Deferral of social security contributions: possibility of an adapted timetable
Publié le 19 octobre 2022 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
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Employers and self-employed persons who have received a deferral for the payment of their social security contributions and who are in difficulty in paying their contributions may benefit from an adapted timetable.
During the health crisis, employers and the self-employed received support from the Urssaf to allow them to defer paying their social security contributions.
Employers or self-employed people who have difficulties paying their social security contributions and meeting their payment deadline (so-called clearance plan) may approach their Urssaf in order to apply for a payment schedule adapted to their situation. For employers, the benefit of this scheme is subject to the payment of the wage share of your contributions.
If the situation is not regularized, recovery procedures are initiated.
Solutions for the self-employed
In case of difficulties in paying social contributions, self-employed workers can ask their Urssaf:
adjust the amount of their contributions if their income varies;
extend the duration of their payment period in order to reduce the amount of the installments;
a time limit for payment, if this has not been done so far;
the social action of the Council for the Social Protection of the Self-Employed (CPSTI) includes assistance to contributors in difficulty (ACED) which may be requested in the event of particular cash-flow difficulties. It allows full or partial reimbursement of the social contributions due.