Seeking public support: Codefi and Ciri

Verified 16 September 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

The administration has set up special committees to help companies in difficulty find solutions to restore their financial situation.

A company that encounters funding problems to carry out its activity or its development may be accompanied by one of the following:

  • Where it has less than 400 employees: Departmental Committee for the Examination of Problems of company Financing (Codefi)
  • Where it has more than 400 employees: Interministerial Committee on Industrial Restructuring (Ciri)


The Codefiance is intended for to help companies in difficultyof less than 400 employees by offering them financial, social and industrial measures. It guides and assists these companies in finding solutions to recover, keep workers employed or grow.

It is a departmental structure chaired by the prefect of the department. This is a close contact for companies.

It can do the following:

  • To welcome and refer companies in difficulty to the appropriate interlocutors (for example, the RSCC for obtaining payment periods)
  • Detecting difficulties: with the agreement of the company, the Co-Challenge can conduct audits to assess the financial, economic and social situation of the company. The objective of the audit is also to validate the economic recovery assumptions and to establish a cash flow forecast plan
  • To carry out diagnoses and offer treatment adapted to the difficulties: loans can be offered to the company for its economic and social development.

A company seeking help from the Codefi must complete the following file:

Simplified referral file to the Departmental Committee for the Examination of Problems of Financing companies (CODEFI

The company must send its request by post to the Permanent Secretariat of the Codefi at its head office:

It can also apply to the company Tax Office (SIE) on which it depends (where its head office is located):

Who shall I contact


The Ciri is dedicated to to help companies in difficulty more than 400 employees by offering them financial, social and industrial measures. It guides and assists these companies in finding solutions to recover, keep workers employed or grow. Ciri is a national structure chaired by the Director General of the Treasury.

It provides a diagnosis of the company situation and makes suggestions for remedying it. It also conducts negotiations with economic players (shareholders, creditors, customers, suppliers, etc.) in agreement with the company without taking the place of the head of company. It may grant loans under certain conditions.

The company should contact the Interdepartmental Committee on Industrial Restructuring:

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