
Paper Income Tax Return (Form 10330)

Ministry of Finance - Cerfa n° 10330
Autre numéro : 2042

The income tax return is used to report income received by members of the tax household.

It allows for the assessment of personal income tax.

The additional declarations are as follows:

  • Supplementary income tax return (2042-C or cerfa n°11222)
  • Reporting of Tax Cuts and Tax Credits (2042-RICI or cerfa n°15637)
  • Supplementary declaration for self-employed persons (2042-C-PRO or cerfa n°11222)
  • Reporting the overseas investment tax credit and tax reductions (2042-K-IOM or cerfa n°14220)
  • Application for a refund of the additional fee to the lease fee (2042-TA or cerfa n°11488)

Access to the tax return package leaflet 2041-NOT (cerfa n°50796).

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    Émetteur du formulaire administratif : Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information

    Verified 17 April 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)