Creating a business: Writing and Saving Statuses
Verified 06 April 2023 - Legal and Administrative Information Directorate (Prime Minister)
Making available to a business, property other than money. They may be movable property (machinery, office equipment, etc.) or real estate (premises, warehouse, etc.).
Ownership of the capital of a business, held by a member, and entitled to a pecuniary interest in the profits
Set of fundamental rules and principles of law
Corresponds to the totality of the activities carried out by a business or company
Sum of money distributed to shareholders or partners following the dissolution of a business
The statutes constitute the social, fiscal and legal rules of the company. The statutes shall be drawn up between the fixing of the amount of the share capital and the deposit of the share capital. It is when the statutes are signed that the business is formed. Individual business If you are creating a person or micro-company, you do not have to write statuses.
What applies to you ?
Who writes the bylaws?
General case
Statutes may be drawn up by the sole member of the company.
You can call on a legal professional. For example: lawyer, accountant, commissioner of justice (former bailiff and judicial auctioneer).
The drafting of statutes by a legal professional costs between €1,000 and €2,500.
It may be an act by a notary, but it is not mandatory.
To help you in the drafting of your statutes, BPI France provides a status template for a EURL: titleContent :
An explanatory note is also available to help you draft your articles:
Explanatory note to properly draft the statutes of a SARL/EURL
Contributions of immovable property to share capital
When a contribution of real estate to the capital of your company is made, the articles of association must be drafted by a notary.
Drafting of statutes costs between €1,000 and €2,500.
Who shall I contact
Who signs the statutes?
Statutes must be signed by the company's sole partner.
What information should be included in the statutes?
The following particulars shall obligatory be present in the articles of association:
- Name of company
- Legal form
- Address of registered office
- Contribution of each partner
- Amount of share capital
- Social purpose (these are its main activities)
- Lifetime
- Evaluation of each contribution in kind
- Manager Name
It is then up to the single partner to determine all the rules relating to the operation and management of the company, such as:
- Rules on the transmission and transfer of shares
- Powers of the manager
- In the case of a share lease (a contract by which you lease your shares), mention of this contract
- Decision-making procedures
- Arrangements for dissolving the company
If the articles of association were drawn up by a notary, the name and address of the notary must also be included.
You can add additional information, such as how your company works (identification, management, control, decision-making rules).
These rules shall be free as long as they are not contrary to public order. For example, it is not possible to choose as social object from the company to arms smuggling, for example.
Should documents be attached as an appendix to the articles of association?
You may, if desired, attach the following documents:
- List of preparatory acts for the creation and start-up of the company (they include the amounts and dates of the costs incurred by the founders up to the signing of the articles of association)
- Rules and regulations to simplify or supplement the rules already present in your statutes
If contributions in kind to the share capital of your company have been made, it is mandatory to attach the report of the Commissioner for Contributions as an annex to your articles of association.
Should the company's statutes be registered?
Yeah. Yeah.
Registration on the company formalities window
You will register your statuses at the registration of your company on the company formalities window.
Registration with the company Tax Office
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
Articles drawn up by a bailiff or notary
Articles of Association containing a contribution of immovable property
You have to register your status with the services in charge of property advertising of the location of the building.
This can be done by e-mail or on site at the property advertising department on which you depend.
Other situations
You must register your articles of association with the Departmental Registration Department (SDE) of the company's registered office.
You can do this by sending an e-mail to the service you depend on or by presenting yourself directly on the spot.
Who shall I contact
Articles of Association containing a transfer of goodwill
You must register your articles with the departmental registration department (SDE) of the place of the business.
You can do this by sending an e-mail to the service you depend on or by presenting yourself directly on the spot.
Who shall I contact
Statutes containing a transfer of social rights
You must register your status with the Departmental Registration Service (SDE) of the place of registered office.
You can do this by sending an e-mail to the service you depend on or by presenting yourself directly on the spot.
Who shall I contact
Publication of the statutes
Once you have registered your articles of association on the company formalities window, you must publish your articles of association in a legal listing support.
Who writes the bylaws?
General case
Statutes may be written by the partners.
You can call on a legal professional (lawyer, notary...) to draft the statutes of a business.
Drafting articles by a legal professional costs between €1,000 and €2,500.
