Entertainment Contractor Receipt
Verified 05 April 2024 - Directorate of Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister), Ministry of Culture and Communication
L'live entertainer means any person engaged in the operation of venues for performances, the production or the broadcasting of performances. Since October 2019, the show license has been replaced by a entertainment entrepreneur activity declaration receipt. Depending on the situation, this receipt may be indispensable to carry out such an activity.
What applies to you ?
Entrepreneur established in France
Requirement for Entertainment Contractor to Hold Activity Declaration Receipt is not systematic.
It depends on whether it's a primary activity, a secondary activity, or an occasional activity.
Please note
where the holding of a receipt is mandatory, the receipt number must appear on the posters, leaflets and tickets of the shows. Failure to comply with this obligation shall be punished by an administrative fine of €800 for a natural person and €2,000 for a legal person.
Main activity
The license receipt is obligatory for any private or public structure whose main activity is the production or broadcasting of performances or the operation of performance venues. It doesn't matter whether it's for profit or not.
It exists multiple categories receipts.
Category | Type of activity |
1re | Operator of performance venues for public performances |
2e |
3e |
The same entertainment contractor may hold one or more receipts, depending on its various activities.
Secondary activity
If the organization of shows is not the main activity of the entrepreneur, the organization of shows is considered as a secondary (ancillary) activity.
In this case, the receipt is required only from 7 annual performances. Below 7 performances per year, the entrepreneur has no formalities to accomplish.
Example :
The manager of a hotel, cafe or restaurant (UNHCR) that organizes 10 performances per year must hold a show receipt. Its main activity remains that of the UNHCR.
The term representation is understood in the strict sense of a representation in a place, at a time and for a given show. In other words, the same show given 6 times in the same day, in the same place, counts for 6 and not for 1 performance.
Occasional activity
If the organization of shows is not included in the subject matter of the statutes of the legal person (business, association), the organization of shows is considered as an occasional activity.
In this case, the receipt is required only from 7 annual performances. Below 7 performances per year, there is no formality to accomplish.
Example :
Multi-purpose venues that host 10 performances per year will require a valid receipt for the license. On the other hand, festival committees, initiative unions or municipalities that do not organize more than 6 shows on the occasion of annual festivities are not subject to the obligation to declare.
Artists and technicians must be employed through the one-stop shop for the occasional show (Guso).
the exercise of the profession of live performance entrepreneur without holding a valid declaration receipt may give rise to a administrative fine of €1,500 for a natural person (individual entrepreneur, individual employer) and €7,500 for a legal person (business, association, municipality). The fine may be accompanied by the closure of the establishment(s) for a maximum of 1 year.
To obtain the receipt, the entertainment entrepreneur must to declare its activity and comply with conditions of competence or professional experience.
Declaration of activity
First request
The company activity of live shows is subject to a prior approach in the form of a online declaration. It is after this declaration of activity that the receipt is issued for a renewable period of 5 years to the entertainer.
Live Entertainment Entrepreneur Activity Statement (for Entertainment Entrepreneur Receipt)
However, the statement may be refused by the prefect. This is the case, for example, if the performance entrepreneur does not meet the requirements of competence or professional experience.
The prefect has a deadline of 30 days, from the receipt of a complete and legally valid file, to object to the declaration of activity.
The entertainment contractor, holder of the receipt, must therefore wait until the end of this period before starting business.
The receipt issued must be renewed by the contractor every five years. The request for renewal of the receipt is made online.
Conditions to be met
The performance entrepreneur must meet certain conditions to be accepted. Conditions vary depending on whether the contractor is a natural person (individual contractor, individual employer) or a legal person (business, association, municipality).
Natural person
The entertainer must be major and fill in one of the conditions following:
- Be a graduate of higher education or hold a diploma of the same level enrolled in the national register of professional qualifications
- Have a professional experience of at least 6 months in the live show (artist, technician, administrative in the live show)
- Have completed a minimum of 125 hours of training or have a skill set in live performance
The reporting person must also have followed a show safety training. Finally, the entertainer must not have been the subject of a court order prohibiting the exercise of a commercial activity.
Legal person
The legal person must justify that at least one of its members completes one of the conditions following:
- Be a graduate of higher education or hold a diploma of the same level enrolled in the national register of professional qualifications
- Have a professional experience of at least 6 months in the live show (artist, technician, administrative in the live show)
- Have completed a minimum of 125 hours of training or skill set in live performance
The legal person must also justify that one or more of its members have followed a show safety training. Finally, the body must not have been the subject of a judicial decision prohibiting the exercise of a commercial activity.
If the person responsible for fulfilling the conditions of competence or experience ceases to hold office, the entertainment contractor shall inform the administration thereof. The contractor shall inform him of the name and status of the person replacing him. Such replacement must take place within one month of the departure of the person initially declared.
the prefect may, if he considers that the conditions of competence or experience are no longer fulfilled, oppose the continuation of the activity; and to terminate the validity of the declaration. Entertainment entrepreneurs also risk having their declaration invalidated if they do not respect social, labor or literary and artistic property law.
In an EEA country
Where the entertainer is established in a country of the European Economic Area (EEA) Other than France, the regulations differ depending on whether he wishes to establish himself in France (to set up a company) or temporarily carry on his activity there.
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The entrepreneur is established in an EEA country and wishes to establish himself in France
The entrepreneur already has a license in his country of establishment
The live performance entrepreneur must file an online application for recognition of equivalent title the declaration of a live performance entrepreneur.
The prefect of the region then delivers, in a 1-month period from the time of the application, a declaration receipt for the category corresponding to the title.
Please note
The silence of the Prefect for 1 month from the filing of the application shall constitute recognition of equivalence.
If this application for recognition of equivalence is rejected by the prefect, the entertainment entrepreneur will be required to complete the online declaration of activity and obtain the corresponding receipt.
Live Entertainment Entrepreneur Activity Statement (for Entertainment Entrepreneur Receipt)
The entrepreneur does not have a license in his country of establishment
The performance entrepreneur must complete the online declaration of activity and obtain the corresponding receipt.
Live Entertainment Entrepreneur Activity Statement (for Entertainment Entrepreneur Receipt)
The entrepreneur is established in an EEA country and wishes to give occasional performances in France
The live entertainment entrepreneur who wishes to give occasional performances in France must inform the prefect.
This information must be provided online at least 1 month before the beginning of the fiscal period in France.
It specifies the start date and the duration of the planned financial year in France.
In another country
The live performance entrepreneur who is not established in a country of the European Economic Area (EEA) must comply with 2 following conditions to occasionally carry on business in France:
- Enter into a contract with a live performance contractor holder of a license receipt. This contract must be sent to the prefect at least 15 days before the date of the first performance.
- Inform the prefect online, at least 1 month before the beginning of the financial year in France.
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