Annual tax on heavy goods vehicles (former axle tax)

Verified 28 November 2024 - Legal and Administrative Information Directorate (Prime Minister), Ministry of Finance

The annual tax on heavy goods vehicles (the former axle tax) must be paid by users of heavy goods vehicles comprising at least 2 axles. The truck has to weigh 12 tons minimum and circulate in Metropolis France. The fee shall apply exclusively to uses in the context of a professional economic activity. The TSVR: titleContent is deleted.

Depending on the type of vehicle

The tax applies only to heavy goods vehicles, which presupposes certain physical characteristics (European category and technically permissible maximum laden mass).

The tax thus applies to the following vehicles:

  • Transport vehicles category N2 and category N3 with a technically permissible laden mass equal to or greater than 12 tons (carrier trucks)
  • Vehicle assemblies consisting of an N2 or N3 tractor and one or more semi-trailers of the category Owith a technically permissible laden mass of not less than 12 tons
  • Trailers of the category O4 a technically permissible maximum laden mass of at least 16 tons, when towed by a vehicle of category N2 or N3, or a combination thereof
  • Other vehicles or combinations of vehicles which would be used to carry out similar goods transport operations.


Tractors and semi-trailers forming an assembly shall be considered as a single vehicle. In this respect, the technically permissible laden mass taken into account is that of the whole. The number of axles shall be that of the semi-trailer which has the largest number of axles. The suspension system is that of the towing vehicle. Affective company is that which affects the towing vehicle.

On the other hand, trailers of category O4, other than semi-trailers, are considered to be vehicles independent of the vehicles which tow them and are therefore subject to separate taxation of the latter.

Depending on the use of the vehicle

In order to be subject to tax, the vehicle must comply with the 3 conditions following:

  • Be authorized to travel in France, which requires a valid Certificate of Registration (C.I.). Thus, are not subject to tax : the IC-exempt vehicles, authorized to travel for the sole purpose of their construction or repair, having a ‘provisional’ CI ‘WW’, ‘W garage’ or with the indication ‘demonstration vehicle’
  • Be used or acquired in a professional framework for economic activity
  • Circulate in Metropolitan France

Thus, vehicles traveling in a overseas department (Guadeloupe, Martinique, French Guiana, Reunion or Mayotte) are not subject to the tax.

Vehicles of a particular type

These vehicles are:

  • Historical and collector's vehicles
  • Vehicles on which certain public works and industrial equipment is permanently settled and which are used exclusively for the transport of that equipment: mobile drilling rigs, pumps, concrete mixers (except drum mixers used for the transport of concrete), lifting and handling equipment, mobile motor compressor units, mobile generating sets.

Vehicles used for certain activities of general interest

These vehicles are used for the following activities:

  • National Defense
  • Civil protection
  • Fire and other emergency services
  • Police, gendarmerie and customs forces
  • Maintenance of taxiways.

Vehicles used for certain economic activities

These are vehicles used for the following economic activities:

  • Transport within the confines of construction sites or companies 
  • Circus activity (transport of circus goods, catering and accommodation of circus staff)
  • Activity of fairground (transport of games, fairground rides and other goods used in fairground festivals)
  • Activities of equestrian centers
  • Transport necessary for an agricultural or forestry activity by an agricultural or forestry operator, an approved cooperative, a Cuma or a company of agricultural works (ETA), from or to the holding. The exemption covers all vehicles used for the transport of plants, animals, minerals or goods of plant, animal or mineral origin which are necessary for an agricultural or forestry activity. Round-trip travel used for these purposes is exempt.

Vehicles registered in certain States

Vehicles circulating in France which are registered shall be exempt from tax:

  • in a State of theEuropean Union
  • or in a State third to the European Union with which France has concluded a reciprocal exemption agreement.

The one who uses the vehicle pays the tax.

The company must fall into one of the following categories:

  • The company is proprietor of the vehicle.
  • The company is tenant of the vehicle with a contract for leasing.
  • The company is a renter of the vehicle with a rental contract of 2 years or more.
  • The company is sub-tenant of vehicles with a sublease of 2 years or more.
  • The company pays professional fees for the rental or purchase of the car.


The tax must be paid even if the vehicle has remained unused for most of the year.

Regular price

The tax rate varies according to the following parameters:

  • Type of vehicle (single motor vehicle, assembly or trailer)
  • Technically permissible maximum laden mass of the vehicle, expressed in tons
  • Number of axles
  • Type of suspension (air suspension or other).

The technically permissible maximum laden mass of the vehicle (formerly PTAC: titleContentcarte grise ) appears in section F2 of the

The technically permissible maximum laden mass of the combination (formerly PTRA: titleContentcarte grise ) consisting of the towing vehicle and the trailer or semi-trailer, with the load, the driver and any passengers, is given in item F3 of the


The number of axles to be taken into account for combinations comprising several semi-trailers shall be that which has the most.

