Economic Interest Grouping (EIG): What you need to know
Verified 19 December 2023 - Legal and Administrative Information Directorate (Prime Minister)
The Economic Interest Grouping (EIG) constitutes a intermediate legal framework between the business and the association. It allows the pooling of certain activities or of certain means by companies wishing to develop their activity.
Interest of the EIG
The Economic Interest Grouping (EIG) allows companies toworking together where they have common interests, while retaining their independence. In other words, the EIG allows them to group together to to facilitate or develop their economic activity by pooling resources and expertise.
Thus, EIG can be used to:
- Joint commercial action : sales promotion, commodity purchasing groups, advertising campaigns, market research, representation abroad, etc.
- Studies : scientific research, design offices, engineering, prototype development, etc.
- The creation of common services : IT, accounting, transport, depots, canteens, technical assistance
- Creation of independent merchant group shops.
Please note
The major advantage of the EIG is that it has a very flexible legal regime. The founders of the EIG have a very great freedom in its organization and functioning.
Characteristics of the EIG
The EIG must have as its object the extension of the economic activity of its members. In other words, the activities of the EIG must be directly related to those of its members.
For example, supporting its members in financial difficulties is a good way for an EIG to facilitate their economic activity. However, if several companies are considering promoting a new activity, they will have to resort to a business, not an EIG.
Likewise, the EIG shall not replace its members to carry on their economic activity. Each member shall to maintain complete independence in the conduct of its business (outside the particular areas where the need for joint action through the EIG has been recognized).
Please note
The EIG may be constituted with or without capital. In either case, the EIG may receive contributions from its members in cash (money), in kind (goods) or in industry (know-how, skills).
The EIG cannot itself lead to a search for profitBut he is not forbidden to do so. In other words, if the aim of the EIG is not to make a profit for itself, the EIG may set aside the results of its activities for the purpose of achieving its social purpose.
Please note
Even if it has a civil object, the EIG must be registered in the SCR: titleContent and RNE: titleContent. Upon registration, he shall obtain legal personality and his own assets.
EIG members are indefinitely and jointly and severally liable of its debts.
In other words, the creditors the EIG may sue each member (or even only one of them) on its own assets in order to pay all a debt.
Please note
A new member can be exempt from debts incurred before entry in the pool.
Members have a great freedom to adjust the operating rules of the EIG.
EIG members
The Economic Interest Grouping (EIG) shall comprise minimum 2 members. No maximum is set by law.
Members may be people physical or persons moral, provided that each person pursues an economic activity which is an extension of that of the EIG, for example:
- Sole trader
- Managing director of SARL, in its own name (its economic activity results from its functions as ‘manager’ of a business)
- civil or commercial business
- Association whose activity is of an economic nature
- Commune upon authorization of a decree in the Council of State.
Merchant quality is not not required to be part of an EIG, even if the EIG is of a commercial nature.
Administration of the EIG
The EIG is administered by one or more persons, chosen from among or outside the members. A legal person may be appointed administrator of the grouping provided that it appoints a permanent representative who is liable to the same civil and criminal liability as if he were a director in his own name.
In its dealings with third parties (suppliers, customers, administrations), the administrator commits the EIG by any act which falls within the objects of the company of the grouping. For example, the administrator may enter into a loan to finance the purchase of equipment necessary for the development of the members' economic activity.
Please note
The intervention of a auditor is compulsory where the EIG has at least 100 employees at the end of a financial year.
Assembly of EIG Members
The Assembly of Members shall have the power to to take all decisions (e.g. dissolution of the EIG), under the conditions laid down in the EIG contract. For example, the contract may provide for a meeting " ordinary competent to decide on the accounts of the EIG and the authorizations to be given to the directors, and a meeting ‘ extraordinary responsible for deciding on decisions involving an amendment to the EIG contract.
Please note
The meeting of the assembly is mandatory if it is requested by at least 1/4 of the EIG members.
The contract also determines the majority conditions for decision-making. In the absence of specific clauses, decisions shall be taken inunanimity members.
In addition, the contract may award different number of votes to certain members depending, for example, on their number of shares held or the volume of business dealt with by the EIG.
The Economic Interest Grouping (EIG) is not not taxable as such. Taxation must be studied at the level of its members.
Taxation of members
Each member is taxed for the part of the profits generated by the EIG which corresponds to his rights under theincome tax (IR) or thebusiness tax (IS), according to the rules applicable to the member.
Similarly, expenditure incurred by a member under the EIG may be deducted from its result.
Taxation of administrators
The tax treatment of directors varies according to their status as a member of the EIG:
- Member Administrators : their remuneration is added to their share of profits generated under the EIG as a member (IR or SI taxation as appropriate).
- Non-member Administrators : their remuneration is subject to the salary system.
EIG scheme (legislative part)
EIG scheme (regulatory part)