Assist with recovery or company creation (Arce)

Verified 01 July 2023 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

Aid for the takeover and creation of a company (Arce) is financial aid paid by France Travail (formerly Pôle emploi) and intended for company creators or buyers. It consists in receiving part of its unemployment benefits in the form of capital and subject to conditions. Since 1er July 2023, the amount of the Arce is 60% the rights to the assisted return to work (ARE) allowance which remain to be paid.

L'Arce is for those registered as a job seeker at France Travail (formerly Pôle emploi) in the following situations:

  • Job-seeker who is in receipt of the return-to-work assistance allowance (ARE) at the time of recovery or company creation
  • Employee who creates or takes over a company after the termination of his employment contract and who has terminated his reclassification leave or to its mobility leave. This company creator or buyer must register as a job seeker.

Company creators or buyers have 2 options:

  • Or they combine their self-employed earnings each month with part of their return-to-work (ARE) allowance,
  • Either they opt for the Arce


The option for Arce does not allow the company creator to post basic retirement quarters.

On the other hand, a company creator who has not opted for the Arce may continue to receive the AER provided that he remains registered as a jobseeker. He then remains affiliated to the general social security scheme and continues to validate quarters for his retirement.

To benefit from the Arce, you must complete the 3 conditions following:

  • Have created or resumed a company in France after the end of your employment contract
  • Benefit from the return-to-work assistance allowance (ARE)
  • Benefit from support for company creators and buyers (Acre) which is a partial or total exemption from social security contributions for 1 year

Since 1erJuly 2023, the amount of the Arce is equal to 60% of the capital remaining from the rights to theARE.

A deduction from the participation of 3% for the financing of supplementary pensions shall be applied to the amount of the capital.

France Travail provides a simulator to evaluate the amount of the Arce.

Simulator for estimating the amount of the Arce

Example :

The 1erjuly 2023, one person loses his job. She enrolled at France Travail on July 2 to receive the ARE. Its ARE right corresponds to €40per day for a period of 548 days.

Taking into account the waiting time and the deferred compensation, it starts on the 1er September 2023.

He perceives the Are of the 1er September 30, 2023.

The 1er in october 2023, he founded his company. On that date, it shall have a balance of 518 days (548 days - 30 days).

The amount of the capital will be: [(€40 x 518 days) x 0.60] = €12,432 (with deduction of 3% : €12,059).

Payment of the Arce is made in 2 installments:

  • The 1er payment, equal to half of the aid, shall be made when the activity begins.
  • The 2ndnd payment is made 6 months after the date on which a company is created or taken over, if the buyer or creator is still carrying on the activity for which the aid was granted.

The jobseeker must complete an application for Arce with France Travail (formerly Pôle emploi).

He must give France Travail a proof certifying the creation or takeover of a company under the Acre scheme. For example, it may be a proof of registration in the National company Register (NRS). This document is provided by the one-stop shop for company formalities.

Who shall I contact

If the company ceases to be active, it is possible to apply for a recovery of its rights. Entitlements to the return-to-work (Are) allowance previously opened and not yet paid may be paid. To do this, we must re-register as a jobseeker.

The remaining portion of the EI entitlement remains available for 3 years from the date of entitlement. After this period, the rights are lost.

Example :

A creator/purchaser's rights to the AER have been open since February 2023. He has six months left in the allowance. In the event of the business of the company being set up or resumed ceasing to operate, it may request payment of its remaining entitlements until at least August 2026.

You can benefit from a resumption of payment of your remaining rights to the ARE when you have taken up an employed activity in parallel with your self-employed activity.

All conditions the following must be present:

  • You are still performing the activity you created or resumed for which you received the CRA.
  • You have received the second installment of the CCRA (at the earliest from 1er July 2021).
  • You have resumed an activity as an employed person and your employment contract has ended after the award of the Arce

This resumption of the payment of your fees Is intervenes after a period of time obtained by dividing the gross amount received on the second installment by the gross amount of your Eare allowance. It shall apply from second installment of the Arce.

Example :

You have a daily allowance ofARE of €50 per day over 12 months.

In July, you receive the second installment of the Arce equal to €5,475.

In August and September, you resume a job.

The duration of the deferral Arce shall be: €5,475/50110 calendar days (109,5)

The starting point of the deferral is the date of 2e payment of the Arce, i.e. in July.

The resumption of payment of your ARE fee will be in October for 82 days.


You should contact your France Travail advisor for more details or consult the France Travail website.