Retail Store: Installation Rules

Verified 31 March 2023 - Legal and Administrative Information Directorate (Prime Minister), Ministry of city planning

One commercial sign allows customers to identify the operating premises of a company (e.g. a shop). The sign must comply with rules oflocation, of dimensions andnight lighting. Its installation also requires a prior authorization in some cases. In addition, temporary signs which report particular events are subject to different rules.

General case

What's that?

One commercial sign is an inscription, form or image affixed to a building relating to an activity carried on there. In other words, the commercial sign is an outward sign visible and affixed to an establishment (e.g. company name, logo or both, etc.).

It allows report the presence of the operating room and specify the purpose (restaurant, tobacco, hotel, clothing, optics, etc.).

The sign is part of the goodwill the same as the clientele.

Please note

The commercial sign is not obligatory for the company, unlike name/trade name.

What's the difference with a pre-sign?

One pre-sign is an inscription, shape, or image indicating the proximity of a building where a particular activity is pursued.

As for the sign, the pre-sign designates the various visuals promoting a company, with the difference that the pre-sign is not not affixed to the building where the activity is carried out. It is positioned before the sign itself.

Typically, the pre-sign is a billboard settled at the entrance to cities or before major intersections. It may indicate proximity to a shopping center, gas station or campsite, for example.

Please note

The pre-sign is the subject of a specific regulation.

A commercial sign must be composed of durable materials (ex: wood, slates). It must be kept in good condition cleanliness, maintenance and operation by the trader.


The commercial brand should not disturb traffic, signaling and road safety.

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Sign located on a facade

Parallel sign to the wall

The sign hanging flat on a wall or parallel to a wall is said to be " applied ' or ' blindfolded ”.

It must respect the following conditions :

  • It must not exceed the boundaries of the wall and the gutter.
  • It must have a maximum projection of 25 cm.
  • It must not exceed 1 m when settled on an awning or awning (glazed awning).
  • It shall not rise above the railing or grab bar of a small balcony or bay. Its thickness must be less than or equal to 25 cm.

Furthermore, the aggregate area of the signs affixed to the facade of the building in which the activity is carried out is limited to one of the following surfaces :

  • When the surface of the commercial façade is less than 50 m2, the cumulative area shall be limited to 25% the surface of the facade.
  • When the surface of the commercial façade is greater than 50 m2, the cumulative area shall be limited to 15% the surface of the facade.

Canopies and awnings shall not be taken into account in the calculation of the aggregate area of signs.

Sign perpendicular to the wall

The sign hanging perpendicular to the wall is said to be " feathered ”.

It must respect the following conditions :

  • It must not exceed the height of the wall.
  • It should not be settled in front of a window or balcony.
  • It must not be formed with respect to the wall by a projection greater than 1/10e the distance between the two alignments of the street within the limit of 2 mths.

Furthermore, the aggregate area of the signs affixed to the facade of the building in which the activity is carried out is limited to one of the following surfaces :

  • When the surface of the commercial façade is less than 50 m2, the cumulative area shall be limited to 25% the surface of the facade.
  • When the surface of the commercial façade is greater than 50 m2, the cumulative area shall be limited to 15% the surface of the facade.

Awnings and awnings (glazed awnings) are not taken into account in the calculation of the aggregate area of signs.

Sign placed on a roof or terrace

The reported activity occupies half or less of the building

The sign must be made in cut letters or signs, without being positioned on a background panel unless it is used to conceal the base supports. The height of these panels shall not exceed 50 cm.

The height of the sign is limited:

  • For a facade of a height less than or equal to 20 m, the maximum height of the sign is 1/6e the height of the façade within the limit of 2 mths.
  • For a facade of a height greater than 20 m, the maximum height of the sign is 1/10e the height of the façade within the limit of 6 mths.

The cumulative area of rooftop signs in the same establishment may not exceed 60 m2.

The reported activity occupies more than half of the building

The sign must be made in cut letters or signs, without being positioned on a background panel unless it is used to conceal the base supports. The height of these panels shall not exceed 50 cm.

The height of the sign is limited:

  • For a facade of a height less than or equal to 15 m, the maximum height of the sign is 3 mths.
  • For a facade of a height greater than 15 m, the maximum height of the sign is 1/5e the height of the façade within the limit of 6 mths.

The cumulative area of rooftop signs in the same establishment may not exceed 60 m2.

Sign sealed to the ground or settled directly to the ground, more than 1 m

A company can only settle the grounda single sign along each of the streets bordering the building where the activity is carried out. The sign must be placed at at least 10 m from nearby bays.

The sign can be settled on foot, as a flag, as a totem, on a mast, as a calicot or even as a kakemono.

The surface of the sign is limited depending on where it is settled:

  • Outside a built-up area, the maximum area is 6 mths2
  • In an agglomeration of less than 10 000 inhabitants, the maximum area is 6 mths2
  • In an agglomeration of more than 10 000 inhabitants, the maximum area is 12 mths2.

