Tax for the creation of offices and businesses in Île-de-France (TCBCS-IDF)

Verified 01 January 2025 - Legal and Administrative Information Directorate (Prime Minister), Ministry of city planning

Construction, reconstruction, renovation, transformation or expansion of offices, commercial premises or storage located in Île-de-France give rise to the payment of the tax on the creation of office, commercial and storage premises (TCBCS).

This tax is paid once only during construction or development work. It should not be confused with the annual tax on offices in Île-de-France paid annually.

Taxable work

The tax is collected on the occasion of the building, of the rebuilding or theenlargement office, commercial and storage premises.

Taxable premises must be located in the 8 departments of Île-de-France : Essonne (91), Hauts-de-Seine (92), Paris (75), Seine-et-Marne (77), Seine-Saint-Denis (93), Val-de-Marne (94), Val-d'Oise (95) and Yvelines (78).

The following operations are also treated as the construction of premises :

  • Assignment for use of premises previously assigned for other use
  • Assignment for use of commercial premises of premises previously assigned to use other than offices or commercial premises
  • Assignment for use of storage rooms for premises previously assigned to use other than offices, commercial premises or storage rooms


However, certain offices or premises are not subject to the tax. The premises are as follows:

  • Offices of the liberal professions, ministerial officers such as notaries and commissioners of justice (formerly bailiffs and judicial auctioneers) or associations of law 1901
  • Offices of less than 1,000 m² depending on an industrial establishment
  • Offices forming part of a main accommodation space
  • Premises located in Urban Free Zone (UFZ)
  • Public service premises belonging to the State, regional or local authorities or to public, industrial or commercial establishments
  • Premises of associations recognized as being of public interest
  • Parking areas and corresponding traffic areas
  • Premises intended for research, social or health purposes
  • Premises hosting computer servers

The tax is due by the owner of premises or by holder of a right in rem (usufruct, for example) relating to those premises.

However, if the name of the owner of the premises is not mentioned in the declaration for the calculation of the tax (or if it has not been filed), the tax may be paid by the contracting authority or the person responsible for the works. The latter can then ask the owner for a refund.

In the event of the transfer of the premises before the date on which the tax becomes chargeable (i.e. before 31 December of 3e year), the former owner can ask the new owner for a refund.


this tax is not due only once. It should not be confused with the office taxwhich must be paid each year.

The tax is payable by the owner of the premises from one of the following moments :

  • Issuance of building permits
  • In the absence of prior authorization, commencement of work or change of use of premises

The region of Île-de-France is divided into 4 categories (or districts).

Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement

Paris (75)

Paris falls under the 1era category.

Hauts-de-Seine (92)

Seine-Saint-Denis (93)

The municipalities are listed in the 2e category.

Val-de-Marne (94)

The municipalities are listed in the 2e category.

Seine et Marne (77)

The municipalities forming part of the urban unity of Paris are classified in the 3e category.

The other municipalities are listed in the 4e category.

Yvelines (78)

The municipalities forming part of the urban unity of Paris are classified in the 3e category.

The other municipalities are listed in the 4e category.

Essonne (91)

The municipalities of the Metropolis of Greater Paris are classified in the 2e category.

The municipalities are part of the urban unity of Paris are classified in the 3e category.

The other municipalities are listed in the 4e category.

Val d'Oise (95)

Argenteuil (municipality of Metropolis of Greater Paris) is classified in the 2e category.

The municipalities forming part of the urban unity of Paris are classified in the 3e category.

The other municipalities are listed in the 4e category.

Tax rates

The amount of the tax is fixed (per square meter) according to 2 criteria :

  • Nature of premises : offices, commercial premises or warehouses
  • Category in which the premises are located (except for storage rooms with a single rate)

Please note

Social or sanitary areas made available to staff shall not be taken into account to establish the plate of the tax.

General case
Tableau - Prices 2025 in euros per m² of construction

Types of premises

1e constituency

2e constituency

3e constituency

4e constituency






Commercial premises





Bonded warehouses





In case of category change

Where a Category 1 municipality loses its DSU or FSRIF eligibility, it shall benefit from derogating tariffs for the year following that loss of eligibility and for the following 2 years.

Tableau - Prices 2025 in euros per m2 of premises subject to tariff derogations

Room Type

Premises located in a municipality that lost eligibility in 2022

Premises located in a municipality that lost eligibility in 2023

Premises located in a municipality that lost eligibility in 2024

Office space




Business premises




Storage rooms




Tax cap

The amount of the tax may not exceed 30% acquisition and fitting-out costs of the construction surface, i.e. all of the following costs:

  • Land acquisition cost
  • Land development cost for the transition from raw land to building land
  • Cost of total or partial demolition of the built building

In the case of an application for a building permit

The declaration for the calculation of the tax (cerfa n°14600) must be attached to the application for a building permit before the work is carried out and sent to the town hall.

Declaration for the calculation of the tax relating to the creation of offices and commercial premises in Île-de-France

Who shall I contact
Other situation

For constructions not giving rise to a building permit, the declaration for the calculation of the tax (cerfa n°14600) must be sent directly in 2 copies to the departmental territorial government (DDT) ordepartmental territorial unit.

Declaration for the calculation of the tax relating to the creation of offices and commercial premises in Île-de-France

Who shall I contact

Within the following month completion of the works, a supplementary statement (cerfa n°46-0390) must also be sent in 3 copies by the developer to the town hall.

Notice of assessment shall be issued before 31 December of the 3e year following the issue of the building permit, the filing of the prior declaration, or otherwise the commencement of works.

Declaration of Completion of Work - Tax on the Establishment of Offices or Commercial Premises

Who shall I contact

Please note

if the construction area initially declared has not been fully constructed, the fee may be reduced at the request of the person liable for payment.