Tableau - Tariffs (in euro) of the annual road freight vehicle (axle) tax

Type of vehicle

Technically permissible maximum laden mass(tons)

Price in case of air suspension

Tariff for other suspension systems

Truck with 2 axles (A1)

From 12



Truck with 3 axles (B1)

From 12



Truck from 4 axles (C1 and C2)

Between 12 and 26



From 27



Truck with 1-axle semi-trailer (D1 and D2)

Between 12 and 19



From 20



Truck with 2-axle semi-trailer (E1 to E4)

Between 12 and 26



Between 27 and 32



Between 33 and 38



From 39



Truck with semi-trailer from 3 axles (F1 and F2)

Between 12 and 37



From 38



Trailer (R)

From 16



To calculate the amount of tax on the basis of these annual rates, it is possible to use a calculation aid sheet proposed by the tax department:

Calculation aid sheet and summary of the use of heavy goods vehicles subject to the annual tax on heavy goods vehicles (axle tax)

Road-rail tariff

Trucks can use a mode of transport that combines rail and road transport.

This is the rate "road-rail".

The tax is then reduced by 75%.

The tax rate varies according to the following parameters:

  • Type of vehicle (single motor vehicle, assembly or trailer)
  • Technically permissible maximum laden mass of the vehicle, expressed in tons
  • Number of axles
  • Type of suspension (air suspension or other).

The technically permissible maximum laden mass of the vehicle (formerly PTAC: titleContentcarte grise ) appears in section F2 of the

The technically permissible maximum laden mass of the combination (formerly PTRA: titleContentcarte grise ) consisting of the towing vehicle and the trailer or semi-trailer, with the load, the driver and any passengers, is given in item F3 of the


The number of axles to be taken for combinations with several semi-trailers shall be that which has the most.

Tableau - Tariffs (in euro) of the annual tax on heavy goods vehicles (axle tax) "road-rail"

Type of vehicle

Technically permissible maximum laden mass (tons)

Price in case of air suspension

Tariff for other suspension systems

Truck with 2 axles (A1)

From 12



Truck with 3 axles (B1)

From 12



Truck from 4 axles (C1 and C2)

Between 12 and 26



From 27



Truck with 1-axle semi-trailer (D1 and D2)

Between 12 and 19



From 20



Truck with 2-axle semi-trailer (E1 to E4)

Between 12 and 26



Between 27 and 32



Between 33 and 38



From 39



Truck with semi-trailer from 3 axles (F1 and F2)

Between 12 and 37



From 38



Trailer (R)

From 16



To calculate the amount of your tax based on these annual rates, you can use a calculation aid sheet proposed by the tax department:

Calculation aid sheet and summary of the use of heavy goods vehicles subject to the annual tax on heavy goods vehicles (axle tax)

Please note

In the case of a personal vehicle used for business travel, the tax is reduced according to the number of kilometers driven.

The declaration shall be made in annex to the paperless VAT return and so online only.

The declaration and payment shall be made 1 time per year, in the month of January the year following the use of the vehicle.

However, a company subject to the simplified VAT system pays the VAT on the same date as its annual VAT return. So it has until the 2e the day in May of the year following the use of the vehicle to declare and pay the tax.

Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement

Normal VAT or non-VAT system

The axle tax shall be declared and paid only in line.

The tax must be declared as an annex to the VAT return.

VAT and similar taxes - Form No 3310A


One help sheet in the calculation 2856-FC-SD is made available on the tax website. It includes a detail for each vehicle and a summary table that allows complete this declaration.

Calculation aid sheet and summary of the use of heavy goods vehicles subject to the annual tax on heavy goods vehicles (axle tax)

Simplified system of taxation

The axle tax shall be declared and paid only in line.

The tax declaration must be attached to your VAT return.

Annual VAT Adjustment Declaration - Simplified scheme (No 3517-CA12)


One help sheet in the calculation 2856-FC-SD is made available on the tax website. It includes a detail for each vehicle and a summary table that allows complete this declaration.

Calculation aid sheet and summary of the use of heavy goods vehicles subject to the annual tax on heavy goods vehicles (axle tax)


You must not no supporting document attached to your statement.

A summary of the vehicles used shall be kept up to date.

It is a document which must mention the characteristics of the different vehicles of the person liable (including the different configurations of the assemblies) and the durations of their respective professional use, independently of their actual circulation.


This document must also mention the periods during which the vehicle was used for an exempt activity, in order to allow the final amount of tax to be calculated. For example, vehicle uses within the company enclosure and the length of such use shall be reported.

This summary should be presented in case of request from the tax authorities.

The company Tax Service (SIE) offers the following model:

Calculation aid sheet and summary of the use of heavy goods vehicles subject to the annual tax on heavy goods vehicles (axle tax)

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