Chatbot NOA: answer to questions on company creation (aids, social obligations, trademark registration, import/export, taxation) (Online service)

Prefecture of the region of Île-de-France

Conversational agent set up by the prefecture of the region of Île-de-France, with the Île-de-France customs, the Direccte Île-de-France, the Banque de France, Pôle emploi, Driaaf, Ussaf, the police prefecture, the regional public finance directorate and Inpi.

Available 24 hours.

NOA (Orienting us in the Administration) has the mission to facilitate the administrative procedures of start-ups. It is currently competent to answer questions relating to the creation of companies, whether on the available aid, social obligations, trademark registration and import/export or taxation.

Go to the online procedure

Verified 28 October 2019 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

For details, please use the practical information sheets :

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