It may be an act written by a notary, but it is not mandatory.
To help you in the drafting of your statutes, BPI France has made available a model of statutes for a SARL: titleContent :
An explanatory note is also available to help you draft your articles:
Explanatory note to properly draft the statutes of a SARL/EURL
Contribution of immovable property to share capital
In the event of a contribution of a real estate property to the capital of the business, the articles of association must be drawn up by a notary.
Drafting of statutes costs between €1,000 and €2,500.
Who shall I contact
Who signs the statutes?
Statutes must be signed by all partners in your business.
What information should be included in the statutes?
The following particulars shall obligatory be present in the articles of association:
- Name of company
- Legal form
- Address of registered office
- Contribution of each partner
- Amount of share capital
- Social purpose (these are its main activities)
- Lifetime
- Terms of subscription for shares in industry
- Share distribution
- Evaluation of each contribution in kind
- Name of manager(s) and associates
It is then up to you and your associates to determine all the rules relating to the operation and management of your company, such as:
- Rules on the transfer and disposal of shares
- Powers of managers
- In the case of a share lease (you or one of your partners may lease its shares through a lease), mention of the contract
- Arrangements for taking decisions at meetings of members
- Arrangements for dissolving the business
If the articles of association were drawn up by a notary, the name and address of the notary must also be included.
You can add additional information, such as how your company works (identification, management, control, decision-making rules).
These rules shall be free as long as they are not contrary to public order. You can't choose as social object on your business, arms smuggling, for example.
Should documents be attached as an appendix to the articles of association?
You may, if desired, attach the following documents:
- List of preparatory acts for the creation and start-up of the company (they include the amounts and dates of the costs incurred by the founders up to the signing of the articles of association)
- Rules and regulations to simplify or supplement the rules already present in your statutes
- Covenants of shareholders or members which fix relations between them on matters not mentioned in the articles of association
If contributions in kind to the share capital have been made, it is compulsory to attach the report of the Commissioner for Contributions as an annex to the articles of association.
Should the business' statutes be registered?
Yeah. Yeah.
Registration on the company formalities window
These statuses must be registered at the time of the registration of your company on the company formalities window.
Registration with the company Tax Office
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
Articles drawn up by a bailiff (now called the Commissioner of Justice) or a notary
Articles of Association containing a contribution of immovable property
You have to register your status with the services in charge of property advertising of the location of the building.
This can be done by e-mail or on site at the property advertising department on which the business depends.
Other situations
You must register your articles of association with the Departmental Registration Department (SDE) of the company's registered office.
You can do this by sending an e-mail to the service you depend on or by presenting yourself directly on the spot.
Who shall I contact
Articles of Association containing a transfer of goodwill
The articles of association must be registered with the departmental registration department (SDE) of the place of the business.
This can be done by sending an email to the service the business depends or directly on the spot.
Who shall I contact
Statutes containing a transfer of social rights
You must register your status with the Departmental Registration Service (SDE) of the place of registered office.
You can do this by sending an e-mail to the service you depend on or by presenting yourself directly on the spot.
Who shall I contact
Publication of the statutes
Once the statutes have been registered on the company formalities window, they must be published in a legal listing support.
Pre-drafting stage: draft statutes
The draft statutes must be signed by one or more founders.
A copy of this draft must then be filed in the commercial court of the place of the registered office of the business.
It is only after this stage that the final statutes can be drafted.
Who writes the bylaws?
General case
The articles of association may be drawn up by the shareholders of the business.
It may be an act written by a notary.
The drafting of statutes by a legal professional (lawyer, notary...) costs between €1,000 and €2,500.
Contribution of immovable property to share capital
In the case of a contribution of immovable property to the capital of the business, the articles of association must be drawn up by a notary.
Drafting of statutes costs between €1,000 and €2,500.
Who shall I contact
Who signs the statutes?
The articles of association must be signed by all the shareholders of the business.
What information should be included in the statutes?
