France Travail (formerly Pôle emploi): online services for employers (employer attestations, etc.) (Online service)

France Labor

After entering the company's identifier (affiliation number), access code and department number, the Employers section provides access to the various services and declarations to be completed online:

  • For all employers : establishment of a employer attestation (EA) after the termination or termination of a contract of employment (the online procedure is mandatory for companies of more than 10 employees), and its automatic transmission to France Travail (formerly Pôle emploi) by this service or by your payroll software if you are in the DSN perimeter
  • Affiliation of expatriate employees
  • In the context of a economic redundancy, downloading folder for professional security contract (CSP) and access to the module for calculating the amount of contributions due for employees who are beneficiaries of the FMC
  • For regular employers ofintermittent of the show : assignment of an object number and establishment of a monthly employer certificate (MEA)for each work performed during the month (regardless of duration).

Please note

For employers who manage their employees through the Nominative Social Declaration (DSN), it is advisable to produce an employer attestation (EA) by their DSN payroll software (AE-DSN).


This online service does not concern individual employers (e.g. employer of a childminder or domestic worker), who should ask a special France Travail (formerly Pôle emploi) attestation Individual employer.

Go to the online procedure

Verified 17 May 2023 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

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