Aid for alternance hiring through a professionalization contract

Verified 01 January 2025 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

Such aid shall be between €2,000 and €8,000. They are subject to certain conditions of production. We will explain the process for obtaining them.


The system of assistance for hiring under contract professionalization of a young person from under 30 is deleted for contracts signed after April 30, 2024.

Which companies are involved?

Any employer who contributes to continuing vocational training.

What conditions?

Any hiring of a job seeker of 26 years of age or older under a professionalization contract, CSD: titleContent or DTA: titleContent, is concerned by that aid.

The person hired must not have been a member of the company during the 6 months before the contract was signed.

The position held must not have been subject to economic dismissal within the six months preceding the hiring.

How much?

The aid amounts to €2,000.

It is paid in two installments, provided that the contract is still in progress on the second date of payment.

How do I get it?

The completed and signed application form must be sent to France Labor (formerly Pôle emploi) services, in 3 months which follow the start of the contract.

Application for assistance in hiring under work-linked contracts for the hiring of jobseekers aged 26 or over / aged 45 or over

Who shall I contact

This form must be accompanied by the following documents:

  • Copy of the contract of professionalization (cerfa n° 12434) signed by the employer and the employee
  • Bank Account Information Voucher

Professionalization contract

An employer who wishes to recruit a disabled person on a contract of professionalization may receive assistance if the contract is for a period of at least 6 months and a minimum of 24 hours per week.

The aid may be granted for a contract with a minimum duration of 16 hours per week.

Applications for aid shall be made by filling in an application form to be sent to theAgefiph: titleContent :

Request for intervention by the Agency

Who shall I contact

Its maximum amount is €5,000.

The aid is proportional to the duration of the employment contract, but it starts from 6e month worked.

This aid may be combined with other aid.

It may be renewed if studies at higher level are continued.

It can be extended for one year if the employee duplicates a class at school.

What are the conditions for taking advantage of it?


Contract must be signed before 30 April 2024.

3 conditions must be met by all:

  • The contract must be one of the following professionalization contracts:
    • Contract preparing a diploma or a professional title less than or equal to level 7 (BAC+5) of the national framework of professional certifications (master's degree, engineering degree ...)
    • Contract Preparing for a certificate of professional qualification (CQP)
    • Experimental contract to promote access to vocational certification and integration in sectors facing particular recruitment difficulties (so-called ‘tension’ occupations) with actions for the validation of experience acquired (‘reverse EEV’)
  • The employee must have under 30 the signature of the contract.
  • The contract must have been concluded between 1er january 2023 and the April 30, 2024.

What is the amount of the aid?

The amount of the aid shall be €6,000.

It shall be granted only for 1re year of the contract.

How do I ask for help?

You don't have any specific requests as such.

Just declare the employee's employment.

As an employer you must send the apprenticeship (or CQP or professionalization) contract to your Skills Operator (OPCO). According to OPCO, the deposit is made either online via their website or by post.

How is the aid paid to you?

The payment of the aid shall be automatic, monthly, before payment of salary.

Once the contract has been registered and the Monthly DSN In fact, you must report the presence or absence of the employee concerned on the SYLAé platform.

Entering Attestations of Presence of Supported Contracts Online (SYLAé Account)

Every month, the Service and Payment Agency (ASP) sends a payment notice to the employer, which can be viewed on the same Sylaé platform.

Entering Attestations of Presence of Supported Contracts Online (SYLAé Account)

Who shall I contact


If the contract is terminated before its expiry date, the aid shall be paid until the last month of the contract. For the months following the end of the contractual relationship, the overpayments must be refunded to the SSA.

Who can help me?

The public service accompanying companies

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