Procedure to inform France Travail of the refusal by an employee of a proposal for a DTA following the conclusion of a DTA or a contract of assignment (Form)

France Travail (formerly Pôle emploi)

You have offered an employee a permanent contract of employment (CDI), following a fixed-term contract of employment (CDD) or a contract of employment, to perform the same or similar employment.

Since 1er January 2024, the employer, who proposed the DTA, must inform France Travail of the employee's refusal.

This refusal may, under certain conditions, deprive the employee of the benefit of the unemployment benefit.

To enable the France Travail operator to examine the person's application for unemployment benefit, you must complete this form.

Go to the online administrative form

Verified 10 January 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

For details, please use the practical information sheets :

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