How to combine the status of job seeker and micro-entrepreneur?

Verified 30 August 2022 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

As a jobseeker, you have the opportunity to become a micro-entrepreneur with some support.

You need to check if there is a non-compete clause in your old employment contract.

This clause prevents you from performing an activity similar to that which you had as an employee after the termination of your employment contract.

So you can't set up a company that could compete with your employer's after your period of employment. However, there is nothing to prevent you from being a micro-entrepreneur in another field.

To be valid, this clause must be limited in time or space (place). It only applies to a specific activity. Finally, she must be paid.

Example :

You are a grocery store employee and you want to start your company.

You will not be able to create a grocery store after the end of your employment contract, however you will be able to create any other type of store (clothing store, bakery...).

Pôle emploi helps registered jobseekers set up their micro-company by offering them 2 aids. You can choose from the following aids:

You must declare your turnover as a micro-entrepreneur every month (automatically) or every 3 months (on request).

Your turnover is taxed at the micro-tax system.

You have to pay social security contributions on your turnover as a micro-entrepreneur.

You are subject to the regime micro-social.

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