Green and energy transition of a company

Verified 29 November 2023 - Legal and Administrative Information Directorate (Prime Minister)

You want measure your carbon impact and reduce your greenhouse gas emissions ? You want implement a savings plan energy, matter or water? You want better manage your waste ? You have a draft energy renovation of your buildings ?

How to start your project? What are the interlocutors throughout France or locally accompany you according to your project and industry? Who can bring you financial aid ?

We present you with the information you need to know.

The Ecological Transition Agency (Ademe) presents a 5-step approach to improve the performance of your company:

  • Structure your approach
  • Conduct an inventory
  • Reduce your consumption
  • Consuming decarbonized energy
  • Valuing your potential and cooperating

The 5-step approach to decarbonization

You don't know where to start? Want to know who can help you finance your project? You can contact an expert advisor on the green transition of the public service supporting SMEs.

Who shall I contact

The Ecological Transition Agency (Ademe) presents practical tips and guides for:

  • Reduce your energy consumption by diagnosing and identifying the most energy-intensive workstations
  • Evaluate your current electricity contracts
  • Switch to LED lighting
  • Design an energy retrofit plan for your buildings
  • Use renewable energy like solar panels for your company

Energy Sobriety: Knowing the levers of action for companies

You don't know where to start? Want to know who can help you finance your project? You can contact an expert advisor on the green transition of the public service supporting SMEs.

Who shall I contact

The Ecological Transition Agency (Ademe) presents practical tips and guides for:

  • Reduce your waste, optimize selective sorting in company
  • Valuing the resale of materials, working to create new opportunities in your territory

Know how a company can reduce and recover its waste

You don't know where to start? Want to know who can help you finance your project? You can contact an expert advisor on the green transition of the public service supporting SMEs.

Who shall I contact

You want integrate the social concerns and environmental to your commercial activities and your relationship with your collaborators, your suppliers, your customers ?

In addition to saving money, you want differentiate you commercially, enhance your image, retain your customers and suppliers, attract talent, mobilize your employees around a project?

The CSR Portal allows you to know and respond to your CSR obligations :

CSR Portal

The Chambers of Commerce and Industry (CCI) website presents assessment tools on your company and the guidelines to conduct a company social responsibility (CSR) approach :

Carrying out CSR

You don't know where to start? Want to know who can help you finance your project? You can contact an expert advisor on the green transition of the public service supporting SMEs.

Who shall I contact

Ecodesign is an approach that reduces the negative impacts of products, processes or services on the environment over their entire life cycle, while maintaining their qualities of use.

The Ecological Transition Agency (Ademe) offers practical advice and guides to carry out your ecodesign project:

Learn how a company can succeed with its eco-design project

You don't know where to start? Want to know who can help you finance your project? You can contact an expert advisor on the green transition of the public service supporting SMEs.

Who shall I contact

You can, among others:

  • Favor cycling or carpooling trips of your employees with the sustainable mobility package
  • Introducing a transport premium for electric, plug-in hybrid or hydrogen vehicles for employees

The Ministry of Ecology provides a handy guide for companies:

Company and sustainable mobility: how to start the transition?

You don't know where to start? Want to know who can help you finance your project? You can contact an expert advisor on the green transition of the public service supporting SMEs.

Who shall I contact

Know the support and financing for a company's green transition project

To know the main measures for the green transition of SMEs

Knowledge of support schemes for the green transition for industrial SMEs

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