Securing a debt by pledging a goodwill
Verified 27 May 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
The pledge of goodwill allows a business or head of company to guarantee a professional debt to a creditor or the professional debt of a third party. Depending on how the pledge was set up, it is either conventional (from a contract) or judicial (ordered by the judge at the request of a creditor).
Conventional pledge
Who can be pledged?
The pledge of goodwill is a guarantee which can be used by a business or head of company to guarantee a occupational debt. In general, the creditor go ask the debtor to provide a guarantee for to ensure payment of the debt.
The individual entrepreneur (IS) or the business who pledges his business is called the constituent.
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Sole trader
The individual entrepreneur can guarantee the payment of his own debt with the pledge of his business.
The grantor who is proprietor of the hedge fund keep possession of it. It shall retain its enjoyment and may continue to carry on its business. However, the tenant-manager cannot pledge the goodwill it operates because it does not own it.
A Liberal fund cannot be pledged.
The constituent business may be the debtor itself. In other words, it can guarantee the payment of its own debt. It is represented by its leader.
It is also possible that the constituent business is not the debtor. For example, a business may pledge the goodwill it holds to secure the debt of another business with which it is associated.
The grantor is proprietor of the hedged goodwill and keep possession of it. Thus, it retains its enjoyment and can continue to carry on its activity.
In order for a business to be able to pledge its goodwill, it is necessary that the CEO requests permission from the partners. In the case of public limited-liability companies, the authorization of the pledge shall be given by the board of directors or the supervisory board.
The articles of association may restrict the manager's right to subscribe a pledge on behalf of the business.
What kind of debt can be secured by collateral?
The pledge may relate to any type of debt, including a future debt. For example, a bank may ask a business to provide a guarantee to ensure that its bank account remains positive. As soon as the balance turns negative, the debt grows. On the other hand, the convention must specify the information which will enable clearly identify the debt.
Can a goodwill be pledged multiple times?
A goodwill can be pledged multiple times to different creditors.
In this case, it is the order in which the pledges are recorded that will determine the order in which the claims are paid (from the oldest to the most recent).
Where a goodwill is pledged, the pledge may include on the next items :
- Sign and trade name
- Right to lease
- Customers and traffic
- Commercial furniture
- Equipment or tools used for the exploitation of the land
- Patents of invention
- Licenses
- Brands
- Industrial designs and related intellectual property rights
If nothing is specified in the pledge, it contains only the brand and trade name, the right to lease, the customer base and the traffic.
Where the branches are included in the collateral, each branch must be clearly identified as having its registered office.
The constituent elements of a craft fund are the same as those of a business fund.
To be valid, the collateral must be established by a authentic instrument or private.
It shall contain the following elements:
- Designation of secured debt
- Designation of the goodwill and its component parts
- Value of goodwill
- Price of each goodwill item
Where the act is concluded privately, it may be drawn up in electronic form.
So that the pledge can be enforceable, it is necessary to enter the pledge in the register of security rights and other related transactions. This listing makes the pledge public.
If the pledge agreement was drafted by a notary, it is up to him to take the steps to publish the pledge. The grantor and the creditor may decide otherwise.
The creditor or notary must send the original or a copy of the pledge at one of the registries following:
- Registry of the Commercial Court in which the grantor is principally registered in SCR: titleContent
- For Alsace-Moselle: Registry of the judicial tribunal ruling judicially competent according to the place in which the grantor is principally registered with the RCS
If the act in question is a authentic instrument, he will have to send a shipment of the deed. He must also attach to these documents the registration form of the pledge (in 2 copies if the request is made by mail):
Trade fund pledge privilege registration slip
Who shall I contact
Please note
The registration which allows the publication of the pledge shall not be not obligatory but it makes it possible to give it backenforceable.
The entry in the register shall be valid for a 10-year term. Before the end of this period, the creditor must submit an application for renewal, otherwise the collateral will be written off. The request for renewal must be made at registry which entered the pledge using the following form:
Trade Fund Pledge Renewal Form
In case of modification of collateral, the creditor must apply to the registry which entered the pledge for registration of an amendment to the pledge. He must send the relevant note and indicate information to which the application for amending registration relates, the date of initial registration and sound serial number :
Change of Warranty Request Form for goodwill
It is possible that the hedged goodwill contains industrial property rights. These include, for example, a trademark, patents and designs attached to the goodwill. In this case, additional formalities must be carried out.
