Tax credit for training company managers

Verified 01 January 2024 - Legal and Administrative Information Directorate (Prime Minister)

An executive wishing to acquire new skills can in some cases benefit from a tax credit on training expenses.

The Executive Training Tax Credit provides for the following companies:

  • Company subject to the effective business tax regime
  • Company subject to the real income tax system
  • Company that does not pay tax regardless of its legal form and its sector of activity (except a micro-entrepreneur)

The tax credit is available for expenses incurred in respect of the hours of training of a company executive until 31 december 2024 : Individual entrepreneur (EI), business manager, president, managing director, director or member of businesses by shares, among others.

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General case

The amount of the tax credit is equal to the product of the number of hours spent in training by the company's officer(s) (up to 40 hours per calendar year per company, or €460.8 for 2023) by the hourly rate of Smic: titleContent December 31 of the year for which the tax credit is calculated (2023).

Example :

A company, whose sole manager receives 10 hours of training in 2023, will be able to deduct a tax credit in 2024 €115.2 = 10 x €11.52.


The micro-company in this case corresponds to a small and medium-sized company employing less than 10 employees and having an annual turnover of less than €2 million.

The micro-company in this case corresponds to a small and medium-sized company employing less than 10 employees and having an annual turnover of less than €2 million.

The amount of the tax credit is equal to the hourly rate of the Smic: titleContent multiplied by the number of hours spent in training by the manager (up to 40 hours per year per company €921.6) multiplied by 2.

Example :

An executive who completes 10 hours of training in 2023 will be able to deduct a tax credit in 2024 €230.4 = 2 x 10 x €11.52.

Common farm grouping

The amount of the tax credit is equal to the product of the number of managing partners multiplied by the hourly rate of Smic: titleContent.

Example :

A group with 10 members in 2023 will be able to deduct a tax credit in 2024 €115.2 = 10 x €11.52.

The tax credit must be deducted at the time of payment of the balance on the income tax due by the company in respect of the year in which the eligible expenditure was incurred.

This should be done after non-discharge levies (i.e. requiring adjustment later based on income) and other tax credits that can be carried forward or refundable.

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Company subject to IR

The company subject to the IR or the business of persons (i.e. for which the taxation is made at the level of the partners) must:

  • Calculate the amount of the tax credit using the calculation aid sheet No. 2079-FCE-FC
  • Carry forward the amount of the tax credit on the teledeclaration of profit or loss in the "other distributions" box
  • Attach Form #2069-RCI that summarizes all tax reductions and credits from the fiscal year to the time of remote reporting
  • Carry forward tax credit amount to supplementary income statement No 2042 C pro

Company subject to SI

The company to which the SI applies shall:

  • Calculate the amount of the tax credit using the calculation aid sheet No. 2079-FCE-FC
  • Indicate the amount of the tax credit on the income statement, printed #2065 and No. 2058-B (line JR)
  • Dematerialize the form #2069-RCI that summarizes all tax reductions and credits from the year to the income statement

Where the amount of the tax is insufficient to subtract the entire tax credit, the excess may be returned to the company by means of a tax credit refund application, by means of the form No. 2573-SD.

Declaration of claim with tax authorities

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