Modèle de document
Ten-year liability: model insurance certificate (individual contract) (Document template)
Contract signed by an individual taxable person (self-employed craftsman or micro-entrepreneur)
Name and address of insured person:
Unique identification number of the insured (Siret number): ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Name, address of the head office and full details of the insurer and, where applicable, of the branch granting the guarantee:
Insurance contract number: ..........
Period of validity: ..........
Date of issue of the certificate: ..........
Where the certificate of insurance covers a series of construction operations, indicate the scope of the guarantee according to the following characteristics:
- activity(ies) or task(s) carried out by the insured person: ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
- date(s) of opening of the site(s): ..........
- geographical scope of construction operations covered: .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
- cost of construction operations: ...........
- where applicable, amount of the contract of the insured person: ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
- nature of the techniques used: ...........
- where applicable, the presence of a collective contract for ten-year liability and the amount of the absolute exemption.
The guarantees covered by this certificate shall apply to:
- the following professional activities or tasks (to be completed by the insurer): ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
- works which have been the subject of a construction site opening during the period of validity mentioned above (either on the date of the declaration of the opening of the site, for works requiring the issue of a construction permit, or, for works not requiring the issue of such a permit, on the date of the first service order or, failing that, on the actual date of commencement of the works),
- work carried out in ........... (geographical scope of the construction operations covered to be specified by the insurer),
- the following works, products and construction processes: ........... (to be completed by the insurer).
- to yards whose total construction cost excluding any body of state (to be completed by the insurer specifying whether or not this cost includes the fees) ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
(To be added where appropriate) This sum shall be increased to € ....... (to be completed by the insurer) in the presence of a collective contract for ten-year liability benefiting the insured, including in respect of him an absolute exemption of a maximum of € (to be completed by the insurer).
In the event that the work carried out does not comply with the characteristics set out above, the insured shall inform the insurer.
Where the statement of insurance relates to a particular construction operation, indicate the following characteristics:
- address, nature and cost of the construction operation declared by the contracting authority: ...........
- activity(ies) or task(s) carried out by the insured person: ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
- date of commencement of works: ...........
- nature and amount of the service provided by the insured person: ............
- nature of the techniques used: ...........
- where applicable, the presence of a collective contract for ten-year liability and the amount of the absolute exemption.
The guarantees which are the subject of this insurance certificate shall apply to the construction operation having the following characteristics (to be completed by the insurer): ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
If these characteristics are changed, the insured informs the insurer.
Nature of the guarantee
The contract guarantees the insured person's ten-year liability established by Articles 1792 et seq. of the Civil Code, within the framework and limits provided for by the provisions of Articles L. 241-1 and L. 241-2 relating to the ten-year insurance obligation, and for works of construction subject to it, in the light of Article L. 243-1-1 of the same Code.
The guarantee covers repair work, in particular in the case of replacement of the works, which also includes any demolition, clearing, removal or dismantling work that may be necessary.
Amount of the guarantee
In dwellings: the amount of the guarantee covers the cost of repairing damage to the structure.
Excluding dwellings: the amount of the guarantee shall cover the cost of repairing damage to the structure up to the total construction cost declared by the contracting authority and not exceeding the amount provided for in I of Article R. 243-3.
Where a collective contract of ten-year liability is entered into for the benefit of the insured, the amount of the guarantee shall be equal to the amount of the absolute exemption stipulated in the said collective contract.
Duration and maintenance of the guarantee
The guarantee shall apply for the period of the insured person's ten-year liability under Articles 1792 et seq. of the Civil Code. It shall in all cases be maintained for the same period.
This certificate may not bind the insurer beyond the terms and conditions of the contract to which it refers.
FACT A .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. THE...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Name, function and signature of the authorized representative of the insurer
the certificate may, if necessary, contain details of other guarantees or extensions provided for in the insurance contract. However, under the compulsory guarantee provided for in Articles L. 241-1 and L. 241-2, the certificate must not contain any indication capable of excluding or limiting in any way the scope of the abovementioned minimum particulars. No reference may be made to contractual provisions unless they are reproduced in the certificate.
For details, please use the practical information sheets :
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Verified 25 June 2021 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)