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Online Declaration of a Classified Installation for Environmental Protection (PPI) (Online Service)
Directorate of Legal and Administrative Information (Dila) - Prime Minister
A test to verify that you are not a robot (captcha) will be performed at the end of your step.
Performing this test can be difficult for certain users, in particular those using a screen reader or navigating on the keyboard.
The dematerialized procedure allows you to perform online the following declarations for PCI reportable:
Initial Declaration
Change Declaration (only for changes notable)
Declaration of the benefit of acquired rights
Declaration of cessation of activity
Operator Change Declaration
The declarations (significant changes, grandfathering, change of operator) provided for PCI subject to registration and to authorisation must be carried out at the prefecture.
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
Metropolitan France (including Corsica)
Agricultural or agri-food sector PCI
The service to be contacted is the Departmental Directorate for Employment, Labor, Solidarity and Protection of the Population (DDETSPP)