Certain provisions must obligatory be present in the statutes of your company:
- Name of your company
- Legal form of your company
- Address of your company's registered office
- Contribution of each shareholder
- Amount of share capital
- Social purpose of your business (these are its main activities)
- Life of your business
- Assessment of contributions in kind
- Appointment of the first administrators
- Rules concerning directors: for example, maximum and minimum number of directors, term of office, age limit, dismissal rules
- Rules concerning the Chairperson of the Board of Directors (e.g. age limit, limitations of powers)
- Rules concerning shareholder meetings (e.g. possibility of remote meetings, rules on decision-making)
If the articles of association were drawn up by a notary, the name and address of the notary must also be included.
You can add additional information, such as how your company works (identification, management, control, decision-making rules).
It's up to you and your shareholders to decide what rules you want to put in your articles of association.
These rules are quite free as long as they are not contrary to public order.
For example, you cannot choose as social object on your business, arms smuggling.
Should documents be attached as an appendix to the articles of association?
You may, if desired, attach the following documents:
- List of preparatory acts for the creation and start-up of the company (they include the amounts and dates of the costs incurred by the founders up to the signing of the articles of association)
- Rules and regulations to simplify or supplement the rules already present in your statutes
- Covenants of shareholders or members which fix relations between them on matters not mentioned in the articles of association
If contributions in kind to the share capital have been made, it is mandatory to attach the report of the Commissioner for Contributions as an annex to your articles of association.
Should the business' statutes be registered?
Yeah. Yeah.
Registration on the company formalities window
You will register your statuses at the registration of your company at the formalities desk of the companies on which your business depends.
Registration with the company Tax Office
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
Articles drawn up by a bailiff (now called the Commissioner of Justice) or a notary
Articles of Association containing a contribution of immovable property
You have to register your status with the services in charge of property advertising of the location of the building.
This can be done by e-mail or on site at the property advertising department on which you depend.
Other situation
You must register your articles of association with the Departmental Registration Department (SDE) of the company's registered office.
You can do this by sending an e-mail to the service you depend on or by presenting yourself directly on the spot.
Who shall I contact
Articles of Association containing a transfer of goodwill
You must register your articles with the departmental registration department (SDE) of the place of the business.
You can do this by sending an e-mail to the service you depend on or by presenting yourself directly on the spot.
Who shall I contact
Statutes containing a transfer of social rights
You must register your status with the Departmental Registration Service (SDE) of the place of registered office.
You can do this by sending an e-mail to the service you depend on or by presenting yourself directly on the spot.
Who shall I contact
Publication of the statutes
Once you have registered the statuses, you must publish them in a legal listing support.
Pre-drafting stage: draft statutes
You must establish a draft statutes.
It must be signed by one or more founders.
A copy of this draft must then be filed in the commercial court of the place of the registered office of the business.
Who shall I contact
Only then can you write your own final statutes.
Who writes the bylaws?
General case
Statutes may be drawn up by shareholders.
It may be a document drawn up without the presence of a notary or a document drawn up by a notary.
The drafting of statutes by a legal professional costs between €1,000 and €2,500.
Contributions of immovable property to share capital
When a contribution of immovable property to the capital of the company is made, the articles of association must be drawn up by a notary.
The drafting of statutes by a legal professional costs between €1,000 and €2,500.
Who shall I contact
Who signs the statutes?
The articles of association must necessarily be signed by all the shareholders of the business.
What information should be included in the statutes?
Certain provisions must obligatory be present in the statutes of your company:
- Name of your company
- Legal form of your company
- Address of your company's registered office
- Contribution of each shareholder
- Amount of share capital
- Social purpose of your business (these are its main activities)
- Life of your business
- Assessment of contributions in kind
- Appointment of the first members of the Supervisory Board
- Rules concerning the members of the Supervisory Board (e.g. maximum and minimum number of directors, term of office, age limit, dismissal rules)
- Rules concerning the members of the Executive Board or the single Managing Director (e.g. age limit, limitations of powers)
- Rules concerning delegated directors (e.g. number, age limit, scope of their powers)
- Rules on shareholder meetings (e.g. possibility of remote meetings, rules on decision-making)
If the articles of association were drawn up by a notary, the name and address of the notary must also be included.
You can add additional information, such as how your company works (identification, management, control, decision-making rules).
It's up to you and your shareholders to decide what rules you want to put in your articles of association.
These rules shall be free as long as they are not contrary to public order.
For example, you cannot choose as social object on your business, arms smuggling.