It is necessary to make a declaration to the National Institute of Industrial Property (Inpi). A copy of the pledge agreement between the owner of the goodwill (and the trademark) and the creditor must be mailed. You must also attach the certificate intended for Inpi given by the registry of the Commercial Court or the Judicial Court (Alsace-Moselle).
Who shall I contact
When the debtor does not pay the debt secured by the pledge, the creditor may apply to the court for forced sale of the goodwill. The latter must apply to the commercial court of the place of exploitation of the goodwill. It must inform the debtor and the third party settlor who pledged its goodwill (if any) and wait 8 days before it can proceed to a public auction. The latter must be carried out by a Commissioner of Justice or a sworn goods broker.
The creditor cannot ask for the goodwill to be given to him in payment.
Once the pledged debt has been fully paid by the debtor (principal debt, interest, etc.), the collateral must be written off the personal security registry and other related transactions.
The creditor must send the debit slip to the Registry of the Commercial Court or the Judicial Court (Alsace-Moselle)who posted the pledge. It must also indicate the date of entry of the pledge and its serial number:
Write-off slip pledge goodwill
Any other person may also request the cancelation of the pledge. The person must attach to the cancelation slip one of the following supporting documents:
- Proof that the parties agree that the pledge should be written off
- Court decision requesting the cancelation of the pledge
- Document recording the sale of the shares pledged with the receipt recording payment of the price and a copy of the extract from the entries in the specific register
The cost of the radiation varies depending on the type of radiation made. It can be total or partial.
Judicial pledge
The pledge of goodwill is a guarantee which can be used by a business or head of company to guarantee a occupational debt.
The judicial pledge allows the creditor to apply to the judge to secure his claim.
He must ask the judge for authorization to pledge the goodwill. In order for the pledge to exist, the judge must order its inclusion in a decision. Before making his decision, the judge will check the Next 2 points :
- Validity of the claim (its conformity with the rules of law)
- Threat in the recovery of the claim. In other words, the risk that the debtor will not be able to pay the debt
The decision may be rendered by the enforcement judge or the president of the commercial court.
The owner of the hedged goodwill retains possession of it. In other words, he retains the benefit of the goodwill and can thus continue his professional activity.
A Liberal fund cannot be pledged.
What elements of the goodwill can be pledged?
Where a goodwill is pledged, the pledge may include on the next items :
- Sign and trade name
- Right to lease
- Customers and traffic
- Commercial furniture
- Equipment or tools used for the exploitation of the land
- Patents of invention
- Licenses
- Brands
- Industrial designs
If nothing is specified in the pledge, it contains only the brand, trade name, lease entitlement, customer and goodwill.
When the branches are included in the pledge, the seat of each must be indicated.
The constituent elements of an artisanal fund are the same as those of a business fund.
Can a goodwill be pledged multiple times?
The goodwill can be pledged several times for different creditors.
In that case, it's the order of registration collateral that will determine the payment order (from oldest to newest).
The creditor may find himself in any of the following :
- Either he has a enforceable title, a non-enforceable court decision or evidence of non-payment of a bill of exchange accepted, of a promissory note, check or rent (with lease). In this case, he does not need the authorization of the judge to request the registration of the pledge.
- Either he does not have one of the documents cited above. In that case, he has to make a application for judicial authorization. It may be issued by one of the following authorities:
- President of the Commercial Court of the place of residence of the debtor
- for Alsace-Moselle: enforcement judge of the court of the place of residence of the debtor
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Used with permission
1. Provisional registration
The creditor shall make a provisional publication not later than 3 months after authorization by the judge. This publication shall be made by means of the entry by the Registry of the Commercial Court of the pledge in the register of security rights and other related transactions.
He must submit his application to the Registry of the Commercial Court in which the debtor is registered in the Trade and businesses Register (RCS):
He must attach to his application the registration slip for the legal guarantee of goodwill (in 2 copies in case of sending by mail) with a dispatch the order authorizing registration.
Provisional court registration slip for the pledge of goodwill
The period of validity of the provisional registration shall be3 years but it can be renewed. If no confirmation or renewal is made within this period, the provisional entry shall lapse and the cancelation of the pledge may be requested by the judge.