Moreover, the height of the sign is limited according to its width:

  • When width is greater than or equal to 1 m, the maximum height is 6.50 m
  • When width is less than 1 m, the maximum height is 8 mths.

Please note

The tobacco outlets shall be provided with special scheme as far as signs are concerned.

Signs requiring prior authorization

The installation of a sign is subject to prior administrative authorization when carried out in one of the following places:

Please note

Prior administrative authorization is also required for the installation of laser beam signs.

Documents to be supplied for the application for authorization

Before settling his sign, the declarant must apply for authorization by means of the cerfa form no. 14798.

Application for prior authorization for the installation of a device or material supporting advertising, a sign or a pre-sign

The information to be provided varies depending on whether the sign is located on a private property or on the public domain.

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Private property

The declaration must mention the following information :

  • Identity and address of the declarant
  • Location and area of the land
  • Nature of the device or material (advertising, sign, pre-sign)
  • Indication of the distance of the proposed installation from the separation limits and bays of the buildings located on the neighboring grounds
  • Indication of the number and nature of devices already settled in the field
  • Terrain situational plane, a dimensioned ground plane and the graphical representation of the dimensioned device or material in three dimensions
  • Location of the sign
  • View of the building or place concerned with and without the sign
  • Assessment of its integration into the environment.

Public domain

The declaration must mention the following information :

  • Identity and address of the declarant
  • Location of the sign
  • Nature of the device or material (advertising, sign, pre-sign) as well as its three-dimensional dimensioned graphic representation
  • Indication of the distance of the proposed installation from the bays of the buildings situated on the neighboring grounds
  • Location of the sign
  • View of the building or place concerned with and without the sign
  • Assessment of its integration into the environment.

Please note

The application for authorization to settle a laser beam sign shall also include a descriptive note giving in particular the power of the laser source, the characteristics of the beam or beams and a description of the effects produced.

Sending the application for authorization

The application for authorization shall be made in 3 copies and presented by the company carrying out the activity indicated.

The request must be addressed to the town hall the place where the sign is to be displayed, one of the following ways :

  • By electronic channel with request for electronic acknowledgement of receipt, where the mayor is able to ensure a secure and confidential transmission
  • By registered mail with request for postal receipt
  • Filed in town hall against landfill

If the municipality where the sign is to be settled is not covered by a Local Advertising Policy (RLP), the application for authorization shall be forwarded to the prefecture rather than the town hall.

When it has received a complete application file, the City Hall/Prefecture has a two-month period to grant or refuse the installation of the sign. She shall send her reply by registered mail. If no response has been received after this time, the installation is considered to be tuned.

Who shall I contact


In some municipalities, the installation of a sign may give rise to the payment of the local tax on external advertising (TLPE). The rates are published by municipal decree and are generally available on the website of the City Hall.

Possible agreement of the lessor

Where the trader rents the commercial premises in which he carries on his business, the lessor who owns the immovable can't ban him put up a sign.

However, clauses of the commercial lease even co-ownership rules, if they exist, can be valid lay down certain conditions the laying of a sign. It may be a question of respecting the characteristics of the building and its aesthetics and therefore of submitting any modification of the sign to the agreement of the lessor or trustee.

A sign is said luminous when illuminated by projection or transparency, that is, enlightened from the outside by means of lights, bulbs or ramps, or from the inside by means of neon tubes (light box, window panels, etc.).

The luminous signs are the subject of a specific regulation. They are extinguished between 1 and 6 o'clock, where the reported activity has ceased.

When an activity ceases or starts between midnight and 7 a.m., signs shall be extinguished not later than one hour after the cessation of activity of the establishment and may be lit one hour before the resumption of that activity.

The mayor or prefect may authorize derogations at these extinction times during exceptional events.

Who shall I contact


Only pharmacies and emergency services can settle flashing signs.

In the event of cessation of activity, the sign must be dismantled by the company carrying out the activity reported in the 3 months that follow the cessation.

On the other hand, the sign can be preserved if it has historical, artistic or picturesque interest.

Temporary sign

One sign is an inscription, form or image affixed to a building relating to an activity carried on there. In other words, the sign is an outward sign visible and affixed to an establishment (e.g. company name and logo). It allows report the presence of the operating room and specify the purpose (restaurant, tobacco, hotel, clothing, optics, etc.).

The sign is said temporary when it is used to report one of the following :

  • Exceptional events of a cultural or tourist nature of less than 3 months
  • Exceptional operations of less than 3 months (local festivals, trade fairs, fairs, sporting events, etc.)
  • Public works or real estate operations for subdivision, construction, rehabilitation, if the sign is settled for more than 3 months
  • Rental or sale of goodwill, if the brand is settled for more than 3 months.

Even temporary, the sign must be kept in good condition cleanliness, maintenance and operation by the person carrying out the activity he has reported.

Temporary signs may be settled 3 weeks before start of the event or operation they report and must be withdrawn at the latest a week after the end of the event or operation.

Please note

The sign should not disturb traffic, signaling and road safety.

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Sign located on a facade

Parallel sign to the wall

The sign hanging flat on a wall or parallel to a wall is said to be " applied ' or ' blindfolded ”.

