Becoming a buralist

Verified 20 June 2024 - Legal and Administrative Information Directorate (Prime Minister), Ministry of Finance

Two new financial support schemes to compensate buralists

Published on 8 November 2023

Since 19 October 2023, new rules apply to financial assistance from tobacco suppliers. You will find the conditions to benefit from it in our section News.

You want to become buralist ? Either you take over an existing tobacco office or you participate in a call for applications (procedure for setting up a tobacco outlet). We present the information for each of the 2 situations.

Buralist and tobacco dealer, tobacco store and tobacco delivery are synonymous designations.

Resumption of a tobacco office

You must first verify that you meet the prerequisites to be eligible to run a tobacco office.

These criteria are as follows:

  • Being of age
  • Have a blank criminal record on slip 2 (no criminal conviction)
  • To be French, European (EEA) or Swiss
  • Not already running another tobacco store
  • Have a medical check-up giving a favorable opinion on the exercise of the profession of buralist. This visit must be carried out by a doctor approved by the Regional Health Agency (RHA).
  • Not be under guardianship, or trusteeship

You must have a medical examination with a certified medical practitioner by theRegional Health Agency.

The list of accredited doctors is available on the website of theARS: titleContent of your region :


You must commit to to keep the tobacco office during Minimum 3 years.

To be presented as a buyer

You need to identify the tobacco store you want to take back.

The national portal of the retransmission company is available online:

National company Transfer Exchange

The operator who transmit his tobacco office must:

  • to be ofagreement for you transfer his tobacco office,
  • then apply as a future buyer at the regional customs branch (where the tobacco office is located).


You can consult our content dedicated to company recovery.

Obtain a favorable opinion from the Customs Directorate

If the customs department's opinion is favorable, you can begin the process.

If your application is successful, you must complete initial training.

What is initial training?

Initial training is obligatory.

It lasts for 3-4 days.

You have to pay for it. Its cost varies depending on the training centers. It takes about €800.

If you validate this training, you receive one operating permit.


Do not subscribe to the training until the favorable response from customs to your application.

Who should take the training?

Training is mandatory for:

  • The tobacco delivery manager
  • Deputy Speaker
  • Associates in the case of a CNS: titleContent

Where to take the training?

You have to choose your training center.

It has to be approved by the state.

This page below on the Customs website gives the updated list approved training centers which issue the operating permit a tobacco desk.

It exists now 5 centers approved in France.

You can also find the pre-registration form to the training.

Once completed, you can send this document to the training center of your choice.

List of training centers approved by the Customs Directorate to become tobacco wholesalers

Please note

You can also contact the customs department of your region to find training.

Who shall I contact

If your application is successful and you have successfully completed the initial training, you will then sign a stewardship contract with theState.

This contract must be renewed every 3 years.

It is a tacit renewal, that is to say, an automatic renewal.

This renewal is granted if you still meet the same conditions as those required to open or resume a tobacco outlet, and on condition that you undergo continuous training.


To theexception of the partnership (CNS), the legal form of the business is not allowed to run a tobacco office. Only theindividual business (IS) is allowed.

Individual business VID (EI)

The only legal form allowed isindividual business (EI).

The manager is then a natural person.

He is responsible for its professional heritage.

General partnership (SNC)

The CNS: titleContent is theunique a permitted form of business to run a tobacco office.

The conditions however, the following are required:

Obligation to acquire goodwill

To obtain the contract to manage a tobacco office, you must be able to purchase the goodwill associated with him.

The sole trader or the CNS: titleContent must be sole proprietor of the goodwill.

Please note

It exists 3 exceptions the principle of full ownership:

Get a bank loan

If you need a loan to buy the goodwill, you need to be able to bring a large amount of personal money in at the start.

You are entitled to aid to take over a company.

It's you who stare the days and opening hours of your tobacco office.


If you have an associated business (bar, press), the tobacco office must be open at the same time. Conversely, the tobacco office can be opened even if the associated store is closed.

