of disability
- Evolution of the working situation
- Obsolescence due to technological change
- Equipment wear and tear which results in additional costs for the employer
The aid may be cumulated with other aid.
The employer must address the request to theAgefiph: titleContent.
You can consult the detailed guide to all the Agefiph aids.
This aid covers the costs of studying ways of keeping a disabled worker in employment.
It allows employers to be given extra time to find a solution to keep a worker employed.
Examples: meetings, consultation time.
Who can benefit?
Any employer of an employee with a disability, provided that the occupational health service certifies the aggravation of the disability or the change in the occupational context.
The aim of this aid is to compensate for the extra time needed and to take account of temporary financial difficulties.
Example :
Delays in the delivery of compensation equipment, difficult resumption of activity, occasional loss of productivity.
How much is it?
The help is €2,100.
How to benefit?
The request for assistance is made only with a Cap Emploi advisor. It tells the entrepreneur what to do.
The aid is cumulative. It shall not be renewable.
You can consult the detailed guide to all the Agefiph aids.
An employer who wishes to recruit a disabled person on an apprenticeship or professionalization contract may receive assistance if the contract is for at least 6 months and at least 24 hours per week.
An exception may be granted on contracts with a minimum duration of 16 hours per week.
Applications for aid shall be made by filling in an application form to be sent to theAgefiph: titleContent :
Request for intervention by the Agency
Its maximum amount is €3,000 for an apprenticeship and training contract €4,000 for a professionalization contract.
The aid is proportional to the duration of the employment contract, but it starts from 6e month worked.
This aid may be cumulated with other aid.
It may be renewed if studies at higher level are continued.
It can be extended in case of class repetition.
You can consult the detailed guide to all the Agefiph aids.
You can look at the Department of Labor's guide to hiring a person with a disability for an apprenticeship.

This aid finances the teaching costs of all types of training which make it possible to keep a person in his position. His job must be threatened because the work situation is no longer adapted to the disability.
This threat can be caused by a change in the work environment or by a worsening of disability.
Who can benefit?
Any employer of a disabled person or any self-employed person with a disability may benefit from this aid.
Under what conditions?
It is necessary to provide an occupational health certificate proving that the working environment is no longer adapted to disability, or that a worsening of disability makes it difficult to remain in employment.
How much is it?
Its amount depends on the co-financing provided from other funders (Opco: titleContent, regional interbranch joint commissions, etc.) and after analysis on a case-by-case basis.
It is renewable and may be combined with other aid.
How to benefit?
The employer must complete the completed and signed intervention request form and send it to theAgefiph: titleContent .
Request for intervention by the Agency
The request for assistance is made to a Cap Emploi counselor or to the Comète association (association for the professional integration of hospitalized patients).
You can consult the detailed guide to all the Agefiph aids.
Who can help me?
The public service accompanying companies
Do you have a project, a difficulty, a question of daily life?
Simple and free - you will be called back within 5 days by THE advisor who can help you.
Rights and guarantees of disabled workers
Compensation for the severity of the handicap
Association for the Management of the Fund for the Integration of Disabled Persons into Employment (Agefiph)
Association for the Management of the Fund for the Integration of Disabled Persons into Employment (Agefiph)
Ministry of Labor
Association for the Management of the Fund for the Integration of Disabled Persons into Employment (Agefiph)
Association for the Management of the Fund for the Integration of Disabled Persons into Employment (Agefiph)
Association for the Management of the Fund for the Integration of Disabled Persons into Employment (Agefiph)
Association for the Management of the Fund for the Integration of Disabled Persons into Employment (Agefiph)