Démarche en ligne
Portailpro.gouv: single portal to simplify its declarations and payments (Online service)
Ministry of Economy
Portailpro.gouv allows professionals to centralize and consult, in a single space, all of their declarations and payments tax, social and customs administrations.
To benefit from this service, you need link your Portailpro.gouv account to your existing accounts on other portals (impots.gouv, Urssaf, Customs, Net-companies). Attaching your accounts will not remove them from other sites. You will only need to perform this “attach” process once per existing account.
Why use the services of Portailpro.gouv
Once connected to Portailpro, thanks to the account connections, you can:
- Navigate from one portal attached to another without having to re-authenticate. You will need only one password: Portailpro.gouv.
- Have a global view, by company, of the declarations and payments (historic and ongoing) vis-à-vis all the administrations connected through a dashboard and timetable
- Find the history of your exchanges with the different administrations within a secure single messaging
- Go to all entitlements that you manage for these different services
How to link your accounts
To benefit from this service, you need to link your Portailpro account to your existing accounts on other portals (impots.gouv, Urssaf, Customs, Net-companies). Attaching your accounts will not remove them from other sites. You will only need to perform this “attach” process once per existing account.
Please note
To make a declaration or payment process on Portailpro, you must have obtained the right of access (“authorized”) from your third party account (taxes.gouv, Urssaf, Customs, Net-companies). If any clearances are missing, you must approach the portal concerned (e.g., request for authorization to report to the DGFIP).
For details, please use the practical information sheets :
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Verified 04 December 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)