Should documents be attached as an appendix to the articles of association?
You may, if desired, attach the following documents:
- List of preparatory acts for the creation and start-up of the company (they include the amounts and dates of the costs incurred by the founders up to the signing of the articles of association)
- Rules and regulations to simplify or supplement the rules already present in your statutes
- Covenants of shareholders or members which fix relations between them on matters not mentioned in the articles of association
If contributions in kind to the share capital have been made, it is mandatory to attach the report of the Commissioner for Contributions as an annex to your articles of association.
Should the business' statutes be registered?
Registration on the company formalities window
You will register your statuses at the registration of your company from the formalities center of the companies on which your business depends.
Registration with the company Tax Office
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
Articles drawn up by a bailiff (now called the Commissioner of Justice) or a notary
Articles of Association containing a contribution of immovable property
You have to register your status with the services in charge of property advertising of the location of the building.
This can be done by e-mail or on site at the property advertising department on which you depend.
Other situation
You must register your articles of association with the Departmental Registration Department (SDE) of the company's registered office.
You can do this by sending an e-mail to the service you depend on or by presenting yourself directly on the spot.
Who shall I contact
Articles of Association containing a transfer of goodwill
You must register your articles with the departmental registration department (SDE) of the place of the business.
You can do this by sending an e-mail to the service you depend on or by presenting yourself directly on the spot.
Who shall I contact
Statutes containing a transfer of social rights
You must register your status with the Departmental Registration Service (SDE) of the place of registered office.
You can do this by sending an e-mail to the service you depend on or by presenting yourself directly on the spot.
Who shall I contact
Publication of the statutes
Once you have registered the articles of association, you must also publish them in a legal listing support.
Who writes the bylaws?
General case
Statutes can be written by your business' associates.
It may be a document drawn up without the presence of a notary or a document drawn up by a notary.
The drafting of statutes by a legal professional costs between €1,000 and €2,500.
Contribution of real estate to share capital
When a contribution of real estate to the capital of your business is made, the articles of association must be drafted by a notary.
Drafting of statutes costs between €1,000 and €2,500.
Who shall I contact
Who signs the statutes?
The articles of association must necessarily be signed by all the members of the business.
What information should be included in the statutes?
The general rules concerning the SAS are very flexible, you have a great autonomy in the drafting of your statutes.
The drafting of your statutes is essential and it is important to pay special attention to them.
The following particulars shall obligatory be present in the articles of association:
- Name of company
- Legal form
- Address of registered office
- Contribution of each partner
- Amount of share capital
- Social purpose (these are its main activities)
- Lifetime
- President or the leaders of your SAS
It is then up to you and the shareholders to determine all the rules relating to the operation and management of your company, such as:
- Decision-making procedures
- Powers of officers and the President
- Terms of subscription and distribution of shares in your business
If the articles of association were drawn up by a notary, the name and address of the notary must also be included.
You can add additional information, such as how your company works (identification, management, control, decision-making rules).
These rules shall be free as long as they are not contrary to public order.
For example, you cannot choose as social object on your business, arms smuggling.
Should documents be attached as an appendix to the articles of association?
You may, if desired, attach the following documents:
- List of preparatory acts for the creation and start-up of the company (they include the amounts and dates of the costs incurred by the founders up to the signing of the articles of association)
- Rules and regulations to simplify or supplement the rules already present in your statutes
- Covenants of shareholders or members which fix relations between them on matters not mentioned in the articles of association
If contributions in kind to the share capital have been made, it is mandatory to attach the report of the Commissioner for Contributions as an annex to your articles of association.
Should the business' statutes be registered?
Yeah. Yeah.
Registration on the company formalities window
You will register your statuses at the registration of your company on the company formalities window.
Registration with the company tax office
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
Articles drawn up by a bailiff (now called the Commissioner of Justice) or a notary
Articles of Association containing a contribution of immovable property
You have to register your status with the services in charge of property advertising of the location of the building.
This can be done by email or you can move to the property advertising department on which you depend.
Other situation
You must register your articles of association with the Departmental Registration Department (SDE) of the company's registered office.
You can do this by sending an e-mail to the service you depend on or by presenting yourself directly on the spot.
Who shall I contact
Articles of Association containing a transfer of goodwill
You must register your articles with the departmental registration department (SDE) of the place of the business.
