Is a self-employed person entitled to unemployment insurance?
Verified 01 April 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
Are you self-employed and want to know if you are entitled to unemployment insurance? We present the conditions under which you can benefit from it.
Which self-employed workers are eligible for unemployment insurance?
If you belong to one of the following categories and meet certain conditions, you will be eligible for unemployment insurance:
- Self-employed person
- Certain insurance agents and business managers (examples: SARL: titleContent, President of LOCK: titleContent)
- Artist-author (e.g. author of literary, dramatic, musical works)
The activities concerned are listed by France Travail (formerly Pôle emploi).
As a self-employed person, when you cease your activity because of a judicial liquidation, you can receive unemployment insurance if you meet all of the following conditions:
- You must have been in self-employment without interruption for at least 2 years in a single company
- You must be registered with France Travail (formerly Pôle emploi) and make the necessary efforts to find a job. Such registration must be made within 12 months of the date of the judicial winding-up which led to the termination of the activity.
- You must have an income above €10,000 in one of the two years of self-employment
- You must account for personal resources of less than €635.71 per month for a single person
if you do not qualify for unemployment insurance, you can take out private insurance.
What is the amount of the allowance?
You can benefit from a allowance the amount of which varies according to your last operating income:
- She's one lump sum equal to €26.30 per day for 182 days (approximately 6 months) from the date of registration with France Travail (formerly Pôle emploi).
- If the average amount of your last income from work is less than the amount of the lump-sum unemployment benefit, this amount is reduced. The minimum amount of the unemployment benefit is fixed at €19.73 per day for 182 days (approximately 6 months) from the date of your registration with France Travail (formerly Pôle emploi)
The income from your business is equal to your turnover less your tax deduction. The amount of the abatement tax differs according to your activity: commercial (71%), artisanal (50%) or liberal (34%).
in Mayotte, the lump sum is equal to €19.73 and the minimum amount is €13.15.
You can deduct contributions from your taxable income.
This deduction shall not exceed 1.875% taxable profit up to €370,944 per year.
How do I apply for an allowance?
When applying for unemployment benefit, you must contact
- one copy of your declaration of cessation of activity
- and a certificate confirming that your business is economically unviable.
This request is to be made to France Travail (formerly Pôle emploi) on your personal space :
Which self-employed workers are eligible for unemployment insurance?
If you belong to one of the following categories and meet certain conditions, you will be eligible for unemployment insurance:
- Self-employed person
- Certain insurance agents and business managers (examples: SARL: titleContent, President of LOCK: titleContent)
- Artist-author (e.g. author of literary, dramatic, musical works)
The activities concerned are listed by France Travail (formerly Pôle emploi).
As a self-employed person, when you cease your activity because of a judicial redress, you can receive unemployment insurance if you meet the following conditions:
- You must have been in self-employment without interruption for at least 2 years in a single company.
- You must be registered with France Travail (formerly Pôle emploi) and make the necessary efforts to find a job. This registration must be made within 12 months from the date of the judicial redress which led to the termination of the activity.
- You must have an income above €10,000 in one of the two years of self-employment.
- You must account for personal resources of less than €635.71 per month for a single person.
if you do not qualify for unemployment insurance, you can take out private insurance.
What is the amount of the allowance?
You can benefit from a allowance the amount of which varies according to your last operating income:
- She's one lump sum equal to €26.30 per day for 182 days (approximately 6 months) from the date of registration with France Travail (formerly Pôle emploi).
- If the average amount of your last income from work is less than the amount of the lump-sum unemployment benefit, this amount is reduced. The minimum amount of the unemployment benefit is fixed at €19.73 per day for 182 days (approximately 6 months) from the date of your registration with France Travail (formerly Pôle emploi)
The income from your business is equal to your turnover less your tax deduction. The amount of the abatement tax differs according to your activity: commercial (71%), artisanal (50%) or liberal (34%).
in Mayotte, the lump sum is equal to €19.73 and the minimum amount is €13.15.
You can deduct contributions from your taxable income.
This deduction shall not exceed 1.875% taxable profit up to €370,944 per year.
How do I apply for an allowance?
When applying for unemployment benefit, you must contact
- one copy of your declaration of cessation of activity
- and a certificate confirming that your business is economically unviable.
This request is to be made to France Travail (formerly Pôle emploi) on your personal space :
How do you determine that the activity is not economically viable?
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You are subject to income tax
Your business is considered economically unviable if you have experienced a decline of at least 30% of your income for your independent activity.
A trusted third party must provide you with an attestation confirming that your business is economically unviable. It shall contain the following elements:
- Your first and last names
- Siret number on your company
- Your social security affiliation as a self-employed person
- Total duration of your self-employment
- Amount of your self-employment income per year
- Decrease in income from activity in amounts and percentages
You are subject to business tax
Your business is considered economically unviable if you have experienced a decline of at least 30% of your income for your independent activity.
A trusted third party must provide you with an attestation confirming that your business is economically unviable. It shall contain the following elements:
- Your first and last names
- Siret number on your company
- Your social security affiliation as a self-employed person
- Total duration of your self-employment
- Amount of your self-employment income per year
- Decrease in income from activity in amounts and percentages
- Tax result of the business over the last two financial years used to establish the unsustainability of the economic activity
Which self-employed workers are eligible for unemployment insurance?
If you belong to one of the following categories and meet certain conditions, you will be eligible for unemployment insurance:
- Self-employed person
- Certain insurance agents and business managers (examples: SARL: titleContent, President of LOCK: titleContent)
- Artist-author (e.g. author of literary, dramatic, musical works)
The activities concerned are listed by France Travail (formerly Pôle emploi).
As a self-employed person, when you stop working because it was not economically viable, you can benefit from unemployment insurance if you meet all the following conditions:
- You must have been in self-employment without interruption for at least 2 years in a single company
- You must be registered with France Travail (formerly Pôle emploi) and make the necessary efforts to find a job
- You must have an income above €10,000 in one of the two years of self-employment
- You must account for personal resources of less than €635.71 per month for a single person
if you do not qualify for unemployment insurance, you can take out private insurance.
How do I apply for an allowance?
When applying for unemployment benefit, you must contact
- one copy of your declaration of cessation of activity
- and a certificate confirming that your business is economically unviable.
This request is to be made to France Travail (formerly Pôle emploi) on your personal space :
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