Individual business to: open a bank account dedicated to the professional activity
Verified 04 August 2023 - Legal and Administrative Information Directorate (Prime Minister)
Individual business When you create a company, you are required to open a bank account dedicated to your business in certain cases.
Opening a professional bank account allows you to Separate your business operations from those you carry out in your personal life.
In addition, a business account can give you access to certain rights and benefits exclusively reserved for professionals, in particular a personalized accompaniment in managing your business account.
Opening a professional bank account is not mandatory at the time of the creation of the company, because there is no deposit of share capital to be made.
It is, however must have a bank account. Your personal account is enough.
However, if your annual turnover exceeds €10,000 lasting 2 consecutive years, you will be required to create a dedicated account to your professional activity.
The dedicated account is not a business account, it is just an account distinct of your personal account and which is dedicated to your activity.
It makes it possible to distinguish between your personal transactions and your business transactions.
As soon as you open a bank account dedicated to your professional activity, you must add your denomination (with the mention Sole Contractor or IS).
You must provide your bank with the following documents:
- ID
- If you work in a business premises: proof of use of the premises (examples: commercial lease, proof of domicile at the manager's address with proof of domicile)
If your bank refuses to open a bank account in your name, she must provide you a certificate or letter of refusal to open an account.
You will then have to get closer to the Banque de France so that it designates a bank that shall be required to to open a bank account for you.
Account Entitlement
Basic Account Benefits
Bank Account Name (EI)