It must respect the following conditions :

  • It must not exceed the boundaries of the wall and the gutter.
  • It must have a maximum projection of 25 cm.
Sign perpendicular to the wall

The sign hanging perpendicular to the wall is said to be " feathered ”.

It must respect the following conditions :

  • It must not exceed the height of the wall.
  • It must not be formed with respect to the wall by a projection greater than 1/10e the distance between the two alignments of the street within the limit of 2 mths.

Sign on a roof

The aggregate area of the signs on the roof of the same establishment may not exceed 60 m2, with the exception of the following:

  • Cinematographic entertainment establishments
  • Live entertainment establishments
  • Plastic arts teaching and exhibition establishments.

Sign sealed to the ground or settled directly to the ground, more than 1 m

A company can only settle the grounda single sign along each of the streets bordering the building where the activity is carried out. The sign must be placed at at least 10 m from nearby bays.

The sign can be settled on foot, as a flag, as a totem, on a mast, as a calicot or even as a kakemono.

The maximum area of the sign is limited to 12 m when it is settled for more than 3 months and it reports public works, a real estate transaction or the rental/sale of a business.

Signs requiring prior authorization

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Settled sign on a wall

The installation on the wall of a temporary sign is subject to prior administrative authorization when carried out in one of the following places:

  • Immovable property classified or registered under historical monuments
  • On natural monuments and in the classified sites
  • In the heart of national parks and nature reserves
  • On the trees.

Sign sealed or settled on the floor

The installation on the ground of a temporary sign is subject to prior administrative authorization when carried out in one of the following places:

Please note

Prior administrative authorization is also required for the installation of laser beam signs.

Documents to be supplied for the application for authorization

Before settling his sign, the declarant must apply for authorization by means of the cerfa form no. 14798.

Application for prior authorization for the installation of a device or material supporting advertising, a sign or a pre-sign

The information to be provided varies depending on whether the sign is located on a private property or on the public domain.

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Private property

The declaration must mention the following information :

  • Identity and address of the declarant
  • Location and area of the land
  • Nature of the device or material (advertising, sign, pre-sign)
  • Indication of the distance of the proposed installation from the separation limits and bays of the buildings located on the neighboring grounds
  • Indication of the number and nature of devices already settled in the field
  • Terrain situational plane, a dimensioned ground plane and the graphical representation of the dimensioned device or material in three dimensions
  • Setting up the temporary sign
  • View of the building or place concerned with and without the temporary sign
  • Assessment of its integration into the environment.

Public domain

The declaration must mention the following information :

  • Identity and address of the declarant
  • Temporary Sign Location
  • Nature of the device or material (advertising, sign, pre-sign) as well as its three-dimensional dimensioned graphic representation
  • Indication of the distance of the proposed installation from the bays of the buildings situated on the neighboring grounds
  • Setting up the temporary sign
  • View of the building or place concerned with and without the temporary sign
  • Assessment of its integration into the environment.

Please note

The application for authorization to settle a laser beam sign shall also include a descriptive note giving in particular the power of the laser source, the characteristics of the beam or beams and a description of the effects produced.

Sending the application for authorization

The application for authorization shall be made in 3 copies and presented by the company carrying out the activity indicated.

The request must be addressed to the town hall the place where the sign is to be displayed, one of the following ways :

  • By electronic channel with request for electronic acknowledgement of receipt, where the mayor is able to ensure a secure and confidential transmission
  • By registered mail with request for postal receipt
  • Filed in town hall against landfill

If the municipality where the sign is to be settled is not covered by a Local Advertising Policy (RLP), the application for authorization shall be forwarded to the prefecture rather than the town hall.

When it has received a complete application file, the City Hall/Prefecture has a two-month period to grant or refuse the installation of the sign. She shall send her reply by registered mail. If no response has been received after this time, the installation is considered to be tuned.

Who shall I contact


In some municipalities, the installation of a sign may give rise to the payment of the local tax on external advertising (TLPE). The rates are published by municipal decree and are generally available on the website of the City Hall.

Possible agreement of the lessor

Where the trader rents the commercial premises in which he carries on his business, the lessor who owns the immovable can't ban him put up a sign.

However, commercial lease terms even co-ownership rules, if they exist, can be valid lay down certain conditions the laying of a sign. It may be a question of respecting the characteristics of the building and its aesthetics and therefore of submitting any modification of the sign to the agreement of the lessor or trustee.

A sign is said luminous when illuminated by projection or transparency, that is, enlightened from the outside by means of lights, bulbs or ramps, or from the inside by means of neon tubes (light box, window panels, etc.).

The luminous signs are the subject of a specific regulation. They are extinguished between 1 and 6 o'clock, where the reported activity has ceased.

When an activity ceases or starts between midnight and 7 a.m., signs shall be extinguished not later than one hour after the cessation of activity of the establishment and may be lit one hour before the resumption of that activity.

The mayor or prefect may authorize derogations at these extinction times during exceptional events.

Who shall I contact


Only pharmacies and emergency services can settle flashing signs.

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