You can do this by sending an e-mail to the service you depend on or by presenting yourself directly on the spot.
Who shall I contact
Statutes containing a transfer of social rights
You must register your status with the Departmental Registration Service (SDE) of the place of registered office.
You can do this by sending an e-mail to the service you depend on or by presenting yourself directly on the spot.
Who shall I contact
Publication of the statutes
Once you have registered the articles of association, you will need to publish them in a legal listing support.
Who writes the bylaws?
General case
Statutes can be written by your business' associates.
It may be a document drawn up in the presence of a notary or a document drawn up by a notary.
The drafting of statutes by a legal professional costs between €1,000 and €2,500.
Contribution of immovable property to share capital
When a contribution of real estate to the capital of your business is made, the articles of association must be drafted by a notary.
Drafting of statutes costs between €1,000 and €2,500.
Who shall I contact
Who signs the statutes?
The articles of association must necessarily be signed by all the members of the business.
What information should be included in the statutes?
The following particulars shall obligatory be present in the articles of association:
- Name of company
- Legal form
- Address of registered office
- Contribution of each partner
- Amount of share capital
- Social purpose (these are its main activities)
- Lifetime
- Name of partners and manager(s)
It is then up to you and your associates to determine all the rules relating to the operation and management of your company, such as:
- Appointment of one or more managers
- Powers of the manager(s)
- Arrangements for taking decisions at meetings of members
- Dissolving or survival of the business
If the articles of association were drawn up by a notary, the name and address of the notary must also be included.
You can add additional information, such as how your company works (identification, management, control, decision-making rules).
These rules are quite free as long as they are not contrary to public order.
For example, you cannot choose as social object on your business, arms smuggling.
Should documents be attached as an appendix to the articles of association?
You may, if desired, attach the following documents:
- List of preparatory acts for the creation and start-up of the company (they include the amounts and dates of the costs incurred by the founders up to the signing of the articles of association)
- Rules and regulations to simplify or supplement the rules already present in your statutes
- Covenants of shareholders or members which fix relations between them on matters not mentioned in the articles of association
If contributions in kind to the share capital have been made, it is mandatory to attach the report of the Commissioner for Contributions as an annex to your articles of association.
Should the business' statutes be registered?
Yeah. Yeah.
Registration on the company formalities window
You will register your statuses at the registration of your company on the company formalities window.
Registration with the company Tax Office
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
Articles drawn up by a bailiff (now called the Commissioner of Justice) or a notary
Articles of Association containing a contribution of immovable property
You have to register your status with the services in charge of property advertising of the location of the building.
This can be done by email or you can move to the property advertising department on which you depend.
Other situation
You must register your articles of association with the Departmental Registration Department (SDE) of the company's registered office.
You can do this by sending an e-mail to the service you depend on or by presenting yourself directly on the spot.
Who shall I contact
Articles of Association containing a transfer of goodwill
You must register your articles with the departmental registration department (SDE) of the place of the business.
You can do this by sending an e-mail to the service you depend on or by presenting yourself directly on the spot.
Who shall I contact
Statutes containing a transfer of social rights
You must register your status with the Departmental Registration Service (SDE) of the place of registered office.
You can do this by sending an e-mail to the service you depend on or by presenting yourself directly on the spot.
Who shall I contact
Publication of the statutes
Once you have registered the statuses, you must publish them in a legal listing support.
Who writes the bylaws?
General case
Statutes can be written by your business' associates.
It may be a document drawn up without the presence of a notary or a document drawn up by a notary.
The drafting of statutes by a legal professional costs between €1,000 and €2,500.
Contribution of immovable property to share capital
When a contribution of real estate to the capital of your business is made, the articles of association must be drafted by a notary.
Drafting of statutes costs between €1,000 and €2,500.
Who shall I contact
Who signs the statutes?
The articles of association must be signed by all members of the business.
What information should be included in the statutes?
