
Application for measurement of exposure to electromagnetic fields (Form 15003*02)

Cerfa 15003*02

Allows any person who wishes to do so to request, free of charge, a measurement of the exposure to electromagnetic waves either in the living quarters or in places accessible to the public. It is not applicable to waves emitted by electrical lines, in particular high voltage lines.

The form must be signed by an authorized body (local authorities, approved environmental protection associations, federations of family associations, etc.) and then sent by the applicant to the National Frequency Agency, which will examine the application and send an independent accredited laboratory to carry out the measurement. The list of authorized bodies is given in the explanatory note.

The results of the measurements shall then be made public by the Agency on the website

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    Émetteur du formulaire administratif : National Frequency Agency

    Verified 27 May 2019 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)