Where can I find my training as a road transport operator? (Search tool)

Pôle emploi

This tool allows you to find the centers that offer training to become a road transport operator. You have a wide range of training options. They are not free.

You can use your to access one of these courses.

Vidéo - CPF (Personal Training Account): your questions, our answers
Credits : Public Service (DILA)

Your questions / Our answers


Personal Training Account (PTA)

Know your rights

What's CPF?

It's an account with a sum of money. This money allows you to take training throughout your life.

How do I know the amount of my CPF?

You have to go to www.moncompteformation.gouv.fr.

To create an account, your social security number is enough.

You can consult your training rights there. They are presented in the form of a sum in euros.

How is my CPF powered?

As long as you work at least half-time, your CPF is powered by €500 per year. With a total limit of 5000 €.

If you are less than half-time, this amount is proportional to your working time.

For example, if you work 1/5th of the time, i.e. 7 hours a week, your account is credited with 100 € per year.

How do I get my CPF money back?

This money can only be used for training.

It is up to you to take the initiative to use it, following the procedure on the My Account Training site.

Does my CPF allow me to take any training?

No, no, no. The training has to meet certain objectives.

For example, this may include:

- Certifying training, i.e. leading to a recognized professional certification

- Training to validate the experience gained

- A skills assessment

- Preparation for certain driving licenses

- Training dedicated to the creation or recovery of companies

The training courses available are on the My Training Account website.

Should I notify my employer of my request for training?

No, if the training takes place outside of working time.

But if it is scheduled during working time, you have to ask your employer for an absence authorization. This request must be made at least 60 days before the start of the training, or 120 days if the training lasts more than 6 months.

Can my employer refuse my request for training?

You do not need his approval for training outside working hours (e.g. evening or RTT).

But if the requested training takes place during working time, then your employer may refuse your request.

Can I do training more expensive than the amount available on my CPF?

Yeah. Yeah.

If the training you want costs more than the amount available on your CPF, you can look for a financial supplement.

Ask your employer or organizations such as the Agency or the Regional Council.

Can I use my CPF if I am unemployed?

Yeah. Yeah.

Your CPF follows you throughout your life. You retain your rights, even if you change employers or lose your job.

Can I give the amount of money from my CPF to a colleague or relative?

No, no, no.

This money cannot be donated to a third party.

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Verified 12 January 2022 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

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