Prevention Business Account (C2P)
Verified 01 September 2023 - Legal and Administrative Information Directorate (Prime Minister)
The Preventive Work Account (C2P) is used to identify and reference occupational risk factors for a worker's exposure above certain thresholds.
In this case, the employer shall draw up a declaration in a paperless manner.
Depending on the employee's exposure to these risks, they earn points on their C2P.
We present you with the information you need to know.
General case
For benefit from a C2P, the employee must complete all of the following conditions :
- Working in the private sector
- Be affiliated to the general social security scheme
- Have an employment contract of at least 1 month
- Be exposed to at least 1 risk factor above a certain threshold
Agricultural sector
For benefit from a C2P, the employee must complete all of the following conditions :
- Working in the private sector
- Be affiliated with the MSA: titleContent
- Have an employment contract of at least 1 month
- Be exposed to at least 1 risk factor above a certain threshold
The occupational risk factor(s) shall be characterized by exhibition of the employee above certain thresholds.
This exposure may leave lasting, identifiable and irreversible traces on health.
To be considered, exposure to an occupational risk factor must exceed certain thresholds.
They must have a intensity and one minimum duration.
These minimum values shall be evaluated taking into account the collective or individual means of protection employed by the employer.
The employer reports to the pension funds occupational risk factors to which employees are exposed beyond the regulatory thresholds.
This declaration shall be made in the registered social declaration (DSN).
Each year, the employee earns 4 points per risk factor to which he is exposed.
For employees born before July 1956, the points are doubled.
Example :
If the employee is exposed to 3 risk factors, he acquires 12 points (4 points x 3 factors = 12 points).
If the employee was born before july 1956, he acquires 24 points.
For an employee who starts or finishes his contract during the year, points are counted in 3-month periods.
For each 3-month exposure period, the employee acquires a point number equal to the number of risks to which he is exposed.
Example :
An employee worked in the company of 1er January to June 30 and was exposed to 3 risk factors. It acquires 6 points (2 quarters x 3 points = 6 points).
Regardless of the duration of the employment contract, the points earned by the employee over the year are carried over to his account once a year, following the declaration of his employer.
The points accumulated in the account shall be earned by the employee until they are used up in full or until retirement.
The employer shall declare in the DSN: titleContent the risk factors to which the employee is exposed beyond the thresholds.
The account is automatically created as a result of this declaration.
This online service allows you to access your prevention business account.
The employee may use his earned points for one or more of the following four purposes:
- Going on training to access positions that are not exposed or less exposed to occupational risk factors (request with the form cerfa no. 15519)
- Enjoying part-time work without loss of earnings (request with form) cerfa no. 15512)
- Validate quarters of increase of old-age insurance duration and allowing to retire earlier (request with the form cerfa no. 15511)
- To finance a retraining project to access a job not exposed to occupational risk factors (for example, a skills assessment).
Please note
The First 20 points of the prevention professional account shall be used for continuing vocational training. But there are 3 exceptions:
- If the employee was born before 1er in january 1960, no points were set aside for vocational training.
- If the employee was born between 1er January 1960 and December 31, 1962, only the first 10 points are reserved for vocational training.
- The employee uses his 20 points to finance his job retraining project.
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For any question on the establishment of the Prevention Professional Account (C2P) for employees of the general scheme and the agricultural scheme exposed to occupational risk factors
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Preventive Business Account
Free answer 86057
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Obligations of the employer in relation to prevention
Definition of occupational risk factors within the scope of the scheme
Definition of occupational risk factors within the scope of the scheme
Thresholds for Occupational Risk Factors
Reporting requirements for certain occupational risk factors
Opening and abundance of the prevention business account
Preventive Business Account Uses
Use of the account for vocational training
Terms of use of the prevention business account
Use of account for part-time transition
Use of account for retirement
Account Management
List of special pension schemes with a specific scheme
National old-age insurance fund
National old-age insurance fund
National old-age insurance fund
National old-age insurance fund