The following particulars shall obligatory be present in the articles of association:
- Name of company
- Legal form
- Address of registered office
- Contribution of each partner
- Amount of share capital
- Social purpose (these are its main activities)
- Lifetime
- Name of partners
- Amount or value of the shares of all members
- Overall share of general partners and limited partners in profit distribution and in the liquidation bonus
It is then up to you and your associates to determine all the rules relating to the operation and management of your company, such as:
- Arrangements for the transfer of shares
- Powers of limited partners and limited partners
- Arrangements for taking decisions at meetings of members
- Dissolving or survival of the business
If the articles of association were drawn up by a notary, the name and address of the notary must also be included.
You can add additional information, such as how your company works (identification, management, control, decision-making rules).
These rules are quite free as long as they are not contrary to public order.
For example, you cannot choose as social object on your business, arms smuggling.
Should documents be attached as an appendix to the articles of association?
You may, if desired, attach the following documents:
- List of preparatory acts for the creation and start-up of the company (they include the amounts and dates of the costs incurred by the founders up to the signing of the articles of association)
- Rules and regulations to simplify or supplement the rules already present in your statutes
- Covenants of shareholders or members which fix relations between them on matters not mentioned in the articles of association
If contributions in kind to the share capital have been made, it is mandatory to attach the report of the Commissioner for Contributions as an annex to your articles of association.
Should the business' statutes be registered?
Yeah. Yeah.
Registration on the company formalities window
You will register your statuses at the registration of your company on the company formalities window.
Registration with the company Tax Office
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
Articles drawn up by a bailiff (now called the Commissioner of Justice) or a notary
Articles of Association containing a contribution of immovable property
You have to register your status with the services in charge of property advertising of the location of the building.
This can be done by email or you can move to the property advertising department on which you depend.
Other situation
You must register your articles of association with the Departmental Registration Department (SDE) of the company's registered office.
You can do this by sending an e-mail to the service you depend on or by presenting yourself directly on the spot.
Who shall I contact
Articles of Association containing a transfer of goodwill
You must register your articles with the departmental registration department (SDE) of the place of the business.
You can do this by sending an e-mail to the service you depend on or by presenting yourself directly on the spot.
Who shall I contact
Statutes containing a transfer of social rights
You must register your status with the Departmental Registration Service (SDE) of the place of registered office.
You can do this by sending an e-mail to the service you depend on or by presenting yourself directly on the spot.
Who shall I contact
Publication of the statutes
Once you have registered the statuses, you must publish them in a legal listing support.
Who writes the bylaws?
General case
Statutes can be written by your business' associates.
It may be a document drawn up without the presence of a notary or a document drawn up by a notary.
The drafting of statutes by a legal professional costs between €1,000 and €2,500.
Contribution of immovable property to share capital
When a contribution of real estate to the capital of your business is made, the articles of association must be drafted by a notary.
Drafting of statutes costs between €1,000 and €2,500.
Who shall I contact
Who signs the statutes?
The articles of association must necessarily be signed by all the members of the business.
What information should be included in the statutes?
The following particulars shall obligatory be present in the articles of association:
- Name of company
- Legal form
- Address of registered office
- Contribution of each partner
- Amount of share capital
- Social purpose (these are its main activities)
- Lifetime
- Name of the first manager(s)
- Amount or value of shares all partners
- Overall share of general partners and limited partners in profit distribution and in the liquidation bonus
It is then up to you and your associates to determine all the rules relating to the operation and management of your company, such as:
- Arrangements for the transfer of shares
- Rules concerning managers (e.g. age limit, designation, powers)
- Rules concerning the members of the Supervisory Board (e.g. age limit, powers)
If the articles of association were drawn up by a notary, the name and address of the notary must also be included.
You can add additional information, such as how your company works (identification, management, control, decision-making rules).
These rules are quite free as long as they are not contrary to public order.
For example, you cannot choose as social object on your business, arms smuggling.
Should documents be attached as an appendix to the articles of association?
You may, if desired, attach the following documents:
- List of preparatory acts for the creation and start-up of the company (they include the amounts and dates of the costs incurred by the founders up to the signing of the articles of association)
- Rules and regulations to simplify or supplement the rules already present in your statutes
- Covenants of shareholders or members which fix relations between them on matters not mentioned in the articles of association
If contributions in kind to the share capital have been made, it is mandatory to attach the report of the Commissioner for Contributions as an annex to your articles of association.
Should the business' statutes be registered?
Yeah. Yeah.
