Resolve commercial disputes through alternative dispute resolution (ADR.)
Verified 27 November 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
Amicable Dispute Resolution (ADR.) is a method of resolving disputes without resorting to the courts. They promote agreement by improving communication between the parties. ADRs are faster and less costly than litigation and respect the principle of confidentiality.
There are various alternative dispute resolution (ADR.) methods: mediation (treaty and judicial), arbitration, conciliation, participatory procedure and collaborative law.
Conventional and judicial mediation
There are two types of mediation:
- Conventional or extra-judicial mediation : it is initiated by the parties. The mediator is a person who is specifically trained to facilitate conflict resolution and who is paid. It may be a lawyer or a person belonging to a chamber of commerce or a professional association. Conventional mediation can take place at different times:
- Either before the dispute : Mediation is provided for in the contract: a mediation clause in the contract states that in case of dispute, mediation is mandatory.
- Either in the course of the dispute : The parties shall appoint a mediator during a dispute who shall be responsible for finding a solution.
- Judicial mediation : it is proposed by the judge at any stage of the proceedings (on application for interim measures or pending appeal) before the court. The parties agree on the name of the judicial mediator proposed by the judge and who shall be paid. This may be a legal person (a business or an association) or a natural person. Its mission is limited to a period of 3 months renewable only once. The judge may refer to the list of mediators registered with the Court of Appeal.
To learn more about conventional mediation, you can visit the dedicated card.
Public Ombudsmen: companies Ombudsman and Consumer Litigation Ombudsman
In case of disputes between traders or with the administration, it is possible to refer companies to the Ombudsman, who is attached to the Ministry of Economy and Finance. In particular, it intervenes in the following disputes:
- Disputes in the performance of a contract (payment terms, sudden breach of contract, etc.)
- Disputes between a TYPE or a SMB and a large company
- Difficulties in the context of public order
- Non-compliance with a verbal agreement
- Non-compliance with payment conditions (late payment, unjustified deductions, penalties abusive), etc.
The companies Ombudsman provides a free service and allows a solution to be found while preserving the commercial relationship.
For more information on the companies Ombudsman, please see the dedicated card.
In case of dispute with a particular customer, the trader shall be obliged to offer to use the Consumer Litigation Ombudsman. The latter shall have jurisdiction in the event of a dispute concerning the performance of a contract of sale or service. Consumer mediation is free for the consumer but paid for by the trader.
For more information on the Consumer Litigation Ombudsman, please see the dedicated card.
There are other public mediators:
- In case of difficulties to find financing or to repay a loan, it is possible to seize the Credit Mediation. This service of the Banque de France is free and confidential.
- In the event of difficulties in approaching the Urssaf, the Urssaf mediation may be entered free of charge. A request must first be made to the services of the Urssaf by post, by courier or during an appointment.
Conciliation allows a dispute between several persons to be resolved through the intervention of a third party: conciliator of justice. For example, it can be used to resolve disputes related to debt collection.
Conciliation is based on the willingness of the parties to reach an agreement. It's free.
The Justice Conciliator is a volunteer who is appointed by order of the President of the Court of Appeal and sworn. This may include:
- On appointment of the judge: it is delegated conciliation or judicially ordered conciliation.
- At the request of one or more parties, before or during a trial: this is conventional conciliation.
To find a justice conciliator outside a judicial procedure, you must contact one of the offices of justice conciliators:
Who shall I contact
Please note
To learn more about the Justice Reconciliation, you can visit the dedicated card.
In the event of recourse to arbitration, the dispute shall not be settled by a court but by one or more arbitrators chosen and paid by the parties.
Arbitration is a widely used method of dispute resolution in commercial matters, in the case of disputes between partners of a commercial business, in the application of a franchise agreement or distribution.
The parties may decide to use thearbitration at different times:
- Before a dispute arises : the parties may agree on a arbitration clause, directly inserted into the contract or into a separate contract. This written form shall be signed by both parties and shall indicate the choice of the arbitrator responsible for settling the dispute. The arbitration clause is only permitted in contracts concluded in the course of a professional activity (for example, in a franchise agreement). Where one of the parties has not contracted in the course of his professional activity, the trader may not invoke the arbitration clause with the non-trader.
- During the dispute : the parties decide to settle an existing dispute by arbitration. We're talking about arbitration compromise. That compromise must determine the scope of the subject-matter of the dispute and the appointment of the arbitrators.
Arbitration is not available after the opening of an arbitration collective proceedings.
Participatory procedure and collaborative law
The objective is to reach an amicable agreement through the intervention of counsel on both sides.
Before the dispute:
- Conventional participatory procedure : it is the result of an agreement by which the parties undertake to find an amicable solution to their dispute through their lawyers. The parties exchange their exhibits and arguments through their counsel. The parties may use a third party (e.g. : expert, law professor...). This agreement shall be concluded for a fixed period. As long as the agreement is pending, any appeal to the court to rule on the dispute shall be inadmissible.
- Collaborative Law : it is the result of a contract by which the parties and their lawyers undertake to do their utmost to seek an amicable settlement of the dispute. The parties undertake not to refer the matter to the judge for the duration of the process. The negotiations are confidential. They take place in 5 defined steps to reach an agreement. The Parties may or may not decide to have their agreement approved.
Where the matter is referred to the court:
Participatory procedure for the purposes of preparation : the parties and their lawyers agree to put their dispute in a state to be tried. Together with their lawyers, they define a working methodology and a meeting schedule. They shall also jointly select the experts they wish to use. This allows the judge, at the end of the proceedings, to make a decision on the merits.
For more information on participatory procedure and collaborative law, see the dedicated card.
In the event of a dispute with a trader, artisan or commercial business, it is not mandatory to resort to ADR. before bringing an action before the commercial court. It is therefore possible to assign as payment its debtor without going through an amicable settlement phase, regardless of the amount of the dispute.
However, it is obligatory seek an amicable solution before taking legal action where the following 2 conditions are met:
- The amount of the dispute shall not exceed €5,000.
- The dispute is within the jurisdiction of the court (the debtor is an individual, a liberal professional, etc.).
The amicable solution may be conciliation by a justice conciliator, mediation or participatory proceedings.
Where a simplified procedure of recovery of small claims has been initiated and has failed, the use of ADRs is not mandatory.
Whether negotiating an agreement through lawyers (participatory procedure and collaborative law) or a third party (mediator, conciliator of justice), the various alternative dispute resolution (ADR.) methods have many advantages:
- They are confidential. On the other hand, legal proceedings are always public and can have negative impacts on the image of one of the parties.
- They are less costly judicial proceedings and sometimes even free of charge. This is the case, for example, with conciliation.
- They are a way to resolve a conflict faster than traditional judicial procedures.
- They enable dialog between the parties to be maintained and thus preserve the commercial relationship.
- The parties may choose the mediator or arbitrator and thus benefit from their specific expertise.
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Ombudsman for companies
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98-102 rue de Richelieu
75002 Paris
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01 53 17 87 95
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Conventional Mediation
Mission of the Justice Conciliator
Use of ADRs for civil claims below EUR 5000