Registration of medical assistants in the Adéli directory (Form 10906*07)

Ministry of Health - Cerfa n° 10906*07

Enables you to register with the Adéli directory of health professions (Adéli number) and obtain the pre-filled application form for the allocation of the health professional card (CPS).

It is necessary to present the original diplomas, certificates, diplomas or authorizations.

Includes the following para-medical professions: audio-prosthetist, dietitian, epithetist, occupational therapist, nurse, psychiatric nurse, ERM manipulator, massage therapist, ocularist, optician-eyewear specialist, orthopedist-orthotist, speech therapist, orthoprosthetist, orthoptist, pedicure-podiatrist, podo-orthotist, psychomotrician, laboratory technician.

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Verified 17 July 2018 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

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