You should not close more than 2 days a week.

These 2 days may or may not be consecutive.

Renewal of the management contract

The renewal of your stewardship contract is by tacit renewal every 3 years if you meet the mandatory requirements.

These conditions are the same as those you meet when opening or taking over a tobacco office.

You must follow a continuing training.

This training helps you update your knowledge. It lasts 1 day.

It must be validated within 6 months before the renewal date of your stewardship contract.

To find training, you can consult the list of approved training centers by the customs directorate.

List of training centers approved by the Customs Directorate to become tobacco wholesalers

You can also contact the customs directorate of your region to find training.

Who shall I contact

Please note

In 2023, continuing education must be followed by managers whose initial contracts were signed in 2020, 2017, 2014, 2011, 2008, 2005, 2002, 1999, 1996, 1993, 1990, 1987 or 1984.

Other obligations of the buralist

The obligations to carry out your business as a stockist are as follows:


To learn how to carry on the activity from a buralist, you can consult our page dedicated tooperation of a tobacco office. In particular, you will find information on the carrot signage, taxation, taxes, supplier credit, etc.

Opening of a new tobacco office

Only the Customs Directorate can decide on the opening of a new tobacco office. You must respond to a call for applications to become a tobacconist at a newly opened tobacco store.

To become a buralist, you must first verify that you meet the following conditions:

These criteria are as follows:

  • Being of age
  • Have a blank criminal record on slip 2 (no criminal conviction)
  • To be French, European (EEA) or Swiss
  • Not already running another tobacco store
  • Have a medical check-up giving a favorable opinion on the exercise of the profession of buralist. This visit must be carried out by a doctor approved by the Regional Health Agency (RHA).
  • Not be under guardianship, or trusteeship
  • Be in individual business VID (EI) or CNS: titleContent composed only of natural persons.

Please note

If your application is successful, you must ask to have a medical examination with a certified medical practitioner by theARS: titleContent. She makes available a list of doctors.


You must commit to to keep the tobacco office during Minimum 3 years.

Where can I find offers for running a tobacco office?

You must consult offers for the management of a tobacco office.

These offers are available on the legal advertisement media. Most offers are available in the regional press.

You can consult the list media (newspapers) in your department that are entitled to publish legal advertisements:

Search for media eligible to publish legal listings by department

How to apply?

You must apply for the offer you are interested in.

You must send your application to the customs directorate of your region.

Who shall I contact

If your application is successful, you must complete initial training.

What is initial training?

Initial training is obligatory.

It lasts for 3-4 days.

You have to pay for it. Its cost varies depending on the training centers. It takes about €800.

If you validate this training, you receive one operating permit.


Do not subscribe to the training until the favorable response from customs to your application.

Who should take the training?

Training is mandatory for:

  • The tobacco delivery manager
  • Deputy Speaker
  • Associates in the case of a CNS: titleContent

Where to take the training?

You have to choose your training center.

It has to be approved by the state.

This page below on the Customs website gives the updated list approved training centers which issue the operating permit a tobacco desk.

It exists now 5 centers approved in France.

You can also find the pre-registration form to the training.

Once completed, you can send this document to the training center of your choice.

List of training centers approved by the Customs Directorate to become tobacco wholesalers

Please note

You can also contact the customs department of your region to find training.

Who shall I contact

If your application is successful and you have successfully completed the initial training, you will then sign a stewardship contract with theState.

This contract must be renewed every 3 years.

It is a tacit renewal, that is to say, an automatic renewal.

This renewal is granted if you still meet the same conditions as those required to open or resume a tobacco outlet, and on condition that you undergo continuous training.

It's you who stare the days and opening hours of your tobacco office.


If you have an associated business (bar, press), the tobacco office must be open at the same time. Conversely, the tobacco office can be opened even if the associated store is closed.

You should not close more than 2 days a week.

These 2 days may or may not be consecutive.

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