What are the advertising thresholds for public contracts?

Verified 01 January 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

Public purchasers must publish a contract notice in certain procurement procedures in order to inform companies of their needs and to encourage competition. Advertising rules vary depending on the amount of the contract and the nature of the buyer.

Advertising takes the form of a notice of public contract (also called public call for tenders). It's an advertisement published by the public buyer to inform companies that they are looking for a supplier.

The notice of public contract summarizes all items concerning the buyer’s need: the nature of the mission, the selection criteria for the successful candidate, the location of the mission, the deadline for submitting the application, the deadlines, etc. It allows a company to assess whether it has the capacity to perform the mission in question.


Some contracts are awarded without advertising or call for competition. These are mainly contracts with amounts less than €40,000. You can refer to the dedicated card the various public procurement procedures.

Contract notices are published in different media depending on the procedure and the type of contract (works, supplies, services).

These are:

  • Official Bulletin of Public Procurement Announcements (BOAMP)
  • Legal Listing Support (Shal)
  • Official Journal of the European UnionCHEEK)

The advertising medium Employee can provide an indication of the amount of the buyer's need. For example, contract notices published in a medium entitled to receive legal announcements (Shal) or in the Official Bulletin of Government Procurement Announcements (BOAMP) concern public contracts for which the amount is included between €90,000 HT and European thresholds.

Works contracts concern works, building works and civil engineering (bridges, roads, ports, dams, urban infrastructure, etc.).

In order to ensure the widest possible competition, the buyer shall publish the contract notice under the conditions laid down by the rules, depending on the subject of the contract, the estimated value of the need and the body concerned.

Tableau - Advertising Thresholds - Amounts excluding tax

Amount excluding tax

Advertising Type

< €40,000

No mandatory advertising

of €40,000 to €99,999.99

Free or adapted advertising

From €100,000 to €5,537,999.99

Compulsory advertising at BOAMP: titleContent or in a Shal: titleContent

From €5,538,000

Mandatory advertising at BOAMP and at CHEEK: titleContent


Public works contracts shall be exempt from prior publicity and tendering until €100,000 HT: titleContent. This threshold applies until 31 december 2024 included.

The supply contract shall consist in the purchase or leasing, rental or hire purchase of equipment, furniture or products (office supplies, paper, furniture, vehicles, etc.).

The procedure depends on value market and market estimatepublic buyer type who awards the contract:

  • If the estimated value of the contract is less than formal procedure thresholds (or European thresholds), the purchaser may use an appropriate procedure, the conditions of which he shall be free to determine.
  • Beyond that, it must respect a formalized procedure.

The amounts of the supply contracts shall determine the advertising applicable.

The thresholds are different depending on the type of public purchaser: a central authority (President of the Republic, Prime Minister, or Minister and other collaborators), another contracting authority (local authority or public body), or contracting entity.

Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement

Contract awarded by a central authority

Tableau - Thresholds for the publication of contracts awarded by a central authority

Amount Excl.


< €40,000

Non-mandatory advertising

From €40,000 to €89,999.99

Free or adapted advertising

From €90,000 to €142,999.99

Compulsory advertising at BOAMP: titleContent or in a Shal: titleContent

From €143,000

Mandatory advertising at BOAMP and at CHEEK: titleContent

Contract awarded by another contracting authority

Tableau - Thresholds for publication of contracts awarded by a contracting authority

Amount Excl.


< €40,000

Non-mandatory advertising

From €40,000 to €89,999.99

Free or adapted advertising

From €90,000 to €220,999.99

Compulsory advertising at BOAMP: titleContent or in a Shal: titleContent

From €221,000

Mandatory advertising at BOAMP and at CHEEK: titleContent

Contract awarded by a contracting entity

Tableau - Thresholds for publication of contracts awarded by a contracting entity

Amount Excl.


< €40,000

Non-mandatory advertising

From €40,000 to €89,999.99

Free or adapted advertising

From €90,000 to €442,999.99

Compulsory advertising at BOAMP: titleContent or in a Shal: titleContent

From €443,000

Mandatory advertising at BOAMP and at CHEEK: titleContent

A service contract concerns a material service (for example, the maintenance of premises or green spaces) or an intangible service (legal advice, accountancy, IT project, etc.).

The procedure depends on value market and function of the type of public buyer who awards the contract:

  • If the estimated value of the contract is less than formal procedure thresholds, the purchaser may use an appropriate procedure, the conditions of which he shall determine freely
  • Beyond that, it must respect a formalized procedure.

The amounts of the supply contracts shall determine the advertising applicable.

The thresholds are different depending on the type of public purchaser: a central authority (President of the Republic, Prime Minister, or Minister and other collaborators), another contracting authority (local authority or public body), or contracting entity.

Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement

Contract awarded by a central authority

Tableau - Thresholds for the publication of contracts awarded by a central authority

Amount Excl.


< to €40,000

Non-mandatory advertising

From €40,000 to €89,999.99

Free or adapted advertising

From €90,000 to €142,999.99

Compulsory advertising at BOAMP: titleContent or in a Shal: titleContent

From €143,000

Mandatory advertising at BOAMP and at CHEEK: titleContent

Contract awarded by another contracting authority

Tableau - Thresholds for publication of contracts awarded by a contracting entity

Amount Excl.


< to €40,000

Non-mandatory advertising

From €40,000 to €89,999.99

Free or adapted advertising

From €90,000 to €220,999.99

Compulsory advertising at BOAMP: titleContent or in a Shal: titleContent

From €221,000

Mandatory advertising at BOAMP and at CHEEK: titleContent

Contract awarded by a contracting entity

Tableau - Advertising Thresholds

Amount Excl.


< €40,000

Non-mandatory advertising

From €40,000 to €89,999.99

Free or adapted advertising

From €90,000 to €442,999.99

Compulsory advertising at BOAMP: titleContent or in a Shal: titleContent

From €443,000

Mandatory advertising at BOAMP and at CHEEK: titleContent


Contracts for social and other services (administrative services of education, health, cultural services, social security services) are subject to specific thresholds.