In the case of Alsace-Moselle, the proceedings are to be carried out in the court of the place of registration of the debtor.
Who shall I contact
2. Informing the debtor
The creditor then 8 days from provisional registrationfor to inform the debtor by act of commissioner of justice.
This act shall contain the following elements:
- Copy of the order of the judge under which the security was taken. In the case of a notarized obligation or a claim on the part of the State, regional or local authorities or their public bodies, the date, nature and amount of the debt must be indicated.
- Indication that the debtor may request the release of the pledge (i.e. the cancelation of the pledge). It must be in very visible characters.
- Reproduction of certain articles of the Code of Civil Enforcement Procedures
The debtor has 1 month to contest the pledge.
3. Final registration
Once the creditor has obtained an enforceable title from the judge, he has 2 months to proceed to final registration at the Registry of the Commercial Court.
Who shall I contact
The creditor must submit his application by final entry form of the pledge of goodwill (in 2 copies if sent by post):
Final registration form for the judicial pledge of goodwill
In the case of Alsace-Moselle, the proceedings are to be carried out in the court of the place of registration of the debtor.
Who shall I contact
1. Provisional registration
The creditor must make a provisional publication. This publication shall be made by means of the entry by the Registry of the Commercial Court of the pledge in the register of security rights and other related transactions.
He must submit his application to the Registry of the Commercial Court in which the debtor is registered in the Trade and businesses Register (RCS):
He must attach to his application the registration slip for the legal guarantee of goodwill (in 2 copies in case of sending by mail) with a dispatch the enforceable title requesting the pledge.
Provisional court registration slip for the pledge of goodwill
The period of validity of the provisional registration shall be3 years but it can be renewed. In the absence of confirmation within this period, the provisional registration shall lapse, i.e. it shall no longer be valid. Removal from the register of security rights of that security right may be requested by the court.
2. Informing the debtor
The creditor then 8 days from provisional registrationto inform the debtor by act of commissioner of justice.
This act shall contain the following elements:
- Copy of the enforceable title under which the security was taken. If it is a notarized obligation or a claim on the part of the State, regional or local authorities or their public establishments, the security is not necessary. However, the date, nature and amount of the debt must be indicated.
- Indication that the debtor may request the release of the pledge (i.e. the cancelation of the pledge). It must be in very visible characters.
- Reproduction of certain articles of the Code of Civil Enforcement Procedures
3. Final registration
The debtor disposes 1 month to contest the pledge. At the end of that period, the creditor then 2 months to make the final entry at the registry of the commercial court which made the provisional entry.
Who shall I contact
The creditor must attach to his application the final registration form for the pledge of goodwill (in 2 copies in case of sending by post):
Final registration form for the judicial pledge of goodwill
In the case of Alsace-Moselle, the proceedings are to be carried out in the court of the place of registration of the debtor.
Who shall I contact
When the debtor does not pay the debt secured by the pledge, the creditor may apply to the court for forced sale of the goodwill. The latter must apply to the commercial court of the place of exploitation of the goodwill. It shall inform the debtor and the third party settlor who pledged its goodwill (if any) and wait 8 days before it can proceed to a public auction. The latter must be carried out by a Commissioner of Justice or a sworn goods broker.
The creditor cannot ask for the goodwill to be given to him in payment.
Once the pledged debt has been fully paid by the debtor (principal debt, interest, etc.), the collateral must be written off the personal security registry and other related transactions.
The creditor must send the debit slip to the commercial court registry who posted the pledge. It must also indicate the date of entry of the pledge and its serial number:
Write-off slip pledge goodwill
Any other person may also request the cancelation of the pledge. To do so, it must attach one of the following supporting documents to the debarment note:
- Proof that the parties agree that the pledge should be written off
- Court decision requesting the cancelation of the pledge
- Document recording the sale of the shares pledged with the receipt recording payment of the price and a copy of the extract from the entries in the specific register
The cost varies depending on the type of radiation (total or partial).
Pledge rules applicable to the pledge
Judicial pledge: judicial authorization or enforceable title
Judicial pledge: provisional disclosure
Judicial pledge: final disclosure
Order of preference
Document template
Document template
Document template