Declare your employees

Verified 01 January 2025 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

Are you an employer, head of company or employee manager, and you have to declare your employees? We'll give you the mandatory declarations, the deadlines, the organizations to go to and the steps to be taken.

An employer is subject to reporting requirements for the employees he employs.

These declarations must be made:

  • When hiring
  • And at different deadlines (monthly, quarterly, annual).

These declarations make it possible to determine employees' entitlements (pension, health insurance, etc.) and to calculate the contribution rates applicable to companies.

Tableau - Declarations to be made by the employer when hiring an employee



Employer concerned


Pre-Employment Declaration (PED)

Allows you to declare the recruitment of an employee to the Urssaf or the MSA

Employer recruiting

Before each hiring (no earlier than 8 days before)

Company Service Job Title (Tese)

(optional provision of the URSSAF)

Allows you to declare a hire in a simplified way, of an employee on a fixed term, a fixed term or an apprenticeship contract

Any company covered by the general social security scheme and not engaged in an agricultural activity

No later than the 5th day of the month following the month of employment. Then pay check to use each month during the employment contract

Agricultural Service Employment Title (Tesa)

Allows the hiring of an agricultural employee on a fixed-term contract for up to 3 months, whose gross remuneration does not exceed €11,775

Agricultural employer with a workforce of no more than 20 employees with a CDI and/or a CDD

At the time of hiring or at the earliest 8 days before. Then pay check to use each month during the employment contract

Title emploi forains (TEF)

Relates to casual, unskilled jobs at a funfair, non-sedentary fair or amusement park

Bargaining employer with a maximum of 9 employees on 31 December of the previous year, and falling under NAF (or EPA) codes: 9321Z or 9329Z

When hiring. Then pay check to use each month during the employment contract

Associative Employment Check (CEA)

Allows an association that employs an employee to pay the salary and mandatory formalities

Association regardless of workforce

When hiring. Then pay check to use each month during the employment contract

Single window for the occasional show (Guso)

Allows you to hire a live performance employee, declare and pay social contributions

Occasional live performance organizer not primarily engaged in the operation of performance venues

When hiring an artist or entertainment technician

Tableau - Returns to be made by the employer on a monthly or quarterly basis



Employer concerned


Nominative Social Declaration (DSN)

Allows you to report salaries and pay contributions

Includes the following statements:

  • Urssaf and BR/DUCS)
  • Dematerialized Employer Certificate (EDA)
  • Reporting of daily allowances (DSIJ)
  • DCS: titleContent for the intermittents of the show
  • Multicard VRP Compensation Reporting
  • Declaration of Disabled Workers (DOETH)
  • Any employer


    In the month following the period of paid employment:

  • By the 5th of the month if 50 or more employees
  • In other cases no later than the 15th of the month
  • Monthly Employer Attestation (MEA)

    Allows you to declare the work performance of an intermittent performer

    Employer licensed as a performance entrepreneur

    Before the 15th of the month following payment of the remuneration

    Payroll tax

    Shall be calculated on the remuneration paid during the year by application of a progressive scale

    Employer not subject to value added tax (VAT). Example: higher education institution

    Periodicity (monthly, quarterly ) determined by the amount paid in the previous year

    Single contribution to vocational training (MFF)

    Relates to the obligation to finance the continuing training of company staff and jobseekers

    Any employer


    Learning tax

    Provides funding for the development of technological and vocational training

    Any employer

    see payment schedule in Apprenticeship tax: how to pay the apprenticeship tax?

    Tableau - Declarations to be made by the employer each year



    Employer concerned


    Learning tax

    Provides funding for the development of technological and vocational training

    Any employer

    see payment schedule in Apprenticeship tax: how to pay the apprenticeship tax?

    Social contribution of solidarity of businesses (C3S)

    Allows the financing of social protection for self-employed and non-agricultural workers (craftsmen, traders, etc.)

    Company with a minimum turnover €19 million

    No later than 15 May each year

    Employer Participation in the Construction Effort (CEP)

    Allows reporting of direct investment in employee housing

    (1% dwelling)

    Employer of 50 or more employees

    Annual reporting in the NSD. Beginning of February of year N+1 or within 60 days of cessation of activity

    Payroll tax

    Shall be calculated on the remuneration paid during the year by application of a progressive scale

    Employer not subject to value added tax (VAT). Example: higher education institution

    Periodicity (annual) determined by the amount paid in the previous year

    Tableau - Statements to be made by the employer on an ad hoc basis



    Employer concerned


    Work stoppage due to sickness of the employee

    The employer establishes the employee's salary certificate as soon as possible via net-company .fr or by post by sending the "salary certificate for payment of daily allowances" to the primary health insurance fund (CPAM)

    Any employer

    As soon as possible.

    Resumption of work shall be reported in the registered social declaration (DSN) monthly.

    Declaration of work stoppage and request for reimbursement in bad weather (BTP bad weather leave)

    In the event of stoppage of work or partial unemployment due to bad weather, allows partial reimbursement of compensation paid to employees

    Employer in the construction sector: public works, plumbing, roofing, civil engineering buildings, construction, demolition, etc.

    Within one month of the resumption of construction

    Accident at work Statement by

    The employer makes the online declaration of the accident at work or traveling on net company which is transmitted to the primary health insurance fund (CPAM)

    Employer where one of the employees is the victim of an accident at work or while traveling from home to work

    Within 48 hours (excluding Sundays and public holidays)

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