Compulsory payment of employees' public transport costs

Verified 17 February 2025 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

An employer duty to pay part of the public transport costs of its employees. This applies to subscriptions to public transport and to public bicycle rental services used by their employees for their commuting. This support is exempt from social contributions.

Sheets dedicated to the optional payment of employees' personal transport costs are available: one on the Sustainable Mobility Package (FMD) and one on the assumption of fuel and fuel costs for electric, plug-in hybrid or hydrogen vehicles, available here.


The cost of public transport must be borne by all company employees with public transport passes.

The employer must take charge 50% the cost of the vouchers of its employees who use public transport.

Subscription titles supported are:

  • Subscriptions multimodal with unlimited travel
  • Annual, monthly, weekly or tacit (automatic) subscriptions to unlimited trips issued by the SNCF or other public transport companies
  • Monthly, weekly or tacit (automatic) renewal cards and subscriptions to a limited number of journeys issued by RATP, SNCF or other public transport companies
  • Subscriptions to a public bicycle rental service


The employee is to be paid for all public transport services for the entire journey from his habitual residence to his place of work. That may therefore include several separate subscriptions, all of which need to be supported.

Part-time employees

Part-time employees benefit from of this care.

Support depends on how long they work:

  • If the duration is greater than or equal to 50% the legal duration of weekly or conventional work, the cost of public transport shall apply as for a full-time employee.
  • If the duration is less than 50% of the legal duration of weekly or conventional work, the employer must be proportional to the number of hours worked in relation to half the duration of full-time work.

Example :

In a company where full-time work is 35 hours, an employee works 7 hours a week.

He works 20% full-time working time (7 hours), or 40% hours worked in relation to half (here, 17.5 hours) of full-time work.

The employee must therefore benefit from 40% the amount of public transport costs which he would have received had he been on a full-time basis.

The cost of public transport shall be borne by at least equal to 50% the cost of the subscription vouchers to the employee (for full-time employees).

The employer's payment is made on the basis of the rates of 2e class.

The employee may ask for the ticket(s) allowing him to make the journey from his home to his place of work in the shortest possible time.

When the ticket used corresponds to a journey greater than the shortest journey, the fare is picked up on the basis of the subscription which strictly allows to make the shortest trip.

Coverage of public transport costs may be greater than 50% the cost of the subscription vouchers to the employee, at the employer's decision (e.g. as part of its CSR policy).


Coverage of public transport costs is mandatory.

The employer must reimburse the securities purchased by the employees at the latest by the end of the month following the month for which they were validated.

Securities with an annual validity period are supported monthly during the period of use.

Example: For a paid subscription annually by the employee by an amount of €1,200, the employer must at least reimburse monthly €50. In total over the year, the refund will be €600.

Please note

The employer may refuse to take charge if the employee is already receiving allowances representing expenses for traveling between his residence and his place of work in an amount equal to or greater than the payment of 50% public transport costs.


The employee must to provide or present his subscription title covered by the cost of public transport.

To be supported, the title allow identification of the holder and be valid.

For subscription titles to a public bicycle rental service, a sworn certificate of the employee is sufficient to qualify for payment of the subscription fee where the subscription voucher does not include the name and surname of the beneficiary.

The amount of reimbursement of transport costs must be mentioned on the pay slip.


For employees temporary workers, a sworn certificate addressed to the temporary company of employment is sufficient to qualify for payment of the cost of subscribing to a public passenger transport service or to a public bicycle rental service.

Possibility of collective agreement

One collective agreement (company, inter-company or branch agreement) may make certain changes to the cost of public transport. It may cover the following:

  • Proof of subscription necessary to benefit from the support: subscription ticket, attestation on honor, etc.
  • The amount of reimbursement for transportation costs (greater than or equal to 50%)
  • Reimbursement deadlines. These deadlines must be at the latest: the end of the month following the month for which the securities have been validated

In the absence of a collective agreement, the employer shall decide on the amount of the support public transport costs. This must be at least 50% the cost of the subscription vouchers to the employee.


In the event of a change in the reimbursement of public transport costs, the employer must notify employees at least one month before the date set for the change.

Public transport costs were covered exempt from social contributions up to 75% the cost of the subscription vouchers for the employee, without any ceiling.

Please note

For the employee who benefits from it, the public transport costs are exempt from income tax up to 75% the cost of the subscription vouchers for the employee, without any ceiling.

The payment of tickets for public transport or bicycle rental is cumulable with the sustainable mobility package.

If the exemption from social security contributions for the payment of public transport passes or for the hire of bicycles exceeds €900 per year for an employee, the sustainable mobility package will be subject to social contributions.

Otherwise, the exemption from social security contributions for both types of support is limited to €900.

Since 2025, in the case of overlapping between the payment of the public transport subscription or bicycle rental vouchers and the fuel premium, the fuel premium shall not be exempt from social contributions.


If support for public transport subscriptions exceeds €900 per year per employee, the long-term mobility package and the fuel premium do not benefit from any exemption from social contributions.

Example :

An employee shall be provided with 50% the amount of his public transport subscription for €710 and the sustainable mobility package up to €330, of which €50 fuel premium.

He shall be exempt from social security contributions of up to €900.

Sound management public transport subscription (€710) is fully exempt from social contributions.

The sustainable mobility package shall be exempt from social security contributions up to €190 (because €900 - €710 = €190).

The employer will have to pay social contributions on the full fuel premium (i.e €50), the latter not being exempt from social contributions because of the cumulation with the reimbursement of the employee's public transport costs.

It will also pay social security contributions on €90 the fixed-term mobility package (excluding fuel premium) which are not exempt (€330 - €190 - €50 = €90).

In the absence of any provision for the payment of public transport costs, the employer is liable to penalty. It's a fine of €750 (natural person) or €3,750 (legal person).

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