Registration on the company formalities window
You will register your statuses at the registration of your company on the company formalities window.
Registration with the company Tax Office
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
Articles drawn up by a bailiff (now called the Commissioner of Justice) or a notary
Articles of Association containing a contribution of immovable property
You have to register your status with the services in charge of property advertising of the location of the building.
This can be done by email or you can move to the property advertising department on which you depend.
Other situation
You must register your articles of association with the Departmental Registration Department (SDE) of the company's registered office.
You can do this by sending an e-mail to the service you depend on or by presenting yourself directly on the spot.
Who shall I contact
Articles of Association containing a transfer of goodwill
You must register your articles with the departmental registration department (SDE) of the place of the business.
You can do this by sending an e-mail to the service you depend on or by presenting yourself directly on the spot.
Who shall I contact
Statutes containing a transfer of social rights
You must register your status with the Departmental Registration Service (SDE) of the place of registered office.
You can do this by sending an e-mail to the service you depend on or by presenting yourself directly on the spot.
Who shall I contact
Publication of the statutes
Once you have registered the statuses, you must publish them in a legal listing support.
Who writes the bylaws?
General case
Statutes can be written by your business' associates.
It may be a document drawn up without the presence of a notary or a document drawn up by a notary.
The drafting of statutes by a legal professional costs between €1,000 and €2,500.
Contribution of immovable property to share capital
When a contribution of real estate to the capital of your business is made, the articles of association must be drafted by a notary.
Drafting of statutes costs between €1,000 and €2,500.
Who shall I contact
Who signs the statutes?
The articles of association must necessarily be signed by all the members of the business.
What information should be included in the statutes?
The following particulars shall obligatory be present in the articles of association:
- Name of company
- Legal form
- Address of registered office
- Contribution of each partner
- Amount of share capital
- Social purpose (these are its main activities)
- Lifetime
- Method of administration
- Powers of directors or managers
- How to control your cooperative's operations
- Arrangements for amending the statutes or for winding-up
- Rules concerning members: admission, cancelation, exclusion for example
It is then up to you and your associates to determine all the rules relating to the operation and management of your company, such as:
- Decision-making procedures
- Terms and conditions of the shares (e.g. issue, related benefits, subscription)
If the articles of association were drawn up by a notary, the name and address of the notary must also be included.
You can add additional information, such as how your company works (identification, management, control, decision-making rules).
These rules are quite free as long as they are not contrary to public order.
For example, you cannot choose as social object on your business, arms smuggling.
in the case of a variable capital cooperative, you are not required to set a maximum amount of capital in your articles of association.
Should documents be attached as an appendix to the articles of association?
You may, if desired, attach the following documents:
- List of preparatory acts for the creation and start-up of the company (they include the amounts and dates of the costs incurred by the founders up to the signing of the articles of association)
- Rules and regulations to simplify or supplement the rules already present in your statutes
- Covenants of shareholders or members which fix relations between them on matters not mentioned in the articles of association
If contributions in kind to the share capital have been made, it is mandatory to attach the report of the Commissioner for Contributions as an annex to your articles of association.
Should the business' statutes be registered?
Yeah. Yeah.
Registration on the company formalities window
You will register your statuses at the registration of your company on the company formalities window.
Registration with the company Tax Office
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Articles drawn up by a bailiff (now called the Commissioner of Justice) or a notary
Articles of Association containing a contribution of immovable property
You have to register your status with the services in charge of property advertising of the location of the building.
This can be done by email or you can move to the property advertising department on which you depend.
Other situation
You must register your articles of association with the Departmental Registration Department (SDE) of the company's registered office.
You can do this by sending an e-mail to the service you depend on or by presenting yourself directly on the spot.
Who shall I contact
Articles of Association containing a transfer of goodwill
You must register your articles with the departmental registration department (SDE) of the place of the business.
You can do this by sending an e-mail to the service you depend on or by presenting yourself directly on the spot.
Who shall I contact
Statutes containing a transfer of social rights
You must register your status with the Departmental Registration Service (SDE) of the place of registered office.
You can do this by sending an e-mail to the service you depend on or by presenting yourself directly on the spot.
Who shall I contact
Publication of the statutes
Once you have registered the statuses, you must publish them in a legal listing support.
Document template